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  1. So I'm back. Yeah I know, another false dawn but this time I have retired and apart from being a childminder for my daughter, my evenings are my own. So no excuses. The model hasn't been touched since, but here are a few photos just to bring me up to date.....I have already made a mistake. I glued down the chequered floor before I placed the decking.
  2. I see what you mean. You get a thin paper layer to place on the frames and then a thicker paper layer to go over that. I don't like the way the deck looks. It looks too perfect and the planks are not realistic in my view. The treenails? on the planking are round circles and don't look right. I have some thin wood strips of veneer and I also have a roll of beech-looking paper. I'm thinking of laying this over the 'perfect' decking.
  3. Hi Alan. Yeah, I'll take that on the chin. I just need to find tutorials about how to actually work with paper and cardboard so as to give me a chance to do a decent job of it. Things like how to iron out humps and fill in hollows.
  4. So, at long, long, long, last.....life has given me the time to pick up the model. I have come to the realisation that interruptions hamper my efforts big time. My daughter has a baby....grandparent duties come first. I am in my shed...the missus wants to go to the shops. I, therefore, go to the shops and don't return to my shed. I pick up the model and bend the cardboard out of shape.....I look on the internet for a solution...and end up watching a movie. I go over the plans with a beer...and realise what a task I have ahead of me...so I have the beer instead. No excuses here.....just telling it like it is. But after so many false starts I am ON IT! Making a period ship model has been a wish I have had all my life. I made ALL the Airfix/ Revell ones. I vividly recall doing the WASA and SOTS and wondering why there was a crowsnest on the bowsprit. I have the monograph from Ancre of Le Gros Ventre. A wood model that I hope to build one day. I guess what I am trying to say here is that I have had many a false dawn with this model, but I believe I am finally ready to give it another go.
  5. I saw a video on YT where a guy used wood veneer to overlay onto the paper on the ships hull. He felt that the cardboard in the kit was 'too perfect' to give a realistic effect. I was thinking of doing the same. Has anyone used veneer rolls? The type that you iron on? Can it be sanded down? Glued with PVA/Superglue?
  6. Hello everyone. A lot has happened over the years. I was made redundant (4 times) and I put the build away in the wardrobe where it has stayed since. I have 2 more grandkids now and I will retire New Year 2024. I now have a shed where I can work instead of the dining table. The ship is still exactly as I posted. So sorry for letting you all down over the time but I will make amends.
  7. Have I hell. Gotta be honest though, I haven't pushed myself to get back to it either. Thant's gonna change.
  8. Hello everyone My, doesn't time fly! My grandson is 2 now and my daughter is moving out soon. Things should get back to normal in a few weeks. Over the months I have tried working on the kitchen worktops and in the bedroom but for me it just doesn't work. I even put the ship back on the table, but the little fella is always inquisitive and I end up putting the ship away again. With a bit of luck I should be back soon.
  9. I remember many years ago attempting a metal rail around a ships stern. Lots of kinks! Gorgeous job, Beautifully done. Hats off to you sir.
  10. The merged photo showing the crew on both sides of the deck is absolutely stunning. For me it is the best photo. It is not hard to imagine the devastation that shrapnel could make in such a confined space. Bravo Dafi. Beautifully done.
  11. Dafi, thanks for this truly inspirational build. Love what you are doing with the figures..each telling a story. You are MSG's own Olivier Bello ..............http://www.arsenal-modelist.com/index.php?page=shipimg&ship=boullongne∂=cℑ=c1
  12. Square nuts?? One thing is for sure...I now know I am in the land of perfection...absolutely speechless.
  13. Hi Guys Clare...so sorry for not replying to you. I got my kit from the Polish site Shipyard. The frames were all pre-cut. Each frame piece is laser cut and has small tabs that when cut frees the frame from the cardboard. John...thank you for the information. On a general note, I haven't given up on my ship, but my working table became a nursery for my daughters new baby boy. He is 1 now. My how time flies! My table used to have new born baby stuff piled on it, now it has 1 year old baby stuff on it instead.
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