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Everything posted by kscadman

  1. Welcome to model ship world. Which ever ship you decide to start on is ok. Just two things to remember.. 1 make sure you really like the ship and she will carry you thru. 2. we are here to help. I'm currently working on my first wooden ship and I'm enjoying it. Yes there will be frustrations, mainly from meanings of terms used in construction. i've learned there is a bit of learning involved (buying and reading books on the subject) but its well worth it. I've done a couple of Comet planes so I see where you're coming from. I think you will find this to be very rewarding (if not frustrating, lol) Again, welcome Richard
  2. I like and understand the "like" button added to the posts. My only discouragement is that I get likes but no feedback on progress, whether it be about my skills or my historical knowledge. I enjoy all the responses I receive from the betters in the craft but I do get frustrated sometimes about my accuracy to the craft. Is it just me or do others feel the same? Likes are nice and give me a boost, but healthy "criticisms/critics" would be appreciated so I can increase my skills and techniques.
  3. Progress is going slow this week. I was able to get the trim installed and worked on making some oarlocks. I wasn't very excited about how the oarlocks looked so I'm seeing how wales would look. I formed the wales and I'm waiting to install them tonight.
  4. Thanks for the information. I've been collecting a few books myself. So I'm correct in my assumption that a jollyboat was hung from the stern davits? The Syren is circa 1802 so it fits within the timeline you mentioned. Richard
  5. Thank you Jesse. It's my first build so I have a lot to learn. I may try tying down my pinnacle
  6. Very nice work Jesse. I enjoy seeing the detail you are putting into your Syren. Where did you find the information on tying down the binnacle?
  7. Thank you all for your comments, They are most helpful. Mark - Thank you, You have introduced me into a new concept of rowing. If I were to add the wash strakes to my boat then it would be typical for the era and to size boat I am building? druxey - I believe that this boat would have been "double banked" Alan - You sound like a fountain of information. May I pick your brain? I'm currently building the MS USS Syren and I feel there should be a ships boat hanging from the aft davits. Am I correct in this line if thinking? If so, what type of boat would be there?
  8. I've been working on a aft ships boat for my Syren and I'm using the 18' yawl shown in the "Anatomy of the Ship - Essex". When looking at the plans for the 18" yawl and the 22' Cutter, it looks to me that the oarlocks were offset from port and aft. Am I correct? If so does anyone have information about it? Thanks to all Richard
  9. Hello all. I managed to get the keel and cap rail installed and gave it its first coat of white.
  10. Amazing work Bruce, I have the Morgan in the shipyard ready to be worked on.
  11. Thank you Thomas. I hope what I'm doing helps in your endeavors. I've patterned this boat off of the 18" Yawl in the Anatomy of the ship Essex. But its becoming an amalgamation of the yawl and the ships boat for the Syren. The stern seat bench, thwarts, iron knees , mast clamp & step have been installed. Ive added the black trim for consistency. Now I need to work on the keel.
  12. My ships boat is starting to take shape. I finished and installed the grates, fore, mid and aft ringbolts and thwart supports. On to the thwarts!
  13. Bottom battens have been laid and the cap rail successfully cut out and ready for install and final shaping.
  14. Progress is being made on the jolly boat. I've installed all the frames and dry fitted the first floor board. i'm not a 100% sure I have the frames right so any critiquing would be most welcome and appreciated. Attached are the progress pictures. Richard
  15. Hi Thomas, thanks for the welcome. I plan on hanging the jolly boat from the aft davits, like you would see on the Connie or the Essex. I'm not quite sure how or if they will interfere with the aft cannons but it looks like it will clear them. Richard
  16. Still sanding on my long boat, but I have made progress on my jolly boat. The sanding looks good and its an even thickness using the calipers. So I stained the interior and sanded the stained the wood for the framing, floorboards, thwarts and thwart supports. I glued in the "keel" and first frames as well as did a rough gluing on the aft grate.
  17. Thanks Doug. I'll be following your Prince de Neufchatel. They are practically the same ship.
  18. Greetings all. Sorry I've been away for a while. But I've made some progress on my ship. The long boat and jolly boat are coming along. In between sanding I decided to sand and stain the sweep oars. With that completed I can start on the boat oars. I went thru a move and now I cant find my hammock cloth so they have been put on the back burner for now.
  19. Your syren is looking beautiful Jesse. Nice work on the cannons and cannonades!!
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