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Everything posted by md1400cs

  1. Yes E.J - as Ulises asked??? --- Have been using Chuck's ropes for years - so loved them - but he's no longer producing them. Never wanted the challenge - but now it appears as if there is little choice - and your comments about it's actually sorta easy is encouraging. And your ropes do look very good. Also what kind of threads?? lot's of new learning coming up for me as well. Cheers,
  2. Hi, Minor update - having more or less completed the hull planking now focused on planking the other three needed upper decks pear wood (3 x 0.5mm)... Work in progress.....next will add "treenails" as was done for forecastle deck. along with other needed work. The kit provided pre-scored decks were a great aid for aligning the covering planks. Thanks so much for your interest in following, likes, comments and/or just dropping by...
  3. Robert, Just catching up - as always superbly well detailed work!!
  4. Hi, Want to share - I've learned so much from other members techniques - this is a silly simple idea, but I have found it to be super helpful for many different needs. In this case for the planking - I occasionally had minor differences in plank widths -and did not pay attention when gluing them into place. It, of course resulted in a larger problem when adding next plank. Have been using this for a long time. I use adhesive backed sanding discs, attach bits to various sizes of wood to create very useful sanding tools of any needed size - In this case 220 grit --- but you get the idea. regards,
  5. J11, Thanks much appreciated - PS: wasn't done without my having to use some phrases and words that I had not used since a teen 😂
  6. Hi all, Here are some updated images for the hull second planking. and I was getting very lazy about putting on/off small dust mask as I sanded and adjusted each plank before installing – so thought about a solution (Amazon) – works very well – see last image Thanks for looking in -- as always much appreciated!
  7. Jonathan, I had a cargo full load of enjoyment following your superb build - BIG congrats - she looks awesome indeed. Regards,
  8. Eric, Just found your log - very great work - Regards.
  9. Steven, Hmmmm?? Michael Hirst who spent years studying and making sure that the series was as close to their world as possible, would take great exception at your post. https://www.amazon.com/World-Vikings-Justin-Pollard/dp/1452145458/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=micheal+hirst+the+vikings&qid=1615738793&s=books&sr=1-1-spell
  10. Patrick Nice -- PS: on the backside of the shrouds (facing to the inside of the ship - where I would do the knots) - I found that Gorilla Gel CA is the best way to almost immediately secure knots - don't tighten TOO much - give a pull just after adding the tiny spot of glue - hold for a second - The glue will then weave into the single loop knot and become a super solid lock. After the glue dries - couple of minutes - you can really tug on the loose ropes ends and cut with scissors as close to the locked knot as you can - without leaving a visible strand - works so well... and looks so good Also if you really want to; the glue dries shiny - So I later add a small touch of flat clear paint to remove the shiny looking knots. For the ratlines - bit more work - I found that after the clover hitches sometimes the knots would loosen up and not "look right" Gel CA also became useful. --- Glad that I could be a helpful guide 👌 Another suggestion - CA Gel is not good for super small knots - but GS- Hypo Cement is perfect indeed. Cheers my friend.....
  11. Hi , I just started the second planking (pear wood 5 X 1/2mm). Not sure about how I am doing this – also not sure if I’m doing it according to English planking 16th century. That said, I have seen some amazing builds that have diff. shades of planking throughout the hull – looks amazing – trying to emulate that look – not sure if I’m up to it. May just remove what’s been started and just Watco all planks - instead of just some here and there. – Need to “sleep on this” for a couple of days. Anyway sharing some frustrations. Darker planks seem to stand out a bit too much? - Any advice would be greatly appreciated. PS: I think that builders that included different shades among hull planks was because they used different woods?. I’m trying to do this just using all the same pear wood wood – just adding a stain to some planks; all confusing so far; probably not the way to do this. I am aware that the water line and below hull was probably painted white – decided not to do that, which, of course, would solve the problem. Just sharing some frustrations for this part of the build - so far - but glad to be finally starting the hull work. Thanks so much for your visits and interest in this build log – so appreciated. Regards,
  12. Ulises, Yes !! welcome back indeed - PS your main stay looks so great by the way. Cheers,
  13. Hi Mates, Finishing up some needed details to main deck before installing. Also got my order from Cornwall so finished up the upper side railings as well. Thanks for the likes - much appreciated indeed.
  14. Robert, No they only have that one size. I too was a bit concerned about their sizes; using for a 1/78th project. Here are a couple more images. That said, yours look perfectly in scaled. Good choice indeed!. I may decided to do your method - thanks for the idea and the company link. Regards,
  15. Robert, As always superb work; Fire buckets are beyond perfect - also depth markers look excellent. I plan on adding depth markers details for my current build. FYI found these brass etched examples https://www.hfminis.co.uk/shop?product=roman-numerals~hfpkpro05&category=accessories~etched-brass-%28architectural%29
  16. Interesting - I had never seen parrels used in this way before.
  17. Martyn, Glad that you are back 🙂 She looks to be a very interesting project - really like the look and your details - well done Regards,
  18. Andre - much nicer indeed !!! - You saw that I also used a different stern lantern on my Vasa. Adds a big improvement indeed. The "wash" that I used helped the look. Your paint work added a nice look as well. The Vasa lantern was never recovered. They are still, today, finding many artifacts from around the wreck - interesting! When I went to the Vaset museum in 018 - I had a very nice meeting with Dr. Fred Hocker - he thought that the lantern, for the launch, had not yet been installed. So it's not know how it might have looked - specific to the Vasa,which was the flagship of the swedish navy.... Regards,
  19. Jason, Concur with ALL all the superlatives posted above - and as a minor thought your flag also came out Fantastic!! Sincerely,
  20. Frank: As always thanks appreciate your thoughts - Patrick: Noted thanks for the post - Hmm I might figure a way of filling the grooves then adding a stain - thanks for the information. Sergal was getting too creative - again haha - No drains? seems odd -where would the bilged pumped water go? - I was going to follow McKay's image but seemed a bit too much work...actually I was tempted to at least add the drains and caps from his images.🤔 but, this project will look "so busy" that these two pumps will be minor details - still always thanks for your information and advice.
  21. Kirill4: Thanks so much for your images, very informative and helpful – very kind. I do have the Anderson book, indeed excellent. Yes all mast yard hails will use the same methods. Thanks again for your excellent comments. Minor update – still waiting for bits from Cornwall – not their fault; international flights, USPS mail, both almost out of business…..🙁 So in the meantime worked on the capstan, bilge pumps, and main deck gratings; the Sergal provided pumps and capstan were actually quite good. Added some details but all in all fairly satisfied with these bits. The gratings Sergal provided (laser etched) I did not plan on using, much the same with all the decks. But for these bits the Sergal instructions were very useful. Here are some images. Regards,
  22. Patrick, Nice -- I'm working on sump pumps as well. What is that around the bases? I'm not sure if I should directly glew them to the deck, or did sump pumps have some sort of "seal" at their bases --Hmmmm? Regards,
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