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Everything posted by pete48

  1. Hi Toni, The Deck planking looks great , Nice job Best Regards, Pete
  2. Nicely Done Popeye , Looks really good , I like the window frames Best Regards, Pete
  3. Hey Bob, When can we go Sailng ? Tell you what we will Hve to Take out The Buzzards Bay 14 as well , It was nice to look at her again Shes a Beauty Best Regards, Pete
  4. Thank you Russ , In alot of ways building the 14 first , has helped tremendosly, and has given me great insight to create as close to Capt' Nates Original 12 1/2 as Possible . The Math Has come out perfect . Its been an incredible amount of fun building these . ( and it has been quite Addicting ) Best Regards, Pete
  5. Yesterday I started Fairing the Frames , Then I decided to Remodel the Lobster Smack Buid Jig to so that it is now my Herreshoff 12 1/2 build jig ( It is a very flat very, stable build board and will work perfect for the next build ) Today I started to finish the Fairng of the frames and Frame 9 broke off , after that I realized that Frame 8 had not been detailed for the cockpit. I was fortunate that I was able to take care of that before Planking, after the 2 fixes I finished Fairing the Frames . She is right on the Money the numbers are comming out perfect and she is now ready for planking . Here are the results
  6. Thank you Michael Hi Rick, The alcohol will pickup all the dust , dirt and oils from my fingers, without damaging the wood . ( it dries fast ) Best Regards, Pete
  7. Today, I started the day by preping the boat for epoxy . First I wiped the boat down with rubbing alcohol . Next I used a Cherry stain on the Transom . Then I mixed up a batch of West System G-flex Epoxy. This is the first time that I have used the G-flex . In the past I have always used the 105 Resin with the 205 Hardner . I am glad that I tried it, very simple with a 50/50 ratio ( so you dont need the pumps ) the pot life is longer as well as the cure time ( about 4 hours ) Next will be fairing the hull for primer . Here are the results
  8. Thank you Cap'n'Bob , Shes actually going together easier than the 14 , I have been able to plan this one a little better , It has helped alot by doing the 14 first since I have the plans for that one . She will be a looker Best Regards, Pete
  9. Nice work Max , it looks like shes comming together nicly Best Regards, Pete
  10. Sweet Popeye, what do you run it tru ( GK 800RB with an Ampeg SVT 8 10 Cab ) LoL . thats What my last Bass player's set up was . Have you tried Roto Sounds he swore by them . Wow down the Mast hole unbelivable . Will the Mast still fit ? I think you may have better odds with the lotto Best Regards, Pete
  11. I wanted to make a correction on an earlier post, Regarding the Birch ply on the Transom, Originally I said that it was 1/32" when it is actually 1/64"
  12. Today, I started by setting up the building jig . Next I cut out the Cockpit details on frames 5 thru 8 . Then I started setting frames by Squaring them up with the Backbone and Level with the water line. ( so far She's right on the money ) Next will be to Fair the Frames , and get ready for Planking. Here are the results
  13. Hi Davis, Absolutely, I would love to have a full size one Best Regards, Pete
  14. Thank you Cap'n'Bob , This is going to be a fun build , Trying to Capture Capt' Nates Masterpiece. Nils , It is not hard to do these are amazing boats Best Regards, Pete
  15. Thank you Rick , I have had a great passion for these boats since I was a kid . The Transom and sheer are what hooked me , I have sailed the 12 1/2 wich is an amazing boat ( I am building a proto-type 12 1/2 on another build log ) You have a very nice Boat. I love the cockpit with the grating shes a beauty . Thank you for the pics and the encouragement I greatly appreciate it Best Regards, Pete
  16. Michael, I did loft a few of the frames at 1 1/2" = 1' - 0" and at that size would make a realy nice rc boat. ( I have thought about it ) Bob, Thank you for the kind words, Sleep whats that ( LoL ) I am fortunate that right now I have time to work on these Best Regards, Pete
  17. The ladder looks great , Good job Nils Best Regards, Pete
  18. Hi Popeye, I am old school as well , no cad .I use pecils and paper, and loft from the offset table . experiments are part of the fun. Epiphone makes a great product, I have a Epiphone Dove acoustic, wich is the replacement for the Martin D-1 that I wore out, I have to say that it is a decent Guitar and it sounds good. I look forward to watching this Build you are doing an Awesome job. Best Regards, Pete
  19. Hi Piet ( my grandfathers name is spelled like that )Thank you for the kind words. The original plan 15 years ago was to build this boat in 1:1 . Herreshoff designed Boats are quite Beautiful , and I have had the good fortune to Sail the 12 1/2 ( his fathers design ) and it is a pleasure to sail . ' Best Regards, Pete
  20. I did not have alot of time today to work on anything big, So I decided that I would replace frames 4 and 9 . Frame 4 has a 2" (Scale ) rise at the center of the frame wich is the top of the deck camber, frame 9 has 1" camber . Thats the nice thing about building the Buzzards Bay 14 ftr.first , I can change things at this stage alot easier . Here are the results
  21. Hello Popeye, I just discovered this build log. Amazing work , as I went thru your build log I could not help but notice a Bass and Guitar carpet with a Strat and a flying V . Do you play ? anyway how's the Holiday Harbor comming along ? Best Regards, Pete
  22. Thank you Nils, She sure is , She will see water soon Best Regards, Pete
  23. Thank you Russ and David, I was very pleased with how the Transom turned out . Here is another shot Best Regards, Pete
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