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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by augie

  1. I have been wondering what you might come up with to occupy the next few weeks while you wait for Essex. Now the answer has arrived. Best of luck in this new endeavor, Bob. I'll tag along, quietly.
  2. It's 1223GMT here on 3/23. Site just came back up for me and I have some catching up to do. My apologies if I miss anyone! Sjors ---- Yes, lots of discussion. Patrick is going at his standing rigging hammer and nail. Andy is off to Thunder Bay. I've taken 2 days 'off' to shovel snow (more to come!) and you (apparently) are over run by clowns juggling cannonballs. Will endeavor to continue Syren as soon as arms stop shaking from muscle fatigue . B.E --- Thanks for stopping by. Yes, the further along I get on this project the better she looks. In essence it's because of the lines of the ship. She is a true beauty in my eye and Chuck's design does her proud. It's amazing to me how we all have our favorites and see things differently. I'm sure we all share a 'sweet spot' for HMS Victory (the epitome of a wooden fighting ship) and our US Constitution (ahem ) . But my personal favorite is HMS Medway which is the very same shipped that chased down, and captured, my Syren. Funny how life works. PS- Both Andy and yourself have brought alive my appreciation of Pegasus.
  3. Happy to hear that. Have some heavy weather building through the mid US right now. Looks like Spring is taking the slow boat in. Hope you don't get hit up there. Take care!
  4. So that's how it goes. Certainly looks sturdy and functional. I would not have imagined that. Nice work.
  5. Andy- are you able to keep in touch while you're out? Place just isn't the same without you.
  6. Off to a good start Sarah. Whole different ballgame, isn't it? Take your time, and as Jim Lad told me, be careful reaching around things. You've mastered everything so far----you'll do the same here.
  7. You're in luck. I've got to take 2 days off from the shop. Get ahead so I can see what's coming!!!!
  8. That's a LOT of progress. Well done. I like that figure as well. You are FAST. I sped up when I got to the longboat. Built it in 45 minutes with 2 coats of paint (used a roller)
  9. Nice work on the boom and gaff. I like the sheaves you have there. Rigging looks good. Sorry about the tiller but it looks fine now!!! You're right--- we are looking very similar!
  10. I may be wrong, but a year ago there were no Harriet Lane's on the Forum. Now we've got two coming down the stretch. Great work Wayne ( Sarah too!).
  11. Looking forward to seeing the hull sanded, Mobbsie. Should work out fine. Oh, you are using the clothespins backwards. Do not try to dry your clothes with the pins in that orientation
  12. John - It's the glasses that are the problem! I tend to forget they are there (magnifiers included). And the Base Commander frowns upon wearing them at the dinner table. But fear not ....... I keep hearing your advice ...... 'work from the other side and be careful reaching around '. I'm not worried about taking a flying jib in the eye. I have another one.......eye that is Patrick -- moving along at 'All ahead Slow'. Will keep ya posted.
  13. The time you spend laying out a belaying plan certainly won't be wasted and could save some headaches later on.
  14. Yeah, your right. It's colder up here but it's a 'dry cold'. Always feels like 75 F. Hahahahahahahaha
  15. Thanks Anja and Mobbsie. But the pilot is still in there (I had to run downstairs to check) . You cant see him under the top wing!
  16. Thank you Russ, Frank, Dan, Andy and Sjors. Your comments are always appreciated. John - thanks for the reminder. A bigger probem for me is sticking my face into the rigging while working on the inside opposite side of the hull. Should be a riot once the yards are set! That's still a ways out.
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