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  1. Like
    kruginmi got a reaction from Jeronimo in HMS Druid by Krug - FINISHED - 1:48 - Hahn   
    Moving right along.....
    Rail transitions pieces complete, tree pumps complete, rudder chains complete, capstan rigging complete.  Misc Cleanup operations in-process.
    Once the pumps were gel coated I used the ship as a drying rack.  Not your typical look.  Once the pumps were in place the gun deck is complete for this build.  Lots of stuff going on at the quarterdeck line:

    I decided to attach the rudder chains (since I was blackening the pump metal, might as well blacken the chain).  The attachment points were equivalent to the cannon tackle on the gun deck.  The ships lettering goes right above the chains.

    I can finally sit back and see how close I am:

    The channels, ships wheel, ship name lettering and figurehead are all that remain (end of the month?)
    Stay Building My Friends,
  2. Like
    kruginmi reacted to Chuck Seiler in HMS Druid by Krug - FINISHED - 1:48 - Hahn   
    Dave must be one of the Manitowoc promoters. He is trying to get me to come from San Diego,
  3. Like
    kruginmi reacted to dgbot in HMS Druid by Krug - FINISHED - 1:48 - Hahn   
    We have people from all over drop by for the sheer fun of shooting and trading ideas and having fun. I missed it this year because my illness but I know that a fun guy from NJ showed up with a large model of the Bismark.
    David B
  4. Like
    kruginmi reacted to dgbot in HMS Druid by Krug - FINISHED - 1:48 - Hahn   
    Krug, if you do not bring that beauty to Manitowoc when finished I will be very upset you are doing an outstanding job.
    David B
  5. Like
    kruginmi got a reaction from SailorGreg in HMS Druid by Krug - FINISHED - 1:48 - Hahn   
    Moving right along.....
    Rail transitions pieces complete, tree pumps complete, rudder chains complete, capstan rigging complete.  Misc Cleanup operations in-process.
    Once the pumps were gel coated I used the ship as a drying rack.  Not your typical look.  Once the pumps were in place the gun deck is complete for this build.  Lots of stuff going on at the quarterdeck line:

    I decided to attach the rudder chains (since I was blackening the pump metal, might as well blacken the chain).  The attachment points were equivalent to the cannon tackle on the gun deck.  The ships lettering goes right above the chains.

    I can finally sit back and see how close I am:

    The channels, ships wheel, ship name lettering and figurehead are all that remain (end of the month?)
    Stay Building My Friends,
  6. Like
    kruginmi got a reaction from pete48 in Moveable Parts   
    Growing up I used to really like building plastic WW II airplanes.  Almost every one had broken props from people asking "Does this spin?" while they give them a whack with their finger.  My reply was always:  "Even if they did (which they didn't), how would this enhance the build?  Do you expect it to fly?"
    Long story, short.  Do what you need to protect your build.   But by building things so they move 'generally' the visual effect is better.  On my models I generally make them moveable, but never demonstrate nor state that fact (the finger whack always comes after if you do).
    As stated before, do what interests you to achieve the look you want.  Just try to keep that look as long as possible....
  7. Like
    kruginmi got a reaction from Mirabell61 in HMS Druid by Krug - FINISHED - 1:48 - Hahn   
    Moving right along.....
    Rail transitions pieces complete, tree pumps complete, rudder chains complete, capstan rigging complete.  Misc Cleanup operations in-process.
    Once the pumps were gel coated I used the ship as a drying rack.  Not your typical look.  Once the pumps were in place the gun deck is complete for this build.  Lots of stuff going on at the quarterdeck line:

    I decided to attach the rudder chains (since I was blackening the pump metal, might as well blacken the chain).  The attachment points were equivalent to the cannon tackle on the gun deck.  The ships lettering goes right above the chains.

