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Everything posted by egkb

  1. is it a Hyuga Class Helicopter carrier Nigel.. though I think the photo must be reversed as the 'Island' is on the Stbd side normally.. Stay Well Eamonn
  2. Well Done Nigel.. Suirbheir it is !! that's it, I taking a photo of a pedalo in the local duck pond next time.. or an RNLI Lifeboat.. evil laugh !! Eamonn OK Bud you are up next..
  3. I think the Faux Slip-way's always look great. you could even put in a 'mirrored base' to show cut-away details more easily.. should look amazing whichever way you go Mark ! Stay Well Eamonn
  4. Capt. Steve last time I thought I'd found a really devilishly hard one Nigel had been watching a You Tube clip about someone's Model of the same ship only a day or so earlier !!.. can't win E
  5. All Righty Then.. Give this one a lash and see how ye all get on ! Identifying marks etc removed (Her name for example would just would make it way too easy ) Though somehow I don't think it will take toooo long Stay Well Folks Eamonn
  6. Ok folks back from work.. I'll take a looksee shortly and post a Name the Ship !! best get your thinking caps on Stay Well Eamonn
  7. Have a great Week-End also Ollie (Tis a Bank Holliday W/End here.. Woo Hoo) Stay Well Eamonn
  8. Thanks Slog.. It was just a guess (but it looked right ) Am in work shortly so if you want to post another question then please go ahead (to keep things running along smoothly as it will be much later this evening before I can do so.. it is 8.15 am here at the moment) Stay Well Eamonn
  9. Just in from work.. off the top of the head she looks like Sir Galahad or the like from the Falklands War.. All The Best Eamonn
  10. Really coming together now mate.. the rigging always makes things look right, she's a beaut ! Stay Well Eamonn
  11. Hi Gang, I have another wee update to Ballier ! The Timber Heads are in place and painted (photo below) Thanks B.E. , Ollie , Jason , Bob & Dee_Dee for the kind words and all the Likes too ! Yea I have a pretty wide smile on the ol' face over here in Ireland, as much relief as anything to have gotten past the major construction phase relatively unscathed.. it is sooo true what I have read here on MSW that problems on wooden boat builds can be fixed fairly easily! thankfully Still a bit of Clean-Up work required on the paintwork, but not too much.. the Rudder will be set free from it's wooden surround shortly and installed.. but that will be a few days away yet as work gets in the way again. Question Time.. Tree Nailing ! it is almost time to give the Deck & Bulwarks some freckles .. any suggestions folks (I see a lot of methods on here, but if anyone has a sure fire way of doing them I would be only too happy to try!! ) Stay Well Folks Eamonn
  12. Okey Dokey.. Photos as promised ('cos I'm nice like that you see ) Cap Rails in place (bit of a faf there as they didn't fit so I had to lengthen them slightly.. about 5mm .. Oh and did I mention the weird asymmetry! well it reared it's head again, so a bit of cap rail nudging was required to make it conform to the bulwark shape !! am beginning to think it was there from the very beginning. Oh Well, 'tisn't so bad really ) Painted all the new stuff and inside the gun ports (needs to have a 2nd coat at least, and I may end up cracking open some of my mighty filler stock to smoothen them off. That's us up to date folks, thanks for looking in on Little 'ol Ballahoo. Stay Well Eamonn
  13. Hi Bob.. Photos tomorrow, Promise !! am off to Maleficent now (that's the new Angelina Jolie flik) Thanks for popping by.. Stay Well Eamonn
  14. By The Way.. I've just cut out the 4 Full Height Gun Ports and opened out the Anchor Holes ! Cap Rails have been sanded and await painting ! All go on Ballahoo.. will need a little lie down at this rate Stay Well Eamonn
  15. Hey There Kester.. Long time no hear Yea, those pesky wee 'glitch's' hopefully will vanish amidst the deck/bulwark furniture & fittings (that specific one to which I alluded will surely get caught up in the Fore Belaying pin ropes etc.. he says hopefully ) Good to hear from you again ! Thanks too to all the 'Like Buttoners' always much appreciated ! Stay Well Eamonn
  16. Thanks Nigel & and for the info B.E. it is no small relief to have gotten this far relatively unscathed just a little Nervous Twitch here or there !!.. Nigel 'Go Fasters' would be below 'Furry Dice in the Wheel House' and above 'Noise Maker on the Exhaust Pipes in the Funnel' or 'Pimped Out Stereo in the Radio Room' in the Book of Nautical Terminology.. am sure I saw them there some time ago.. Thanks for popping by guys Stay Well Eamonn
  17. Thanks for stopping by Joe & Holty (not sure how much you'd get from me as your Lady N is wonderful, I'm pretty much making it up as I go.. ) The Go Fasters are Beech Dee_Dee and the rest Maple, Bluenose looks snazzy with them, especially with the King Plank too ! the contrasts you achieve are really rather beautiful . All The Best Folks.. Stay Well Eamonn Oh and thanks to Nigel for his excellent use of the Go Faster Stripes phrase !!
  18. Hi Holty, I think it might sit flat on the deck (could be wrong here) and is for strength ! a bit like a Breasthook (breasthooks tend to be up at Cap Rail height on smaller rowing boats etc ) Please wait for someone more knowledgeable to confirm or deny this though Stay Well Eamonn Lady N is looking good by the way !!
  19. Latest Copy of Clamps Pegs & Pins available.. The new cover photo is shown below !! All Righty Then I got the Spirketting done and all that is needed now is to shape it at the Aft Gun Ports Port & Stbd as it sits a little proud and to open out the Hawse Pipes (Anchor Holes) I knocked up a couple for the transom also (not sure if these are right or not but they seem to work) Next up is painting inside the gun ports and giving the bulwarks a final coat also.. Stay Well Folks. Eamonn
  20. Would love to see some photos of the Lighthouse Casey, oh and even here in Ireland right next door to Cornwall Model Boats I have had two weeks or more waiting time !! it would appear that they sometimes take orders without actually having the stock in place (even though 'In Stock' may be indicated on the Web Site) Worry not though it always arrived eventually .. Stay Well Eamonn
  21. Hi Casey, I'm well used to waiting on the Postman for Timber supplies !! you have my commiserations Looking good though! All The Best Eamonn
  22. Nice touch Jim, I haven't even looked that far ahead yet, but suspect that I'll follow suit ! Stay Well Eamonn
  23. Wow that pear wood does look the biz Nigel, seems to produce a lovely sharp edge. The Black Tissue is wonderful too (gives a very subtle appearance) All The best Mate E
  24. Thanks Lawrence, I have just finished giving the deck what I think is it's final sanding, will hopefully be installing the Spirketting and doing the final cutting out on the Fore most and Aft most gun ports tomorrow. Thanks for stopping by. Eamonn
  25. And we have a winner.. Well Done Capt. S. 'tis indeedy the Ben-My-Chree (or in English 'Woman of my Heart' as hinted by Captain Steve ) Over to you Captain.. E
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