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Posts posted by SkerryAmp

  1. Howdy Sjors,


    Just getting caught back up - (hard around here to keep up with everyone, so much wonderful activitiy)



    LOVE the cannons (Want to make sure you are on my side with the armada launches, I don't think any of my ships could stand up to those cannons!!)


    The life boat looks really good and fits in nicely!!



    Your ship really is coming along!!  Lots of details and colors  - LOVE IT.




  2. Augie, hate the be the wet blanket but it looks like you missed a.....   I KID I KID (ducks and runs)...



    Augie that is one hell of a fine looking ship and impossible to believe it is a first, or even second build!  The detail, the cleanness just amazingly done.   Inspirational, and a wonderful achievement!!


    Congratulations on passing that finish line!!

    :champagne-popping-smiley-emotic:champagne: :champagne: :champagne-2: :champagne-2: :champagne: :champagne: :champagne-popping-smiley-emotic



  3. I got nothing, got very lost :huh:


    So for those who think they've seen everything I will just leave these here as my contributions to cause....


    How about a spider wearing a water droplet as a hat?




    Or maybe a frog using a leaf as an umbrella!





    That should keep everyone busy till Augie is ready :P


    :P I like to do what I can, free of charge.. no thanks needed,  really - the entertainment factor is enough. :P





  4. i don't know and didn't find any CS5 versions available from Adobe, but through SketchUcation website I found full version of CS2 for download. The link is a true Adobe one. No hack, nothing suspicious, no virus. It's an old version but probably more than we need.

    Currently Adobe has all the CS2 version free for download, you have to register and then it's all to go.

    See provided link, be patient, sometimes due to heavy traffic you won't be able access, just wait and then give it another try.

    Have just downloaded several of their software.




    Ack, very very sorry - I meant CS2... =(

  5. If you dig around a little (or if I can find the link I will post it)  Adobe, for whatever reason, made their CS5 line of software free.  They shut down the registration servers, published keys and provided downloads for the software.  So you could get Photoshop CS5 for free.


    OTher than that Gimp would work as well.


    The major trouble you are going to run into is the editing of the picture. Most people will try to paint, or fill the areas with the color they want which ends up making a photograph look very much like a childs drawing on the refridgerator (not that that is bad just not helpful ;) )


    What you want, or my suggestion is, find an app that allows for color tinting or modifiying.  That would let you select the area you want to color model and tint the area with the color so that you get the shadows and detail etc and get a much better idea of what it will look like.




  6. Really how accurate is the Conny parked in Mass...... 


    :D Technically pretty darn accurate since it is in fact the constitution and not a replica.  It has had a lot of work done to her to keep her in shape, but she is the real deal from way back when ;)  :D


    .....But I know what you are saying ;)



    Regarding the kits,  yup - many are real, many are fake, and many are as close as the kit manufacturer can get.   From what I can gather from the tremendous builds put forth here, none of the ships from the manufacturers are 100% accurate. Seems to always be room for the modeler to tweak and improve to get the most accurate possible through bashing and scratch building.  They also can only do so much with regards to their own research on the subject.


    Now, with regards to those comapnies who throw everything out and are fabricating everything right down to Scale (as Mark mentioned) that is different.  Companies should have SOME responsibility to at least try to create a decent base quality product.   Again though, money.  Follow the money.  If they are selling it, and not enough are complaining, they have zero motivation to change.


    The work lays on our side, as modellers.  If your goal is to build the most accurate version of the <history sailing ship x> up front research would help decide which kit would be the best one to start from and then go from there.  Those just wanting to build an interesting subject still get to do that, even if that subject is a "likeness" or a complete facsimilie.  


    As an example,  my wife bought me the Blue Shadow by Mamoli because it was on sale, and she thought it looked really neat. I agreed, the box picutures etc looked like a very interesting ship to build.   I read the history of it giving by Mamoli and thought it was an interesting history but there wasn't much there and I didn't care for a couple of the parts supplied so research away I went. :o :o :o :o TOTAL fabrication.    Disappointed,sure.. but didn't change the fact it was an interesting looking ship so I am bulding it with the same interest as others.     It's all in what you make of it :D


    I do not discount, however, the value of a reference of sorts to point out what kits are Fakes, Accurate, Versions, Guesses or what not.  That would be one heck of an undertaking though!    An interesting and valuable undertaking for sure, but still an undertaking!  It would, however, help greatly those seeking as close to accurate as possible.  Heck, maybe even a list like that would eventually (slowly) draw away from those kits less accurate, lesser quality, or just plain garbage and steer towards those of the opposite state. Hmmmmmmm.




    Good topic my friends!





  7. So, spent a little time tonight doing some work on the Mayflower.  Real work got in the way of my "schedule" so the others didn't get any attention.


    Just wanted to get the nails done, stain them up and decorate the doors.   Now they blend in quite a bit better and the details pop a bit more. 

    Starting to take shape!


    Here is the bow as it stands now....(with a before and after just for fun :D )





    But then I tilted the camera a little for a better picture and UHT OH - Missed some stain,  will have to hit that as part of tomorrow's activities.





    And the Stern & Windows.





    And that there is tonight's update of Ye Happy Ole Mayflower!!!



    Thank you all for stopping by - stay tuned for the next episode..  Same Bat Time,   Same Bat Channel - and :omg: I'm dating myself!



    Enjoy all!!



  8. Thanks all!!


    @Wayne:  Thank you sir,  I am working on trying to get cleaner, am very "aware" when I take these pictures of where I can improve, so thank you for the kind words my friend.  (My wife was reading the responses and I had to explain the nice looking stern thing... she just shook her head hehehe. :D )


    @Augie: :P And of course you got the ole "see, told you so" out of the admiral.  Yes..  I do indeed need to chill out.  I am sometimes overcome with a desire for perfection in an imperfect world and yup, need to cut myself some slack.  :P    (Capn I'm a shipwright...  excellent!! )


    @Sjors:  I have been toying with my camera (actually my phone) with various settings to see if it's macro setting works,  got some better ones - the steadying on some books worked out well,  maybe though - I can convince the admiral to steal her little digital camera with all the fancy buttons and bells on it... hmmmm.




  9. Thank you gentleman!   Appreciate it.


    @ Russ:  I can definately see once I got them in place and once I sand them out they will be a HUGE help.  I am very much a hands on visual learner type, so many things don't click as to "why" they need to be done until I experience what happens if you don't :o .




  10. Adam:

    The rub rail and the cutwater look just fine,. The plans show you how the cutwter would have been made. It is not absolutely necessary to do it that way, but it looks better, even under a coat of paint. You will be able to see the joints, if only slightly. I think that will add a nice touch to the overall appearance.




    I hadn't thought of that, but now that you mention it, I agree!   Thanks for the good word and stopping in !



    I agree.......they look great.    the plans probably show them scarf jointed......something that I am guilty of not doing either.  let me know when you start doing it and I will too........is that a deal?  ;)    she's looking great........love the bow shot  :)


    Thanks Popeye - yeah I still cheat with the scarf joints, but I do plan to work on them at some point. Will let you know when and deal! maybe we can start a scarf joint support group!!





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