    I can finally sit back and see how close I am:

    The channels, ships wheel, ship name lettering and figurehead are all that remain (end of the month?)
    Stay Building My Friends,
  8. Like
    kruginmi got a reaction from SawdustDave in HMS Druid by Krug - FINISHED - 1:48 - Hahn   
    Moving right along.....
    Rail transitions pieces complete, tree pumps complete, rudder chains complete, capstan rigging complete.  Misc Cleanup operations in-process.
    Once the pumps were gel coated I used the ship as a drying rack.  Not your typical look.  Once the pumps were in place the gun deck is complete for this build.  Lots of stuff going on at the quarterdeck line:

    I decided to attach the rudder chains (since I was blackening the pump metal, might as well blacken the chain).  The attachment points were equivalent to the cannon tackle on the gun deck.  The ships lettering goes right above the chains.

    I can finally sit back and see how close I am:

    The channels, ships wheel, ship name lettering and figurehead are all that remain (end of the month?)
    Stay Building My Friends,
  9. Like
    kruginmi got a reaction from dvm27 in HMS Druid by Krug - FINISHED - 1:48 - Hahn   
    Moving right along.....
    Rail transitions pieces complete, tree pumps complete, rudder chains complete, capstan rigging complete.  Misc Cleanup operations in-process.
    Once the pumps were gel coated I used the ship as a drying rack.  Not your typical look.  Once the pumps were in place the gun deck is complete for this build.  Lots of stuff going on at the quarterdeck line:

    I decided to attach the rudder chains (since I was blackening the pump metal, might as well blacken the chain).  The attachment points were equivalent to the cannon tackle on the gun deck.  The ships lettering goes right above the chains.

    I can finally sit back and see how close I am:

    The channels, ships wheel, ship name lettering and figurehead are all that remain (end of the month?)
    Stay Building My Friends,
  10. Like
    kruginmi got a reaction from Kevin in HMS Druid by Krug - FINISHED - 1:48 - Hahn   
    A quick update:
    Put in the Eking rails (from hawse holes to cathead).  The question was to bend the rail to fit the hull or carve it out of a larger block.  With all the angles and variations present (to include the thickness of the eking rail) I opted to carve it out.

    To give the hull a more finished look prior to hitting the wheel and channels I tried a little scroll work carving on the rail transitions:

    Definitely found that some times the carving goes fast and successful, and other times slow, painful and scrap.
    Trying to put in an hour or so a day.
  11. Like
    kruginmi got a reaction from 42rocker in HMS Druid by Krug - FINISHED - 1:48 - Hahn   
    A quick update:
    Put in the Eking rails (from hawse holes to cathead).  The question was to bend the rail to fit the hull or carve it out of a larger block.  With all the angles and variations present (to include the thickness of the eking rail) I opted to carve it out.

    To give the hull a more finished look prior to hitting the wheel and channels I tried a little scroll work carving on the rail transitions:

    Definitely found that some times the carving goes fast and successful, and other times slow, painful and scrap.
    Trying to put in an hour or so a day.
  12. Like
    kruginmi got a reaction from Kevin in HMS Druid by Krug - FINISHED - 1:48 - Hahn   
    Thanks for all the likes and looks!
    Progress continues....  This afternoon I put a first coat of gel coat on after completing the starboard side railings.  Still some minor improvements but I think I can chalk up the quarterdeck railings in the complete column.

    I got a little ahead of myself last night when I had the mid-railing complete to the full posts on the starboard side, but with no cutouts for the partial posts (those with the timber heads).  I of course patted myself on the back and promptly glued the railing into place.  Horror set in 30 seconds later when I realized my issue.  My mind raced on how to cut the holes while the railing was in place but luckily I calmed down and slowly worked the railing out of place.  Another minute or two and this would have been impossible.  I left everything for the morning and 10-15 minutes of work cleaned up all the glue residue.
    Stay Building My Friends,
  13. Like
    kruginmi got a reaction from egkb in HMS Druid by Krug - FINISHED - 1:48 - Hahn   
    A quick update:
    Put in the Eking rails (from hawse holes to cathead).  The question was to bend the rail to fit the hull or carve it out of a larger block.  With all the angles and variations present (to include the thickness of the eking rail) I opted to carve it out.

