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Everything posted by olliechristo

  1. Alistair, after reading through that discussion, i think i could have left the tackles off.. i thought about doing just that the other day but wasnt sure if tackles where what held the canons in place, but it seems it is the breech rope and all tackles were stored unless in combat.. My only concern is the patching off eye bolt holes now, already have a couple.. Regards Olllie
  2. Thank you Michael, coming from you, that means a whole lot, your work is absolutely amazing.. Cheers Ollie
  3. Thanks guys, this is where i have had so much deliberation and tried to ask about the angle of tackles a couple of times.. I didnt really explain it properly i think... I dont know if its okay to attatch them off the ribs? do i add some timber brace there to support them? I added them where they are because they seemed cluttered.. I will try to relocate them, luckily ive been out up a mountain all day and didnt finish them .. I have decided to frappe the ropes as these canons would have not been used much at all.. regards Ollie
  4. Thanks each and every one of you . Yes it's a bit of a chore Banyan.. I.need those spiders.:-) I've been catching up on some other pastimes with some lovely winter sunshine.. Climbed some mountains, kayak down a stunning river. Beach and creeks.. John, thanks mate, I made up the spacing jig like you suggested because that really made a lot of sense to me... All my pictures show row boat as I have done. Interesting.. Alistair I can't decide either.. Think that the timber side just wins.. :-) Leanne, I really hope you get her back in action! I should be able to help with some issues if they arise with the building... Looking forward to it.. So I have procrastinated a lot with my canons rigging. The dinghy was a escape I think.. Okay whipped myself into action today and not far off having them done... Just have to decide how to tie them off and if I will do coiled ropes.. Much thanks. Oliver
  5. Jeff, i miss your posts, and i hope everything is okay for you.. Regards Ollie
  6. Thanks guys.. I won a bid on the 1:60 Al kit, think I got a great price for. $160 including delivery.. It's been shelved since the mid 80's. Not sure if this means a good purchase or not.. We will see.. I'm thinking the older kit may hold some "old school good quality" or some old materials with quality issues.. Either way I will be bashing I'm sure, so I just hope the hull shape is close to correct.. Regards Oliver
  7. I have also fitted my lower deadeye straps. Just need to get my canons rigged properly, and I can move on with shrouds.. :-) you can see the spacing jig I have made.. Ollie
  8. Thanks John,Tom, Alistair and Bindy :-) So.. I have finished my first scratch build ;-) I have added a painter and my first coiled rope. everything you see is hand crafted including the eye bolts which are my smallest yet, the thread had trouble going through. :-) they are tricky to get right though. Need some very pointy round pliers me thinks. All the bits are there to rig her on the davits but think I will get more done on the rigging before mounting. Regards Oliver
  9. Thanks so much buddy. I'm torn between davits and deck placement.. Im figuring it will display better on stern. Maybe get a bit lost amongst rigging.. Ahh the decisions.. I've thought about having her on deck and putting both canons on the show side, but not sure if that's a good idea in the real world of ships... Regards ollie
  10. Hi all hope you all had a good weekend and managed to get some hobby time in..I got my oars done and.lashed down.. Shrouds are on their way.. Regards Oliver
  11. Yes tom research is key I'm learning.. Without internet I'm realising how great a tool it is... I do need to purchase some books though.. Bit slack on that... Excellent! They don't take long to make.. So will knock up two more... I realise they need to be lashed together. also wondering if they are lashed to seats also? To stop them being loose items.. You guys are such help.. Thanks :-)
  12. Thanks gang. :-) I knocked up some oars out of 2mm tooth picks and some 4x0.6 mm silver ash plank.. I think they look okay.. I'm thinking 4 oars should suffice?? Thinking I will store dinghy on the rear even though I like it on deck. I think it will confuse my canons layout etc. Regards Oliver
  13. Just sensational. A treat for us viewing here.. I commend you on your beautiful workmanship. Regards Oliver
  14. Hi gang.. I've done more on my dinghy.. I didn't like the fit of the back seat, so I remade it and added some side seats, looks much better.. Cleaned up the CA and all looks well with the clinker finish. I decided to make mine a bit larger than the kit supplied, when looking at the historic sketch and paintings, I decided so, I also havnt noticed more than one boat so just going with this one.. In King's sketch he shows a boat on deck that looks about a third of the length of the ship... Mine fits on deck nicely and actually really like the look of it up there.. hmm. Mine works out about a quarter of the ships length. About 4.8 metres at scale.. The kit shows to add rings to cap rail and ropes to more rings and to the davits.. Do you lot think I should mount it like shown in instructions?? Thanks ollie
  15. Thanks so much gang. Really happy with the way the baby is coming along. Few bits of ca to clean up. . Unlike the internet which is a disaster, our network is pretty atrocious. Lots of corrosion from the high rainfall I think.. Gonna be a waiting game.. Wondering about oarlocks.. What suits this era? Grooves through cap rail or.pins..?? Anything else you think I should add? Tie points etc.. Will make some oars... Any inspirations welcome.. Many regards ollie
  16. Thanks for looking all. Be back in a few days, can't wait to check in on all your builds. Just had a bit of free wifi time. Regards ollie
  17. Hi gang, internet coming to my home soon. ran out of phone data.. I have been making my dinghy from scratch.. just working away slowly..
  18. I forgot to show you all what I did with rudder hinges on copper side.. I decided just to paint them with some tamiya metal paint, happy with the finish.. For a while there I wasn't too sure about my decision to do two different finishes on my hull, but now sometimes she sits facing one way for a week or so and I flip her around and feel very satisfied.. I.like both sides equally.. almost. Thankw and hope you enjoy the pics and your weekend. Ollie
  19. I will keep to the build now. Enough waffle.. I had a good day.. Made up some hand made eye bolts first thing this morning. Good to get a grip on a technique.. This was As I had run out of kit one's for whatever reason... I have added more rings to canons. I use a lamp to help dry things. The humidity here is near 100%.. You may notice a sneak peek at something I'm working at slowly.. Regards Oliver
  20. Sure is Geoff. I'm even baking muffins in my spare time. For my lady who has been up since 5am on her day off to.try keep the road network going.. Yeah.I'm good I.know.. Just had a tree come down outside laundry.. Decent size too.. Ollie tu to
  21. Thanks guys, certainly wild weather, rivers are raging. It's go nowhere weather.. Thanks so much for the advice on tackles.. Still just wondering should I attache To the same rib on.bulwark or is it okay to angle them back to the next rib along..? Regards Oliver
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