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Everything posted by JohnLea

  1. Much easier to pirate figures than ship models. Less than $100. for the rubber and resin plus the cost of the casting from the original caster. It is/was a bit of a plague.
  2. There is a wealth of information here. I model vicariously by reading the various blogs. Look around while you are deciding on your next steps.
  3. If for some reason you want to avoid Model Expo, have a look at the NRG’s Half Hull project https://thenrgstore.org/
  4. Been there and still am there. It is a shame. I don't have enough experience to advise on beginner kits but you have landed on the top ship modeling forum and help and advice will be forth coming. Stand by.
  5. I bought this thing a while back. Like most of my tools it has been rarely used if at all. Seems to me that the blade could be replaced with a straight one.
  6. I like the "This is what I have done." but I really really like "This is how I did it". Thanks
  7. Probably varies from manufacturer to manufacturer like most countries.
  8. Sound advice I have seen here is to buy tools when you need them for a specific purpose. I have purchased a number of "have to haves" and never really used them.
  9. Never occurred to me but this is something to consider.
  10. Good question. I have decided you have to stay in the game at this point, even if the game is mediocre. I still buy stuff from time to time but it isn't as im[portant as it used to be. I confess that I am not doing much other than checking in to this forum. I have both. I think my choice would be the table saw.
  11. I bought one of these last year and put it aside. A day ago, I took it out and charged it. The charging lights show as a full charge but it won't turn on nor will it light up. It almost seems as if there is a combination of button pushes to get it going but if that is in the manual, I missed it. Any suggestions?
  12. In my experience, Byrnes is top drawer.
  13. Jack,

    Did you put any wax or other finish of the Lee Valley work surface?




    John Lea

    1. Jack12477


      I sealed it with wipe on poly. 

    2. JohnLea


      Bingo!  Thanks.

  14. Bonjour! Comment ca va?
  15. Give some thought to future clamping space and/or angles. I didn't and had to redo some.
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