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Dave B

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Everything posted by Dave B

  1. I have started to build my Speedy kit and so far it's been a joy to work on. I have not had any difficulties so far that I couldn't figure out from looking at other build logs or more carefully reviewing the instructions. It's my first kit from Vanguard Models and I can see why they have quickly become so popular. I'm hoping that once I complete Speedy I will have gained enough skill to finish my Niagara kit that has been at a standstill for many years. I'm sure I will have questions as I progress further. Thank you to all who have posted the previous build logs. I have read all of them! Dave Barnard
  2. I did sell the building slip I mentioned above, had an inquiry recently so wanted to state this is sold. Thank you.
  3. Holding for you BikerMart, thank you.
  4. If anyone in the USA is interested, I have one of these which I'm not going to use. It is still in the original box with seal intact, unassembled. It's just been sitting here unopened. It still has the outer black plastic they used to protect it (looks like a folded up trash bag to me). I paid $64.99 in 2019 plus shipping. This is the larger of the two sizes they made. I'll sell it for $55 plus shipping, preferably UPS which is most convenient for me. (or pick up for free from Columbia MO) The box weighs a little over 17 pounds and measures 41" x 11" x 4" Dave
  5. If anyone in the USA is interested, I have one of these which I'm not going to use. It is still in the original box with seal intact. I bought one in 2019 and it arrived with some broken parts. So I contacted Hobbyworld USA and they said they would send those parts to me. But then nothing happened over the next couple months and they weren't responding anymore to my emails. So I fixed the original one assuming I wasn't getting a replacement for the broken parts. Then out of the blue about 6 months later I received a brand new one, the whole thing without explanation. It's just been sitting here unopened. It still has the outer black plastic they used to protect it (looks like a folded up trash bag to me). Anyways, if interested it is available. I paid $64.99 at the time plus shipping. I'll sell it for $60 plus shipping, preferably UPS which is most convenient for me. (or pick up for free from Columbia MO) The box weighs a little over 17 pounds and measures 41" x 11" x 4" I will put this message in the selling area too, that's probably where it's supposed to go... Dave
  6. Hi Frank, thanks for checking in with me! Yes, I am fine 🙂. I have not worked on the ship for a while, although I didn't realize it's been almost 6 months already until this message. I've been doing some non-ship projects but do plan to get back to this after those are completed. I am pleased with how all the parts came out cutting them on my own and it's quite satisfying to do all that work yourself I think. Here is the latest pic from where it is sitting in my woodshop, nothing glued yet but the parts fit night and snug and seem to line up straight. It was a lot of work just getting to this point, lots of sawing! Hoping to make further progress soon! Dave
  7. Regarding the brushed on glue method, I am not building this kit but assume it would work well for any kit so I was wondering about it. Do you dilute with water? And what is a good ratio of glue to water to use? Thanks, Dave
  8. New price of $540 now. This should bring the total including shipping via UPS to under $600 for most USA locations. Please let me know if anyone would like more photos or other information. This kit is just too big for me and I have plenty of others on the shelf so that's why I'm selling it. Thanks for looking! Dave
  9. Amati/Vanguard Kit #1300/04 in new condition. Nothing started, everything is exactly as received when I bought this a few years ago. I have added some additional packing material to keep everything protected inside. Price is $600 plus actual shipping cost. It will ship in the original outer box which is 40" x 18" x 9" The total weight is 34 lbs.
  10. I ordered one of these a couple months ago and it had some issues with damage during shipment. Just wanted to say that Matt took care of everything for me, excellent customer service from HobbyWorld USA!!! Dave
  11. Just a quick question. To make my build board I have a nice flat piece of 3/4" thick plywood plenty long enough but only a little over 10" wide. From the photos in other build logs it looks like that should work fine, but any reason it wouldn't? Thanks, Dave
  12. I've cut out the bulkheads for the front section and a few random others and it seems to be going well. As I do more I am getting comfortable cutting a bit closer to the lines. Still leaving extra on the outer surface but hopefully not too much. Here's a photo of test fitting them. Please advise if any adjustments should be made before I continue to process with the rest.
  13. Thanks all....very helpful advice....will proceed with cutting more of the bulkheads out this week.
  14. Hi all. I've cut out my first bulkhead. I left about slightly under 1/16" outside the line (was aiming for 1/16" but ended up a little closer). I did not leave extra at the tops of the bulkhead extensions. Is that OK or should I leave some extra wood there as well? Also, I wasn't sure how much if any extra to leave on the insides of the bulkhead extensions and across the top of the flat part. Where I've marked it with the blue arrows in the picture is where I'm not sure about. I don't want to create more work than necessary later unless it's going to help me get them all to the correct height or even with each other. Cutting this first one out was easy with the lite ply and #7R blade in my scrollsaw. Thanks, Dave
  15. Thanks so much Chuck, I know it's not easy making videos like this. They turned out great, very easy to understand and see everything and you explain things very well!
  16. I've been experimenting with different sized scroll saw blades and practicing, about ready to make some real cuts soon. I noticed that Stuntflyer Mike recommended in another build log cutting just slightly outside of the lines which I'll try doing. That was nice timing because I was kind of wondering about that. I had to order some new blades since most of mine were partially used so it may be a few more days before I start. In the meantime I'll look at making the base supports out of some 1/2" MDF I have in my shop. Dave
  17. Starting my member build log! I have received my first shipment from Syren Co. and the parts/wood all looks great. I am building the yellow cedar version. I am looking forward to a great experience and to learning a lot during the build. I have a lot of nice 1/4" baltic birch ply in my stash that will be what I use for the keel, and I just received the lite ply for the bulkheads from the recommended source for ease of cutting on those parts. A couple of those lite ply pieces are pretty warped and I'm not sure how much to worry about that. I'll start with the flatter pieces though. So I just need to dust off my DeWalt scroll saw and practice a bit and then get busy with cutting out parts! Dave
  18. Thanks for asking that, that's exactly what I needed to know as I already have a supply of birch ply and only need to order for the bulkheads. So 6 plus maybe an extra for mistakes or warping is what I'll order. Dave
  19. What kind of improvements is Dusek making to the Mamoli kits? Better wood and/or instructions or other changes? Nice to hear that in any case. I looked at the website and don't see it described although the photos look nice.
  20. Thank you so much for the detailed photos and descriptions. I've been a little stuck on my Niagara rigging for a while and while there are many other excellent build logs, yours is easiest for me to follow along with. I really appreciate it. Such nice work and photos too.
  21. I love to see these updates, thank you for posting them! Your goal of producing such high quality products is much appreciated and it's really interesting to see how it all comes together.
  22. Great work and congratulations! Your build log will help me and others in the future I'm sure, so thank you!
  23. Thanks Jeff. Chris has already contacted me and it's all taken care of! Excellent customer service!
  24. Hi, I'm just curious about how long it has taken for people to receive Alert who live in locations of the Midwest or further west in the USA? I live in Missouri, order placed June 12th and nothing has arrived yet but that may be perfectly normal. 17 days since I received confirmation that my order was complete from Vanguard Models. Thanks for any others experience with shipping times to my area of the US. Dave
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