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Everything posted by fnick

  1. Thanks Nigel and Ulises for the comments and Aussie048 for the like. I knew it was a good idea not to post any close-ups Seriously it's nice to get feedback. Thanks Nigel for the heads up on garboard plank. I have found that turning the ship the right way up to check planking does help. What looks straight upside down isn't necessarily!! Nick
  2. Now that is one stunning ship. Hope you celebrated this milestone appropriately! Nick
  3. HI Ulises You're off to a great start. I was seriously considering this model before going with Le Mirage. I'll follow your build with interest. Nick
  4. Thanks Sjors! Evening all I decided to take the plunge and line the hull off according to Chuck Passaro's excellent tutorial. I didnt' want to use the wood supplied by Corel as I found it too light so decided to carry on with using walnut. I bought some 5mm wide planks and some 100mm wide sheets for the curved sections. All fine and well until I got both and realised the two didnt seem to be the same wood... or more specifically the 5mm strips did not look like walnut So ordered some more from a different source and got the same stuff... double . Given that my finances were (are... ) not illimited I decided to cut the 5mm planks from the 100mm sheets. Downside to that is that it takes a loooooong time to do the second planking. Hopefully it will be worth it. First step was to break the hull down into sections: and finally And so the second planking of the hull started. As a picture is worth a thousand words... and finally again And that brings me up to date. I'm not going to be posting updates quickly from now on since I only have time to do one planking strip a week on average and I have about 35 strips left . I do like doing planking but I have to admit I'll be glad when it's over I'll try and post some photos when I complete a section. Thanks for looking Nick
  5. By the time I finish Le Mirage you're going to have quite a fleet. Wouldn't want to get the wrong side of you! Little one is doing fine. 3 months old already! Doing her best (along with her older brother) to keep us very busy and always on our toes Nick
  6. Thanks Brian and Sjors for the comments and Aussie048 for the like. I'm not planning to go scratch build crazy (famous last words ) on this build but the stem I had to change! Yes Sjors you are right I really need to catch up with you on your Le Mirage build. oh wait you've already finished it... :blush: Nick
  7. Evening all The next step was to plank the bow. Not wanting to follow Corel' instructions for reasons shown below... I tried to come up with something a bit more realistic and after getting some inspiration from the Ancre website, followed by some good tips from Danny this was the result which you will agree (well hopefully ) is better than Corel's suggestion! Next step was to mark up the frames in preparation for the second planking followed by the stern planking And then the second planking started... and I'm sure you noticed on that last photo that I was still having issues with gun port location . Ho hum... Only one more catch up post to follow and this log will have caught up with my progress. TTFN Nick
  8. Hi le debutant Thanks for the comments. More pictures just uploaded. And more where they came from! Nick
  9. gun port omission (see previous post) now corrected... After that it was "just" a question of applying the first layer of planking in progress and voila. Finished! easy. However...something was amiss at the stern... so drastic measures were required... and the original booboo was fixed. At this point can I say to anyone who hesitates in making a fix. Dont! Once you've ripped up what was wrong, well, you can't leave it like that so might as well do it properly! Seriously I was tempted not to fix it. But I'm glad I did. And finally a couple of pics of the first planking filled and sanded. That's it for now. Thanks for looking in. Hopefully I wont keep you waiting for the next installment too long. Nick
  10. Hi everyone Since I have restarted my build of Le Mirage I thought it was time to resurect my build log from the ashes of the Great crash of 13! This will be more of a summary rather than a detailed log. Lots of pictures, some words. You never know some of it might be interesting! I started this build 3 years ago. Yes progress is slow but in my defence having two children in that time has somewhat limited build time... Comments/criticisms/etc gratefully received. Always good to get feedback of more experienced modellers. Anyhoo enough of the intro. Hope you're sitting confortably. Popcorn ready?... Good. A few box content pictures to get going The box Inside the box This is my second build after the Billing Bluenose and I have to say I was very impressed with the quality of the materials. However the bulkhead slots needed some adjusting... All the bulkheads in place Unfortunately I didn't notice until way too late that the first one was higher up than it should have been. First mistake (and not the last! ) The slots in the bulkheads are used to determine where the gun ports are. and again although that didn't stop me forgetting some gun ports (told you there were more mistakes!) Well that's the limit of 8 photos per post reached. Until the next post... Nick
  11. Hi Doris Happy new year. Unbelievable work like everyone else has said. As well as a "like" button I think the moderators should add a "WOW!!" button! Nick
  12. Hi Sjors Fantastic job! Looks really good. Pour yourself a glass of Nick
  13. Hey Sjors Dont know yet. Number 2 is not due until January (sorry couldn't resist!) I know but heh look on the bright side: I can learn from you Nick
  14. Hey Sjors Thought I should drop in and say hello! Very impressed with your build. I'm still at the second planking stage... I will get round and restart my build log at one point honest! Keep those pictures coming Nick
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