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  1. Waldemar, 100% true! Lets hope, for your last sentence. M.
  2. That builders contract must refer to the Hampshire 54, launched 1697/98 According to the Three decks forum site and Rif Winfield it was built by a John Taylor but that must be wrong as it clearly states James Taylor. The Hampshire is the only 4th rate launched from Cuckolds Point on the Thames at that time. The writing is very hard to read but I think that must be the correct ship. Very interesting and valuable document. All the best. M.
  3. Hi maggsl_01, that's a very good planking job, it would be a shame to paint over it, as for the figures and decorations there are many good pictures on the Euromodel website to give you a few ideas, check out the customers photography area. One thing I would like to point out before its too late, you may like to square up the poop gunport a bit, have a look at your drawing with the construction lines on it. You have a very fine model there, good luck with the rest of the work. M.
  4. Oh, thanks Chris, I missed that! How dumb am I! But the measurement is from the top of vent to the underside? right? Thanks again. M.
  5. Hi Chris, first off, congratulations with the obvious success of your latest model kit. Looking forward to see the kits being built on here. You seem to be a breath of fresh air in what was becoming a rather stagnant hobby, not too many kit manufactures are putting out new innovative kits like you are. Back in January, I think it was you wrote, Just the smallest of updates, I now have three sizes of stern lantern available. They come in pairs and consist of a cast resin top and bottom, and fold-around photo etch frame that fits in between. Simple things, but the castings are quite detailed, especially compared to my past efforts, a turned top and bottom on the lathe and cast in white metal.. Lanterns – VANGUARD MODELS Sizes are (height): SMALL – 17.8mm MEDIUM – 21.3mm LARGE – 23.7mm What happened to these lanterns? You only list two sizes these days, and just to clarify, is the measurement from top of vent to underside where the bracket fits? Its hard to judge using the clip as a scale and I don't know how big James's hands are! Will the earlier sizes make a comeback or indeed do you have any left? Thanks. M.
  6. Hi Mark, thanks for taking the time and posting the pic, it actually looks pretty good! I had been looking at these in the past and wondering how they looked in real life. Is that a quarter you have there with it? Good luck with your cutting or grinding or filing, whatever you decide to do. All the best. M.
  7. Hi Chris, just wanted to add my congratulations to you. Your Sphinx looks really good, your ideas and innovations will have this model as the new benchmark for model kits. Until your next one! Looking forward to see how you go about creating the Royal George. All the best. M.
  8. Hi Mark, is there any chance you could post a pic of the actual lion? It would be interesting to see one of these in the flesh, so to speak! Thanks. M.
  9. Hi Sjors, Thank you, and Anja for the Mordaunt complement! You must build that one, it makes a nice display model. I am working on a Royal William at this time (Euromodel), I almost went for the Agamemnon but the RW won the day. Yes I know! put up a build log! I may do in the future, I want to get what I call the boring stuff out of the way first, the first planking, cutting the gun ports and the second planking. We'll see how we go. Keep up the good work All the best M.
  10. Hi Sjors, Wow, you have done a grand job so far, she's looking fantastic. Good luck with the masting and rigging. I must check back a little more often! M.
  11. Very clever attachments bora, thanks again for sharing! M.
  12. Hi Sjors, your Agamemnon is coming along nicely, congratulations! I have seen the prototype of this model, its a fantastic model and its huge. The pictures in all the Agamemnon build logs don't really show the true size of this model. It must be a real challenge, one I certainly would love to try. Good luck for the rest of your build. M.
  13. Hi Nigel, I am looking forward to watching this build, sounds like you have given yourself a lot of extra work, in a good way though! The exposed frames between the wales sounds like a nice detail and it will be good to see how you go about creating the new stern. Good Luck! M.
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