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About Pete38

  • Birthday 01/13/1964

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  • Location
    Eastview, Kentucky
  • Interests
    Model Ships
    My Dog (Triton)

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  1. 1/32 is the same scale as mine. As far a amount of wood needed, I had a friend give me a pile of cherry. I just resawed, planed and sanded as I need. So I don't really have a good list for amounts. Looking forward to more.
  2. yep, just a little south from you Something happen to them and with work I have not had the time to get them reloaded, hoping to get to it soon.
  3. Jim, Just as soon as I am able to find some time, Work is keeping me out of the ship yard and little time to do anything else. ☹️
  4. Welcome to the build. Looks like you are getting a great start with the tools. Looking forward to you build.
  5. Welcome to the build. Looks like your off to a great start. Looking forward to more
  6. Hope he has lots of these in stock, just ordered me one.
  7. Congrats Derek, very nice build, something to be very proud of. Enjoyed watching your build log.
  8. Glad you are a sponsor, Quality tools, Have their lathe and mill already. Welcome
  9. Welcome to the build, nice start to the project, looking forward to more
  10. I have not gotten to that stage yet, but have been thinking about it, I am waiting till have more deck clamps and wales installed for just the reason you have stated. Do which ever you are comfortable with.
  11. Dave, That is the way I set my frames on cross section build, using spacers and a right angle frame. Works out great....Good Luck
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