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Everything posted by CaptainSteve

  1. Arrr ... Well since we can hardly name your ship, CaptSteve's Revenge ... what about CaptMorgan's Revenge ?? (I'm hoping that Captain Morgan's rum is a well-known brand States-side, as well as down here in the Antipodes)
  2. Hey Nenad. This is just a suggestion for you, but you might consider using some watch-parts to make the cogs on your windlass. If you do, then you just know I will want to see your windlass in Kit-Basher's ...
  3. Tom, Not only will your Connie be as beautiful as the real thing, if you add the pins it seems she will be as strong !!
  4. Great work, Timbers !!! This looks like it's going to be a fun build to follow. (And thanks for the pics of your wiring socket ... I'm working on the very same thing myself at the moment)
  5. Thank you, Mark ... (You, Sir, doth make-eth MSW a most enjoyable experience !!) And, again, thank you to everyone who hath read me log to this point. As mentioned above, I be moving me base o' operations back to me USS Constitution build 'ere ... I be a-hopin' to see you all o'er there to follow the further Adventures o' CaptainSteve ... Me closin' note be this: Shouldst any future builders o' this kit, having suffered through me log and all o' the links a-followin', doth wish to discuss-eth further any o' the points I didst raise throughout me build, then please feel-eth most free to ask-eth o' me !!
  6. Arrr .. Thank ye, Gentlemen. Nigel. Plenty o' room up the back there ... Or, for the low, low price o' jus' $5000 per week (made payable to MSW), I be certain I can be arrangin' a Deluxe Seat fer ye up front. (Includes snacks) Matt. Since you and the Nutz Brothers phoned ahead then your seats have been reserved.
  7. $1000 plus per bottle ?!?!?! Do y' have any idea how many cartons of Jim Beam I can get for that ?? (At least two weeks worth, bare minimum !!)
  8. Arrr ... That's the reason I give my ships away when I have built them, Nenad. It is not my responsibility to keep them clean.
  9. One final picture 'ere and the rest will appear in the Gallery. The big bloke in the Hi-Viz vest be me mate, CaptainAndrew ... ... 'e does actually smile from time to time, and on this day he was a-mostly smiling. But in this instance, he chose to walk in front of the camera just as his wife were taking some pictures o' his new boat.
  10. Truly, a beautiful job, Matt !! Me hat be off to you and your squirrels !! Sitting in your boss' office, your Launch will be a conversation-starter for years to come !!
  11. To be honest, Matt, I'm not entirely certain. I've spent the better part o' the last two years a-following various threads in the hope o' discovering the 'real' Connie .... and, yet, the very best that the most extensive research can come-eth up with, for any given date, wouldst most verily be a wildly-speculative 'guess-timate' !! I can only surmise that you will have to follow along and see what results ... as will I !!! PS: I DO plan on adding LED lights !!!
  12. Seriously, Buck ?? Not taking anything away from Matt, but surely yours has to be the tallest step-ladder o' the lot of us !!!
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