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Posts posted by SkerryAmp

  1. Hey there Randy,  yes...yes I do indeed have many balls in the air,  drives the Admiral crazy! =) 


    Right now the latest one I am working on is the Mayflower,   I kind of move through them when frustration puts me against a wall.  If I get a trouble spot or a monotonous spot I have another one to move to for a "break" while continuing to build.  The only exception is the Willie which has not gotten much attention for some time.  I am not sure what it is about that one but I am very intimidated by it - strange, I know and not something I am particuarly proud of,  something about it; the plans, the build I don't know.  However, am mustering up the gusto to at least tackle something on it.


    In some occasioins I will do a bit to each build and post updates on all builds at once - just to be a bit cheeky and shake things up a bit =)

  2. This is fun.  It has it's frustration moments to be sure, but when those get solved, it's even more fun. And then there's those moments... when I sit back with a cup of fresh coffee and realize "holy crap... I did that!".

    This is one of the best parts of the hobby in my opinion!


    Looking Good Sir, lookin good!!

  3. Max, seeing your work on the Phantom you should have no problem at all with the willie.  Personally I found the instructions a bit overwhelming, but then again the phantom plans were really for someone with little to no experience and the willie I found a bit more complex.   Which is part of the reason mine stalled quite some time ago and I picked up on other projects.   The willie intimidates me for some reason =)


    Again though, the work you do - I would expect a mighty fine model!!


    Good luck!  Can't wait to see it.

  4. Randy my friend - outstanding!!


    Decided today to pop on and get caught up on my well over 500 updates on various threads and decided to start with yours and boy am I glad I did.. what a way to kick off.


    That vessel looks fantastic!   And am jealous - I love the feeling of finishing a project, you must feel great!


    So awesome!

  5. Steve, I think that is a fantastic idea!


    Not exactly sure how I would do that off the top of my head, but will certainly add that to the wish list and see what can be done =)


    Thanks for the suggestion!


    (While I am obligated to dislike the jets, I do have to admit that Rex Ryan is fascinating to watch and listen to.  I sometimes can't help but wonder if Rex was the D Coach and you guys had a different Head Coach if you guys may not fair a bit better =).   Of course,  I am looking at the golden years of Brady and Belicheck so - /cry. ;)   ).

  6. Just added what I could find for Aeronaut.   The only thing with this one is that while the titles and VERY basic information is in there, that is about it (oh and a picture).   Their site really didn't have a whole lot about the ships.  I noticed they pop up from several didnt vendors so will do some digging on some related sites to dig up the missing information.  But, at least they are represented now.


    Also, updated Mayflower ship types as well as Nina, PInta and Santa Maria thanks to Danny!


    Here is the list as of tonight..



    • Aeronaut: Data In - however needs fleshing out due to incomplete information from site
    • A.J Fisher: Data not started
    • Amati: Data Not Started
    • Artesania Latina: Data Complete
    • Billings: Data Complete
    • Bluejacket Ship Crafters Inc.: Data Complete
    • Caldercraft:Data not started
    • Constructo:Data Complete
    • Corel:Data not started
    • Dumas: Data not started
    • Dusek:Data not started
    • Euromodel: Data not started
    • Krick: Data not started
    • Graupner: Data not started
    • Mamoli:Data started, test entries only
    • Mantua Models UK:Data not started
    • MarisStella.hr: Data not started
    • Midwest Prouducts:Data Complete
    • Model Shipways:Data Complete
    • New Maquettes: Data not started
    • OcCre: Data started, test entries only.
    • Panart: Data not started
    • Robbe: Data not started
    • Sergal: Data not started
    • Soclaine: Data not started
    • Victory Models: Data not started


    The other suggestions have not been forgotten, just not gotten to yet =)


    Happy Modeling!!

  7. Hey all, Still alive! =)


    I will be having some more updates to the database VERY soon!   I have a light week this week so have some time to squeeze in some DB and Ship work!


    So, just wanted all to know I have not dropped of the edge of the world!  (WOW 400+ updates up there on my post announcements.  I best get cracking)



    Happy Modeling all!!!

  8. On to the beakhead!


    Kind of nice to get off of the hull itself and add a new "feature" to the ship.  Although through the adding and fitting and photo's I am spotting all kinds of little blemishes and "neatness" issues which are reall embarassing and driving me crazy.  Not sure how to clean those up quite yet, but am mulling that over.


    As to the task at hand!


    The beakhead has begun,  the Mayflower has been without a face for far too long.


    The stem knee was a super pain.  Apparently with all the sanding, shaping etc of the hull I drastically messed up the contour so when lining up the stem knee it was way off.  Pointing to the moon!!


    So, carefully positioning it where was supposed to be and gluing the bottom in place and letting it set allowed me to get it basically into position.  Some creative filling with hobbylite made it look like it was right where it was supposed to be....




    The laser cuts beakhead sides were VERY NICE!!!  Notched the base to go over the upper wale and set them into place.   The stem knee wasn't QUITE as centered as I thought, however luckily getting the sides into place and lined up with the forward part of the stem knee forced everything in place...