    To give the hull a more finished look prior to hitting the wheel and channels I tried a little scroll work carving on the rail transitions:

    Definitely found that some times the carving goes fast and successful, and other times slow, painful and scrap.
    Trying to put in an hour or so a day.
  14. Like
    kruginmi got a reaction from WackoWolf in HMS Druid by Krug - FINISHED - 1:48 - Hahn   
    A quick update:
    Put in the Eking rails (from hawse holes to cathead).  The question was to bend the rail to fit the hull or carve it out of a larger block.  With all the angles and variations present (to include the thickness of the eking rail) I opted to carve it out.

    To give the hull a more finished look prior to hitting the wheel and channels I tried a little scroll work carving on the rail transitions:

    Definitely found that some times the carving goes fast and successful, and other times slow, painful and scrap.
    Trying to put in an hour or so a day.
  15. Like
    kruginmi got a reaction from mtaylor in HMS Druid by Krug - FINISHED - 1:48 - Hahn   
    A quick update:
    Put in the Eking rails (from hawse holes to cathead).  The question was to bend the rail to fit the hull or carve it out of a larger block.  With all the angles and variations present (to include the thickness of the eking rail) I opted to carve it out.

    To give the hull a more finished look prior to hitting the wheel and channels I tried a little scroll work carving on the rail transitions:

    Definitely found that some times the carving goes fast and successful, and other times slow, painful and scrap.
    Trying to put in an hour or so a day.
  16. Like
    kruginmi got a reaction from Mike Y in HMS Druid by Krug - FINISHED - 1:48 - Hahn   
    A quick update:
    Put in the Eking rails (from hawse holes to cathead).  The question was to bend the rail to fit the hull or carve it out of a larger block.  With all the angles and variations present (to include the thickness of the eking rail) I opted to carve it out.

    To give the hull a more finished look prior to hitting the wheel and channels I tried a little scroll work carving on the rail transitions:

    Definitely found that some times the carving goes fast and successful, and other times slow, painful and scrap.
    Trying to put in an hour or so a day.
  17. Like
    kruginmi got a reaction from WackoWolf in HMS Druid by Krug - FINISHED - 1:48 - Hahn   
    Thanks for all the likes and looks!
    Progress continues....  This afternoon I put a first coat of gel coat on after completing the starboard side railings.  Still some minor improvements but I think I can chalk up the quarterdeck railings in the complete column.

    I got a little ahead of myself last night when I had the mid-railing complete to the full posts on the starboard side, but with no cutouts for the partial posts (those with the timber heads).  I of course patted myself on the back and promptly glued the railing into place.  Horror set in 30 seconds later when I realized my issue.  My mind raced on how to cut the holes while the railing was in place but luckily I calmed down and slowly worked the railing out of place.  Another minute or two and this would have been impossible.  I left everything for the morning and 10-15 minutes of work cleaned up all the glue residue.
    Stay Building My Friends,
  18. Like
    kruginmi got a reaction from Kevin in HMS Druid by Krug - FINISHED - 1:48 - Hahn   
    Not too much to say but angles, angles, angles!  After a whole lot of time measuring, cutting, sanding and thinking I am finally on top of one of the quarterdeck side rails.  Lot of effort into pieces that will pretty much visually disappear if done right.  Unfortunate in one respect, but it is what it is.

    I am going to take a break for a day before hitting up the second one.
    Stay Building my Friends,
  19. Like
    kruginmi got a reaction from Kevin in HMS Druid by Krug - FINISHED - 1:48 - Hahn   
    So with the case somewhat settled I have moved back to the quarterdeck.  The capstan sat unfinished so this evening I sat down to right this situation.  The only thing left is to string the bars once everything settles and dries.

    The lower bars will remain off.  It was even tighter down on the gun deck.  The front faux panel separating the cabins would have to been taken down to give sufficient space for its use.  I did have a good laugh when I was thinking how I could add the bar spacers and insure the bars still came out at the correct angles.   The answer to affix the bars first, then the spacers is obvious but sometimes the obvious isn't so obvious.

