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Everything posted by egkb

  1. That's Brilliant Kester.. Well I'm Legging-it as we speak, tis almost dinner prep time.. Have a Great Day Folks See Ye All After The Long Weekend. Eamonn
  2. Beautiful work Mark.. nice Explanation of using glue & sawdust to fill gaps, it's a tip we hear used often but nice to hear it explained for us novices .. Have a great weekend Eamonn
  3. Very Very Cool Ollie... Me Likee ! (let me know when you start to take orders ok !!) All The Very Best Mate Eamonn
  4. Brilliant stuff Gregor, I think your 'modern rig' should look marvellous !! great use for the wheel by the way.. All The Best Eamonn
  5. Ahh the old Glutonus Punishmentus... Hmmm Seems Legit .. Nice to know it is a recognised condition Bud.. All The Best Nigel Eamonn
  6. Thanks Kester, There must be something seriously wrong with me as I can't wait to get stuck into Margining/Joggling again .. Take Care Mate Eamonn
  7. Thanks Bindy, I was all set to go Margining when a friend paid me a visit.. 5 hours later it was too late to go Margining.. Next day something similar.. 'tis a conspiracy I tells ya'.. and now it's the Easter Long Weekend so Zero building days (I work this Saturday and have visitors tomorrow.. Yup deffo a conspiracy! Have a Great Weekend Bindy and all Ballahoo Visitors. Eamonn
  8. That shape is really visible now Bud.. she looks almost as though you are building a wall, with the various blocks on top of one and other Have a great Week End ok Eamonn
  9. The airbrush finish should be snazzy Jim ! I've taken the weekend off from The Ballier Take Care Mate Eamonn
  10. Thanks for looking in Holty and for the compliment ! Have taken a couple of days off from the build due to life getting in the way, but should be back to those pesky Margins shortly.. All The Best Eamonn
  11. Nice.. that looks the absolute business Mark ! All The Best Eamonn I always found those doors with hinges on both sides a nightmare to open..
  12. Sounds like a nice way to spend the morning Jim, are there anymore historic vessels over in your neck of the woods ? Eamonn
  13. Just Spotted that it is Jims Birthday today... Happy Birthday Jim.. Woo Hoo Take Care Bud Eamonn
  14. Hi again Guys, I missed out on a quiet a bit of fun there as I was out last night.. But just to go back to Kesters post about The Anchor Cable possibly interfering with the use of the Horses, remember you wouldn't be using the horse to sheet sails whilst at anchor.. and in the process of anchoring you would be head to wind, almost by definition 'In Irons', so the fore sails would effectively be on the centre line if they were still up that is.. The cable would probably have been Flaked up and down the deck prior to dropping the anchor to allow it to 'run' freely without obstruction or kinking, and the higher Horse (how many hands?) would certainly have not interfered with this.. Hmmmm interesting discussion ! All The Best Folks Eamonn Which Horse is running in Newmarket at 2.30 .. any tips Sorry Gregor!
  15. Nice. thanks for that Dee_Dee.. now where do I get Dollar Bills.. Hmmmmmm! BTW Joggling is going about as well my training to be the first person to free-dive the Marianas Trench.. Just Kiddin, I'm really only getting started All The Best Eamonn
  16. Thanks for getting back to me Kester, I think we got our wires crossed there a little.. I mistook your confirming with Nigel to mean you were agreeing that there was a Rudder Coat on Deck ! We'll get to the bottom of this 'Deck Rudder Coat' eventually and if I have to give up on Joggling to do so then I will.. that's how committed to a solution I am ! Actually the main reason I'm asking is because the deck & margin planking in this area looks a tad unfinished, and I was almost hoping there was something to cover this bare looking area. I was over on Dan Vadas & his Vulture Log where there is a photo of this deck area and it is 'open', but finished very neatly, admittedly he may not have covered it yet but it is very neat and looks finished.. it is even shaped to accommodate the turning rudder ie not just a rectangular hole. see Post #1209 page 81. this is a bigger boat and no doubt wouldn't be as 'wet' as a schooner! All The Best Eamonn
  17. Thanks Kester, looks like I'm making the triangular piece too Might it have been Dubz's Log (Dirk) he had a Show & Tell on those Rudder Coats (the bottom ones anyhoo) Could you confirm that there was also a Rudder Coat at the Deck Level of the Rudder (got a tad confusted with ' ..so I think it was rather fastened below than from above ' Wee bit of head scratching going on over here teehee All The Best Eamonn Just read a fantastic compliment on your Sherbourne over on another log a few moments ago (Gregors Sherbourne)
  18. Hey there Gregor, re the Horse, I'm inclined to Kesters way of thinking in that they would not need to be excessively wide (I've sailed on boats with them and they didn't go the full width of the boat, perhaps 2/3rds of the width or less ) and the Anchor Cable most likely didn't go under them as in the photo, might look neat but I could see that causing no end of problems somehow All The Best Eamonn Your Sherbourne looks the Absolute Business too by the way !
  19. Wouldn't mind seeing that bow filler Jim, as it sounds like a good idea, 'cos the inside edges of our two left/right side of centre line planks will seem to continue into the margin in that area.. this kinda bugged me a little (of course this wouldn't happen if we used a central deck plank ) Question.. The hole where the rudder comes up through the hull and above the deck ! do you have any idea if this area is left open ? or is there a kind of 'canvas' collar there to stop water going down? (I will be putting a 'collar' on the lower part where the rudder enters the hull from below, but from the deck side I've no idea) All The Best Eamonn
  20. Ok Then Am Happy To Report Margin Planking Is Sized (Width Wise) I used Nigel's suggestion (to invert the point of a compass, and set the compass to the required width, 6mm in my case, and using the over sized, but shaped to the bulwarks, margin plank slide the compass along the bulwark side of each plank, there were 5 per side for me, this draws a matching curve along the planks. Then cut/file/sand the planks to this drawn line. Next up.. prepare the individual planks for Scarfing and finish sanding them. There is plenty of overlap on each plank for this process. Then 'caulk' the scarf joins and set them in place on the deck. Simples !!! BTW I did the Transom margin planks as per Kesters suggestion & filled in the awkward area between Bulwarks and Transom Frames as mentioned by Nigel.. WooHoo loads of progress eh? and I only needed 2 large measures of Whiskey afterwards!! Just Kidding, I actually enjoyed doing it Photo Time Now Take It Easy Folks and Thanks For Looking In Eamonn
  21. Am heading into work room shortly to get back to the margin planking Kester.. that's the plan anyhoo Eamonn
  22. Thanks Lawrence, totally agree about the Tamiya.. where would we be without it ! Vikki is coming on a treat, I can't believe how quickly you are going ! All The Best Eamonn
  23. Joggling & Nibbling.. rather you than me... Oh Wait !! Eamonn
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