    (that was rude, my wireless keyboard died right in the middle of typing :o fear not replaced the batteries and back in action. Of course none of you really knew that so I didn't have to share but it was in the flow of thought so decided to bring you all in for the moment :D )






    So, as that dries I now plan and plot my next move....  moving on moving on..



    Thanks all for stopping by ..



  9. Thank you all for the likes!!  For a struggling novice like me those mean a great deal!! :10_1_10:



    looks real good with the stripes!   I was curious though.......went browsing at images of her.   some pictures had them and some didn't.


    makes no never mind.........she looks sweet with them on!   ;)


    Thanks Dennis and you are right...well,  sort of yes,, maybe?  I dunno anymore hehe.   I checked around and founds several pictures of the Mayflower and found stripes, triangles plain colors, different colors, painted hull, natural hull.. then found it depended on whether I was looking at the Mayflower or Mayflower II.   So, after my head was spinning I decided I would just stick with Chuck's scheme and go with it - I certainly wasn't finding anything to latch on to!!  And it works! :D


    The colours and trim is looking great Adam!


    Thank you very much Sherry! Much appreciated!


    The trim work looks great. Good call on the tone of the colors.




    Thanks Russ.  It actually looks much better in person - the photos look very clean while on the bench it looks a tad worn.   But overall I am gald with how the colors came out. 


    Now if I can do something about the glue marks.. am hoping when I give it an overall dull cote it will flatten and hide much of them, but not sure.

  10. Well I have spent a bit of time over the last couple of nights to get more of the trim up.  I think I am finally finished with the trim and can start to look towards the bow and get that beakhead going on!!


    Finished up the red and white striped strips  I had originally painted them nice and bright but once I lined them up on the ship they looked off.   Took a bit but realized that the overall look of the ship is taking on a bit of a used look.  I wish I could say it was intentional but the colors are such that it isn't quite a brand new ship so the first red and white trimmed look a bit out of wack.


    Decided to go ahead and try to tone it back some.  Not quite pristine bright white and red but a bit worn and a tiny bit rough around the edges. WHICH given my lack of painting prowess turned out easier to do than the crispy clean versions :D  ALthough the pictuers doesn't quite show what I am talking about..hmmmm.....  /shrug.


    I hope I pulled it off and continue to do through the rest of the build :huh:




    Thanks for stopping in and as always



  11. Thank you thank you all



    The colors look good. I like that they are a bit subdued. Too bright and it does not look right. Yours are spot on, I think.




    I definately am aiming for a bit subdued, also a bit "worn" not TOO worn, but the way the hull came out doesn't strike me as fresh of the slip so am trying to make the colors a little tiny bit worse for wear.  Which is sort of easy since I am not the best at painting these things quite yet



    The colors look great Adam! I can see the happiness of your Mayflower.


    Thanks patrick!  The mayflower is most assuredly feeling better with some attention.  The admiral too since she has been staring at half built ships now for months! :D


    Really enjoying watching her colors come together.  That calendar looks familiar !


    Thanks Augie!  Yep that is the official calendar hanging proudly in the workshop/office.  For years it has been butterfly's and kittens of the admirals choice, this year SHIPS!   THANKS MSW :10_1_10:


    Those colors are real nice Adam, and you did a real good job applying them :) Looks GREAT!!!



    Thank you much frank,  a little inspiried by your super weathering so as I mentioned above trying to slightly weather things a little. Not quite weathered weathered but a little less than brand spanky new :D

    What they said! Those colours look great!


    Thank you wayne!  Glad they are working!

    Just like the comment of everybody above !


    This is the easy way Adam to say I like it  :D  :D  :D  :D

    Learned from Augie ! :P




    I'll take it Sjors!  Thank you sir!

    awesome job there!..........she's looking pretty sweet!   ;)


    Thanks Popeye!  I am thinking so as well so far - nice getting that urge going again!!!

  12. Well in continuing my newly building resolve to get to the bench regularly I took some time and painted up some of the finish as well as attached the red trim beneath the railing black.  I was hoping to put some more on however I discovered I painted the wrong size lumber so had to redo it  So now we are waiting for the new strips to dry and those will go on tomorrow =)


    Here are the strips drying away on my high tech drying rack (i.e the middle shelf of my workbench/desk/computer table.   There is also a little cameo appearance in the back there of the MSW Calendar :D




    Here we have the stripes painted on the sides






    and the red accent trim along the bottom of the upper black stripe.






    Stepping back, it is coming together nicely. The colors bringing it slowly to life :D


    Tomorrow once the new strips are dryed they will be mounted and then the stripes will be added and then I do believe it will be on to the bow!


    Thanks all!



  13. Thanks Dennis, liking how it turned out and it FEELS like I didn't skip a beat... although still not sure why I bought the window maker stuff... but am sure I will remember at some point.


    On the screens? That is a desktop image of a guitar.  My two biggest "hobbies" are the ships and guitar (well now that summer is here a bit of gardening out back, get some nice fresh vegetables going).   I wanted a non intrusive background for my pictures and found that one and figured it worked out pretty well!

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