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Everything posted by JanV

  1. things happens. I assume everyone has this once or more during a build. could be by others or by him/here self. Matti, I keep following your build and I am realizing that the differences between the Corel and Billingboats kit are defininately there.
  2. adjusted the correct locations of the canons and then made the openings furthermore also continued with the galleries
  3. finalized this part after over 500 pieces of wood
  4. thanks for visiting my log Anja and to all who liked my posts weatherforecast for today will promisse a lot of modelbuilding time instead of sitting in the sun so hopeful my family will not disturb me so I can stay in my workshop today
  5. today finalized the first part of the railing hopeful to finalize the last decks by tommorow
  6. this looks great. I assume you are now ready for the preparations of the masts and rigging
  7. Hi Andre, I have read several build logs for this kit, but never noticed this difference for the lions. maybe this "standard" lion from Corel was changed but never theless most attributes are having changes when you look to the original. I decided to use these as it is and not bother anymore about these differences. for the changes between the kit and the real build everyone is making his own changes looking to some parts of the original and learning from other builders. PS: is that yellow you are using looking greenish by your camera or is it also in good light looking greenish? what color did you use?
  8. finally glued the attributes on the bow and continued with the railing
  9. openings made for the canons and a dry-fit for the structures in the bow
  10. continued with the paintingwork soldiers of the Royal garde are poping by
  11. Hi Ferit, I took the time today to read your buildlog after seeing you visiting the Wasa build logs of Michael and Matti, This looks great. I will keep following your progress.
  12. Thanks for passing by Matti. updates will come, this week I expect to have some extra time available for this build, but after next week (enjoying a week holiday), I am going to slow down, as my boss requires me then to be back to work and I expect to have some trips abroad.
  13. finally i got time/permission to continue with the paintings work furthermore started with finalizing the railing and a dryfit for the first canon to mark the correct point for making the opening. noticed that I also have to paint the canons
  14. Hello Matti, good to see you here also. I followed your discussions on the Yahoo-group with FredH Once seen the Vasa in real gives you a virus for building almost an equal model. I am building the Corel version at this time with several modifications. I am sure you will check my buildlog also.
  15. Thanks Jan for these links, I thought I saw the complete site of the Museet, but I must for sure also check the Swedish part in detail.
  16. very nice Peter. I have build the same once but than in scale 1:10 but based on rescaled drawings of the Billings kit this one was supposed to be a sailing RC model, but in the building process I forgot to add an extra keel so it is now a static model
  17. in the Old MSW there was a topic from a Swedish person (Robbox?) with several nice pictures of the painted model in scale 1:10 in the Vasa Museum does anyone perhaps has a copy of this topic or these pictures my only good source for the colors is now this website: http://www.modelships.de/Museums_and_replicas/Vasa-Museet-Stockholm/Photos-Vasa-model.htm
  18. great job Andre, I will keep following you. as you might have noticed I am building the same kit (I assume this is also originally the Corel kit)
  19. thanks for sharing this link Michael, I had noticed this some time ago but forget to save this link in my favorites
  20. I see also a lot of simularities with other kits in the used figures, this was one of the points I already noticed in the selection phase of this kit. this will not be 100% correct according the original, only the items which can be changed I will change. (see earlier discussions in 2011/2012 on our Dutch Forum) the Lion will be golded, so I used the yellow as a primer
  21. in order to prepare all parts for the bow section, I figured out that the figures need to be mounted before finalizing the wooden parts. I prepared a box to be used as spraycabine and first sprayed these items with a layer "primer". after that the basic color with normal Humbrol paint.
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