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Everything posted by md1400cs

  1. Allen, Thanks for the very nice comment. Regarding your search for Spanish ordinance this link might be of help to you. http://www.shipmodels.com.ua/catalog/Cannon
  2. bc_63, Found the answer looking back through my Vasa log. scroll down for links to tools as well
  3. Glad that it was helpful. I need to go back (ringlets) to remember - will post ASAP.
  4. Hi, Work in progress update. Got all of the LED’s needed from Evan Designs (excellent source!!!). So started the installs – Yikes this would have obviously been SO much easier had I decided to add lights earlier in this project. But enjoying the current challenge this is creating for me. Where to locate the batteries and two needed on/off buttons to be determined. Battery packs will, of course, fit inside – on/off button locations TBD. Will also make some kind of candle looking housings for the lantern LEDs Thanks for dropping by….
  5. Bc_63, I looked at the rigging – don’t quite remember. That said – at the rear – since my model would not be seen from the back – did some creative rope pin attachments with certain clew, bunt and leach lines placing them at other non-specified (kit) locations. Then other four left over ropes were attached as in image below bellow (Ithink) – just made sure that lines did not cross over each other, but just visually disappeared along with the other lines. That also avoided having to attach two lines into single pin holes. Good luck..
  6. Hi, Been away from the yard for a bit of time - so no real updates.. Peter (@Katsumoto) Thanks for your very kind post. Yes, you are right the Amati decorations tend to be a little more yellow. I think that over time that they will hopefully fade. Judging from the Amati bits that I added to the forward bulkhead, the others may also “fade” a bit more as well. Good luck with your current project, as well a possibly later starting a sovereign as well. Wade13, Wow – so touched by your thoughts – that, BTW, go way beyond my perceptions of what I am capable of. You are overly kind – So appreciate that this project is of great interest for you. You also have a great gift for the written prose….also loved your exaggerations of my skills (;-))) Again, so touched by your words…. I have finally ordered from Evan Designs as many LED’s of different sizes (took three orders) – both flickering and solid, and of different sizes as well that now can move forward installing lights were they may be the most useful. The power source locations are still a work in progress - given that the lights were an afterthought.... Regards,
  7. Jeff, Wow!! indeed a beautifully built ship along with your super creative setting for placing this great work. 🏆
  8. Frank: Yes big quality difference indeed – just starting work with lantern housings will post comparisons between vintage and current kit's product as well. Patrick: Thanks – PS: your new log looks to be another great build! Peter: Thanks as well for your much appreciated comment. – welcome aboard – so nice of you. I have, in fact, blended some of the Amati decorative pieces into this build. Have you started your Sovereign? ---------------------------- I did not think that they (all the outer gallery windows) would SO “blacken out” all interior details. SO have decided add LED’s – needed to remove the poop deck as well as the upper stern facing cover for better inside access. Just purchased LED’s from Evan Designs (a vendor here at MSW) as I did for my Santisima cross section. His lights require a small flat coin battery 2032 holder - as well as incorporating a small on/off switch, or I could use his AAA battery holder, but how to place that inside as well as needing later access – have not figured that out yet. Work in progress….with the coin battery holder could just leave it under the poop deck grating. Tiny on/off switch will need a hidden spot as well. Adding lights should have been thought of - a long time ago - not at this stage of this build so far. Yikes 😁 Regards,
  9. Hello, Alex-Ks1 -- big thanks Here are some updated images of the continuing work with the stern gallery outer faces. I like how the outer windows turned out. Certainly more historically accurate (haha – this kit has nothing to do with historical accuracy).. though I am a bit regretful, in that all of the previous work (interior floorings, gold trimming on upper and lower inner window frames, and gallery planking are now totally hidden from view - oh well. FYI: Last image offers a comparison of current kit's metal bit compared to vintage kit's solid bronze bits. Regards,
  10. Frank, superb build log - with arguably a super difficult kit to look as yours came out. Regards as always….oh tassels- brilliant indeed!
  11. Patrick - adding your new log as well. in the mid-90s I visited the Mary Rose (well after seeing that other one - right next door) haha — Very interesting. This was before they of course totally rebuilt the Mary Rose museum, which apparently today is astonishing. Looking forward to your new build, which are always a delight to follow. Cheers, my friend.
  12. Patrick, SO enjoyed and I learned following this log. Big congratulations indeed. Cheers,
  13. Richard, always appreciate your kind thoughts. Yes, those shapers are excellent. Given the absolute amount of such perfectly small details that your include in your builds - these shapers will be awesome for you. Other suppliers are available -- https://artesanialatina.net/en/micro-tools/1295-micro-shapers-a-wooden-plastic-models-miniatures-8421426273007.html Marc, Thanks - yes indeed looks much nicer - We are each our own worst critics, but glad that I went back for the "fix". Just caught up to your log - Wow -- sculpturing is an area that I will never attempt - I know my limitations hahaha. Regards,
  14. Frank, Just catching up. Great build!! As you note with oars out this will require a very large footprint.....
  15. Patrick, Just catching up - great work - your swivel guns are brilliant indeed.....
  16. Hi, I have been away from this hobby for more than two months and, it was now time to continue the stern portion of this project. Here are some images of my continued work at the stern area. For those of you who are kind enough to still follow or just drop in for a look (big thanks) – You may remember that I also intended to mostly scratch build the stern, as well as lowering the poop deck angle from what Sergal suggests in their instructions. Here are some images, and inserted notes of the work so far. Cheers to all – enjoy your year-end holidays.
  17. Richard, Thanks, Need to get back to her - she's been in idle drydock for over a month. Life has gotten in the way 😎. And also spent time in Europe for a 1st trip in about three years - given that the planet has been shut down for almost as long. Regards,
  18. Martyn, Sorry to read re: your mom. Sadly we all go through that (;-(((. I've always admired the work that you've done with this project. Stay well. Regards,
  19. Dziadeczek: Thanks SO much for your kind comments - your work IS so amazing that I am touched by your comments Frank; As always 😁
  20. such excellent work 👍 a pleasure for the eyes - a bit frustrating for my brain to possibly try to get near there 😀👌
  21. Hi all, As they say “third time's a charm” – rebuilt forward section of beakhead deck removing grid and also those out of scale slats. Then, ship wide also removed, the second attempt better but still non size matching grids and replaced them with new ones at all the decks. Ok…done with “fixes” (for now at least lol) will now actually move forward with continued work with at the stern section. Thanks so much for dropping by for a look, likes, and kind comments.
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