    Up next are the side railings.....
    Stay Building my Friends,
  20. Like
    kruginmi got a reaction from Vivian Galad in Red Dragon by Vivian Galad - Artesania Latina - 1:60 - modified   
    I really like this ship subject.  Something a little different.
    Great ideas on the windlass, ended up with a better product!
    Keep up the great work,
  21. Like
    kruginmi reacted to Vivian Galad in Red Dragon by Vivian Galad - Artesania Latina - 1:60 - modified   
    Some more pics
       Last week I´ve got myself entangled with my ship´s windlasses. On AL instructions there are 6 of them and so, I began to cut, sand and drill the small pieces of wood.

       After lots of it, I realised AL didn´t send all the wood I needed - frustration! Got some time sorting it out till finally decided to use another type of wood from my scrapbox (this one, some brazilian wood - still have to know what type it is):

       As the first attempt was a fumble, thought some testing would be great and read carefully about what the windlass should look. AL gave me some metal for bars, first I painted them black, to a poor result - after scanning lots of immages I found that metal wasn´t common for that purpose and so, made some bars from toothpicks:


       Following, the barless windlass, and then, the ready one - already varnished (still shining):


       Next entry I´ll bring the boxes and containers I´ll keep on junk´s compartment.
    (After reading my own post and seeing my pictures, a thought comes to mind - I really do need more light for my workbench)
  22. Like
    kruginmi got a reaction from 42rocker in HMS Druid by Krug - FINISHED - 1:48 - Hahn   
    Thanks for all the likes and looks!
    Progress continues....  This afternoon I put a first coat of gel coat on after completing the starboard side railings.  Still some minor improvements but I think I can chalk up the quarterdeck railings in the complete column.

    I got a little ahead of myself last night when I had the mid-railing complete to the full posts on the starboard side, but with no cutouts for the partial posts (those with the timber heads).  I of course patted myself on the back and promptly glued the railing into place.  Horror set in 30 seconds later when I realized my issue.  My mind raced on how to cut the holes while the railing was in place but luckily I calmed down and slowly worked the railing out of place.  Another minute or two and this would have been impossible.  I left everything for the morning and 10-15 minutes of work cleaned up all the glue residue.
    Stay Building My Friends,
  23. Like
    kruginmi got a reaction from mtaylor in HMS Druid by Krug - FINISHED - 1:48 - Hahn   
    Lou!  I knew you would be back.  You really need to update your build log (so I can shamelessly take ideas to the Lady Anne post this build).
    The figurehead is slated as pretty much the last item (which means it is coming up fast).  My current thought process shows a robed figure with the hood off of his head and for that little bit of craziness he will be holding a fish.  Next week I am hoping to start doodling up some 1:1 size possibilities.
    David and Russ, sure appreciate the nice comments.
    Stay Building My Friends,
  24. Like
    kruginmi got a reaction from Elmer Cornish in HMS Druid by Krug - FINISHED - 1:48 - Hahn   
    Thanks for all the likes and looks!
    Progress continues....  This afternoon I put a first coat of gel coat on after completing the starboard side railings.  Still some minor improvements but I think I can chalk up the quarterdeck railings in the complete column.

    I got a little ahead of myself last night when I had the mid-railing complete to the full posts on the starboard side, but with no cutouts for the partial posts (those with the timber heads).  I of course patted myself on the back and promptly glued the railing into place.  Horror set in 30 seconds later when I realized my issue.  My mind raced on how to cut the holes while the railing was in place but luckily I calmed down and slowly worked the railing out of place.  Another minute or two and this would have been impossible.  I left everything for the morning and 10-15 minutes of work cleaned up all the glue residue.
    Stay Building My Friends,
  25. Like
    kruginmi reacted to gjdale in HMS Druid by Krug - FINISHED - 1:48 - Hahn   
    Lovely work Mark. I'm intrigued to see the development of your figurehead.
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