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Everything posted by jay

  1. Hubac’s, that’s some excellent research, as always thank you 👍🏻 Jay
  2. Mark, everyone I believe finds the corkscrew very hard to do, however Nenad never ceases to amaze most of us here with his excellent work .
  3. Happy birthday Bob



    1. CPS_skybolt


      Thank you Jay.

  4. EJ, every year you never cease to amaze me with your Great work just when I think you can’t get any better you do something like this...you are a Prized member of MSW. Jay
  5. jay



    every year you never cease to amaze me with your Great work just when I think you can’t get any better you do something like this...you are a Prized member of MSW. 



  6. Alain, nice picture on your profile , "VIVA LA FRANCE" I salute you Sir. looking forward to this endeavor thank you for sharing. Perhaps you have gave the details of this build in another post sorry I missed it is this a scratch build or a kit ? Jay
  7. Mark, thank you for sharing the link on Patrick's build I truly enjoyed it , Great build!.
  8. Patrick, all i can say is INCREDIBLE!.. thank you for sharing. you must be good at holding your breath while building because I held my breath just looking at the pictures lol Jay
  9. Harley, Chuck S is always correct he is in wonderful San Diego I am in the ugly Desert! Lol. in my old lost builds the topic of to blacken or not to blacken connons always ended with the words "bright and shiny natural brass connons only exist on models only and not real ships" and in order to be historically correct that gave me the will powered to blacken. however I have found that (depending on the build) to me there is nothing more fancy then a bright and shiny properly riged connon. your the Captain and your in control. Jay
  10. Nenad, LOL ,,, BLUSH!!... thank you for sharing the others builds and yes I did finish a whole pot of coffee enjoying them unbelievable work just as yours is please keep up this amazing work Jay
  11. Mark, would you say this is the smallest scale most detailed build on MSW ?. I trust your experience and knowledge. Jay
  12. Chuck, Bill, sounds like you guys "Been there and done that" .lol Sorry to say one must really take caution when scratch building there own tools and making there own JIM BYRNES saw there's just no turning back lol Jay
  13. Mick, some very nice plans. I believe all the fancy carving is illustrated in them, there's so much good stuff in the U.K Jay
  14. Nenad, Thank you for sharing your wealth of information it does help, However in this case with your awesome work I must say "ITS NOT THE ARROW THAT KILLS ITS THE INDIAN " lol. Nice job! Jay
  15. Nenad , simply said AMAZING! . May I dare to ask what type of magnifying instrument your useing? Jay
  16. Doug, Thank you for answering my request with those perfectly taken pictures as well as the information of the tool. upon close examination I couldn't help my imagination from running wild with it's multipurpose It's a must have. now looking at my old sorry looking 3rd hand which I tossed out the window (should have opened the window first! LOL) the Admiral decided for the sake of safety to simply order for me a new 3rd hand just like yours, (amazing what a none needed fake bandaid can do after cleaning up broken glass Lol) looking forward to this very nice build Jay
  17. Doug, very nice work your doing I am truly enjoying this build, thank you for sharing. quick question in the above picture there is a type of third hand holder tool that looks different from the others I always see Perhaps you might find the time for a extra picture(s) of that tool ? It would be appreciated Jay
  18. Danny, Thank you for that Awsome Tip on turning the plank over, I have always been to proud to admit I almost always slip and destroy my plank!. Especially when someone is watching me plank, now all I have to do is flip my plank and magic! It's gone. However I well not admit I slipped (lol)
  19. Michael, you are defenitly 100% right I must agree MSW has the most talented people. at times I feel like I am there STALKER! (lol) Jay
  20. Techsan , Thank you for sharing this build with MSW. looking forward Jay
  21. Sal, that is some very nice work your doing. Have you had the opportunity to checkout Jan (amateur) amazing work on the same build? Jay
  22. Sal, thank you for answering my question and a great tip on those #2 parts. sounds like a plan, looking Forward Jay
  23. Sal, looking good, However I have a question? Regarding The fairing of the #2 fillers should the bulkheads and your bolsa fillers be tapered to the same taper of the #2 fillers (in the above pictures the bottom of the bulkheads look long perhaps it's the camera or should the bottom of the bulkheads be to the same taper of the #2 parts?) Jay
  24. Sal, great work to say the least looking on your past builds you are A pro thank you for sharing this Nice build log with MSW I as well as others are enjoying your endeavor please keep up the fine work Jay
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