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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by augie

  1. I know you are more comfortable (perhaps) with a solid hull but your work here is very, very close to what you want. In fact it really shines in my eye for about 90% of the planked hull. I think the comments on both fairing and wood are valid. I applaud your current effort and know that sooner or later you will come up with a POB model you're satisfied with. The effort you've made is incredible to me.
  2. Mobbsie --- Rumour has it that you may have convinced you-know-who to add Agamemnon to his fleet. I am beginning to feel slightly surrounded as one of you would certainly have the weather gage
  3. It's a shame....she was quite a ship. I guess it's time for the school kids to kick in their lunch money. I remember doing that back in the 50's a few times but I'll be darned if I remember for what vessels.
  4. This has got to be tough. Do you have any leeway at all to sand just a hair midships on the lower belt?
  5. . No, you're not doing anything wrong. A lot of folks recommend wearing gloves. That just helps me break the dowels. There was a reason for me not to become a surgeon !!!!
  6. Thanks Patrick. But I depend on the burning sensation to alert me to when I've already ruined the piece. No sense wasting time making it even worse
  7. Yes, Confed is a beauty and I appreciate all those who have spoken out in support of her. She's still in the running, especially now that Sjors has made his long awaited, world-wide announcement that he is going to build Agammemnon. He's going to have more guns than the entire US Navy (albeit they will fire only cotton balls). I wonder if he will mount it on top of his existing double decker Le Mirage/San Ildefonso ? No decisions until the anchor cables go on Syren. I'm having all I can handle right now making yards.....seemingly yards of them! There's smoke coming out of my drill and I have more blisters on my fingers from hanging on then Mark Taylor has from typing 1000+ posts
  8. Agammenon was Nelson's ship before he was given HMS Victory. And I believe she was his favorite ! Sjors- Appreciate the offer to stay over and we know it's genuine. May be flying over your house in Sept. but can't bailout for a visit
  9. Terrific job on the crow's nest. You should be proud, Sjors. And now Mobbsie has convinced you to do the Aggie ???? Holy smokes!!!! I'm going to need to schedule a trip to Schiedam to visit the Anja & Sjors Maritime Museum. Fantastic choice. Not that I don't like Spanish and French ships mind you. But there's nothing like a good, sturdy British Man o' War (unless it's American). All great news from you ----- I can sleep soundly tonight.
  10. Nice going Wayne. My pet peeve was the switch to green. Back in my sailing days I remember the following descriptions: Red Buoy - A fuzzy black object seen on the horizon Black Buoy- A fuzzy black object seen on the horizon Green Buoy - An invisible object usually not seen on the horizon.
  11. Sounds like a good reason to have charts on board.......and to find a good pilot with local knowldege!
  12. I think Chuck intends to do a rigging plan at some point. But he has a lot on his plate. His Winchelsea is going to be spectacular. Only time will tell.
  13. I am no longer talking to you as those quarter galleries are so perfect I am about to jump off a bridge. It's embarrassing . But seriously, yours add a whole new dimension to an already beautiful piece of work. Carry on, mate!
  14. Surprise, surprise......a Beerfest! Better living through Chemistry . I see you've given Constitution quite a bit of thought already. Like you, I've been thinking some alternate woods for my next build. Looks like folks have had some really good experiences with the suppliers listed on here and the bassword I used on this build was marginal, at best. Niagara looks great. Tough getting pics when they hit this size and you're trying to show different aspects. Occupational hazard! On getting lines to flow......this is a problem. What I do is first stretch the lines either by hanging them with some weight attached or by clamping an end down, pulling taught and then clamping the other end. I can't tell you how long----it depends on the line. Long enough so it doesn't spring back when you release it. On Morope I do the same but it ALWAYS maintains some 'spring'. Then I wax it with beeswax and rub it in good. I might then draw it through a paper towel moistened with 91% isopropanol. At this point it should lay flat and be pretty supple. But to be honest it's still tough to get a natural swag. So I may positon it and let it sit a few days with LIGHT weight on it...like an alligator clip or two. At this point, praying seems to help. Now one fellow on here suggested something I haven't yet tried....... once it's more or less 'set' hit it with hairspray. This sounds logical but also perhaps a mess once it's on board. Just things to think about.
  15. Confed is 'on the list'. All depends on size of fully rigged Essex (long story). Besdes, there are too many nice Confederacy's already and yours will be still another.
  16. Thanks for posting the photos, Jeff.
  17. I'm weighing the possibilities Popeye. No, not Supply. Need to get further down the road on Syren first and I'm waiting to see what the ME Essex finally looks like.
  18. May as well go for the gusto. The Constitution is a beauty...a LOT more going on then our 2 current builds. But I'm glad you chose her. Briddoch has a beautiful build in progress on here (as you probably know). I'm undecided. The new ME 'Essex' may be it.....provided they ever release it AND they put out a rigging kit. The trouble is that both she, and your Constitution, are 5/32". I wish they were 1/48!!!!!
  19. Thanks Frank. Time for you to be thinking of the next build???? And thanks to Dan, Grant and Patrick for stopping by. Patrick- posted a question over on your great Niagara log on YOUR next build. Hey Thomas ---- everyone has other stuff going on. And it doesn't get any better when you retire. In fact, I often wonder how I ever had the time to work :D . Your 'golden years' will come. Do not, I repeat, DO NOT be in a hurry.
  20. Thanks Sherry That's a good thought Floyd. I tried a medium blue and it didn't work. I'll bring in the Base Commander.....she has a mountain of fabrics on 'her side' of the shop. But first I need her to embroider a tiny flag for my baby
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