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Everything posted by CaptainSteve

  1. Just adding to what Antony has said above, I would recommend checking all of the bulkheads to ensure that the distance from the center-line to the port and starboard edges is the same for each bulkhead. I use a set of calipers to compare the two halves of each. If some are too big on one edge, you may need to sand some excess wood away. If some are too small, you may need to glue a shim (extra piece of wood) to the edge to fatten them up a little.
  2. With George voting for the natural look, then it probably doesn't help you to decide at all that I'm going to vote for the painted look. (But, I will agree that the final choice is up to you.)
  3. Welcome to the Connie Club, Livingstoneman. Great to see that you've hit the ground running now that the missing pieces have arrived from Model Shipways.
  4. Nice work on your paddle-wheel, CH. Here's hoping you and Mrs Cathead have an enjoyable trip. Don't forget to bring back photos from the Bertrand museum ... I'm sure we're all waiting to see them.
  5. Gotta second that !! I have no clue precisely what a Chinese anchor of this period would look like, but anything which appears distinctly non-Western would look much better on your build.
  6. Geez Danny, I had no idea the damage was that bad !! Whilst I'm absolutely certain that no-one here questions whether you have the capabilities to restore this ship, well, I just gotta ask ... Would you ever consider doing a wreck diorama ?? (Maybe using one of my earlier builds ...) PS: Have those dead-eyes arrived yet ??
  7. Keep your head up and keep a smile on your face, my Friend.
  8. HEAT-SHRINK TUBING TO MAKE IRON ANCHOR BANDS The following has been lifted, with permission, from Blue Ensign’s HMS Pegasus log …
  9. Once planking has been done, then an old sofa cushion also works as a soft bed. Just gouge out an appropriate sized hull-shaped section with your hobby knife, and it's good to go.
  10. Matt !! That's some stunning work that you and the boys have done with fitting the guns. The ropes for the swivel turret really bring it all to life.
  11. Always good to follow your progress on this build, Michael.
  12. From what I've read on MSW, it is pretty much a case of Captain's choice. In other words, if you wish to go for the Baby Puke Puce, as opposed to a nice Vomit Yellow, then that is entirely up to you. Or if you were to choose to fly in the face of all conventional wisdom and add (perhaps) whaling harpoons to the whale-boats on a naval vessel, then that choice would be yours to make, as well. The corollary, of course, is that if you demand nothing less than complete historical accuracy, then you are also free to read every historical paper and discuss every detail in-depth with the experts (and this place has plenty !!). Heck, if you want to, I'm sure nobody would object if you wish to design and build a working time-machine in order to go back and check the details, yourself. Just be sure to take heaps of pictures !!
  13. Nice work on the Captstan, Nenad !! So tell us .... is it made from a bottle cap ??
  14. Mark, Don't forget the parts to make up the gratings, and a tool chest. Plus, if Buck's and Matt's work is any guide, you'll also be needing pieces for a compass, lantern and various barrels.
  15. Har Har, Matt !! Nay. That game hath been played to death. But I do plan on taking holidays at work when the next Elder Scrolls doth arrive-eth !!
  16. Arrr ... I be okay, CH, thanks fer askin'. Well, as OK as my therapist will attest to, anyways. The reason fer the long delay betwixt postings wouldst be that I has set meself three tasks to complete afore posting the details to me next log update. As of this most recent weekend, the biggest and hardest o' these tasks now be 80% completed.
  17. Adding my two cents worth to bring you up to a dime .... Beautiful job by the crew there, Matt. I reckon I'd give serious thought to leaving the whole assembly with a brass look.
  18. The Nutz brothers have done a mighty impressive job on that windlass, Matt. I'd be letting them out for the rest of the weekend as a reward.
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