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Everything posted by augie

  1. Oh, 2 last thoughts. I'm sure there was a way to quick disconnect those lines from the wheel and just use the tiller during a foray. You'll see they are not lashed to the tiller but rather to a ring on the tiller. That would eliminate jumping rope whilst carrying cannonballs. Also Mark--- my apologies. Medway was a 60 gunner, not a 74. I corrected that last nite. Either way, I myself probably would have jumped overboard.
  2. Thanks Tim. Yes, I remember this photo. I'll mention 2 things to close this out. The binnacle, which is right in front of the wheel on my model, is not fixed permanently to the deck. It is lashed down with the intent of removing it for action. Also, notice on the model you've pictured, there is no binnacle and the wheel is more forward toward the hatch. So what was 100% accurate will always be open to question. There is a similar issue with the capstan bars as they extend well over the hatch coaming when deployed. Syren was not all that large a ship and, as we all know, the military (even to this day) does not necessarily design war machines with human convenience in mind. OK, good discussion. Thanks to all who chimed in. (Sjors, there's snow to be shoveled and yards of yards to rig).
  3. Turns out you're right about useless cannon Mark. If the account I've read is correct, Syren had the unfortunate luck of running into HMS Medway, a 60 gunner. Discretion being the better part of valor, she turned tail and ran. Now we all know displacement hull speed is a a function of water line length so, in an attempt to gain more speed Syren lightened ship by throwing everything overboard ......I assume this included the guns. No luck.....she was captured.
  4. Appreciate all the interest and comments. Back on the old MSW 1.0, Chuck had his prototype build log......all 148 pages. There were several pages of discussion on the gun placement and the tiller lines. Suffice to say there were mixed opinions, Chuck did it this way and I followed his lead. Keith- yes, the blocks are stropped to eyebolts on the bulwarks and the wheel works.
  5. Nice use of the old multiple-background approach, Harlequin. She looks good! I empathize with your trying to find the right setting. I've just about given up on getting detailed shots on the running rigging. But we'll keep trying!
  6. I'm working on it Ben!!!!! Keith- that;s the best photo of that area I am ever going to get. Let's have another look: OK, if you look closely, there are 6 blocks involved. Two are stropped to the wales and one to the tiller, each side. Starting from the wheel hub it runs through a block then aft to another block. Then over to the tiller and back. It is one continuous line. I hope that clarifies it.
  7. John- Still working on rigging the yards. Thanks for asking! Keith- There are closeups of that area at the bottom of pg.1 and top of pg.2 The wheel is not scale......but I like it.
  8. Well, that's it! Some logs go to the dogs, on others juggling clowns mystically appear along with monks and some become a colorful fashion show. But this takes the cake. My log has gone down the proverbial cr_ _ _ er . ABANDON HOPE, ALL YE WHO ENTER HERE!!!!
  9. Sjors- With input from Canada, the UK and USA you're still in the dark???? Perhaps Australia can provide needed assistance!
  10. Well done, Andy. Sjors- the date also is the same as Candlemas in Europe which also is supposed to predict the end of winter. You might be more familiar with that holiday.
  11. Sherry- I am sorry to hear about your brother and sincerely hope that he improves. I like Paul's comment about your 'way with wood'. You certainly have it as do most on MSW. It's a mysterious thing when you think about it...how some are drawn to it..... Enough musing. CARRY ON!
  12. Looks great in the natural light Ron. You'll enjoy the rigging as you watch her 'grow'. Don't really know if you should try wrapping string around the local pretty ladies though
  13. That's a lot of work. I'm sure you will be taking your time to fair the bulkheads to get a smooth run of your planks. Looking forward to seeing that.
  14. The worst part is the darned Groundhog predicted an early Spring. I'm thinking groundhog STEW! Use car wax on your shovel---- the beeswax comment was to add a nautical flair
  15. Yup, snow. Sunday night through Wednesday! No gardening here!!!!! Instead, I'm waxing up the snow shovel --- I use the same beeswax I do for rigging. Keeps the snow from sticking to the shovel. I'm like Rameyke.......I want water in the high rivers.......good for the fish!!!!
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