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Everything posted by Pete38

  1. Good looking blocks and your rope is very nice also. great job
  2. That is looking very good. Clean cuts on the mortise's also
  3. Hope everything works out for the best on your operation. May you heal fast and get back to building
  4. Hey 42rocker you could go back to Kentucky and cut my grass. Its beenn about 2 weeks and its tall.
  5. Bob that is some very nice work. You are sitting the bar very high for this build. Excellent
  6. That is a real nice set up for raising the frames.... I really like the open space in the middle...allows room for clamp where my solid back did not.... Great progress....
  7. Glad to hear you are feeling better and your mother-in-law is also on the road to recovery..... Hope you will find the time to get out and work in your shop more....that always seems to help.
  8. Sorry to here about the 42rocker. Hope you get feeling better real soon. Looking forward to your build
  9. Very nice, really like the look of the redheart. great joints
  10. The frames are looking very good, Bet you are glad the sanding is over Nice job on the fairing
  11. That is a nice set up for the smaller parts. File this one away for use later. Great Job
  12. Thank you all for checking in and the comments. Wireless card went out on my laptop so sitting in the hotel lobby in the business center catching up befor going to a meeting. You all have fun and keep working on your builds so I will have something to do at night (looking at yours)
  13. Hello Not a lot of progress to report, work has been getting in the way.. I am still sanding on the frames to get the faired......there is a lot of sanding to do on this one... Will be gone for the next 2 weeks except for a couple of days on work related trips so I will only be able to check in on others progress and pictures (Hope there are a bunch of them ) Here is how it stands as of today.... You all have fun and see ya when I get back....
  14. That was fast... and a very nice job....frames look great So here is one for you on the frame raising
  15. Marius..Glad to here your operation turned out okay The planking looks very nice....I really like the contrast between the light and dark woods.... Gun carriages look nice also.....The barrell dimensions does look a little large... (just my opinion) I have not looked at the gun prints yet And I like your idea for bending the deck beams..... will file that one back to use when I get to that stage Keep up the good work and looking forward to more.
  16. Nice saws...its always great to have something like that passed down.
  17. That is so "neat" I may just have to get me one of these. Looks like fun.
  18. Real nice job on the frame...treenails look good also Have one on the house and celebrate
  19. Those wood choice's sound very nice, Looking forward to seeing how they all come together...
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