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Everything posted by pete48

  1. Hi Robert, Sounds like alot of fun, You should do a build log so we can keep track of your progress Best Regards, Pete
  2. Thanks David, Keel # 5 folllows the same sheer line as the kit wich gives it that hump toward the bow.( I did not care for the look of it ) When I started scratch building These Lobster boat's , I lofted the drawings from the Chapelle plans I wanted a more sweeping sheer line. ( you can see the difference in the 2 photos ) Keel # 4 and Keel # 5 Best Regards, Pete
  3. The day started with me fixing the mistake on Keel # 3 ( the primer mistake lots of sandiing ) after that, I then shot 3 coats of gloss white. I will wetsand in the morning and do about 2 coats more, In the mean time I made a cradle for Keel # 4 . I then installed the cutwater on Keel # 5 and did some more fairing on it. here are the results
  4. I started the day by laying out and cutting out a new Port side Cockpit / Cabin Coaming for Keel # 5 . I then put the Coamings In rubbing alcohol . I then sanded Keel # 3 and got it ready for the second coat of primer. 2 hours later the Coamings were plyable and bent easily , I then sized and installed them on Keel # 5 . I then sprayed primer on Keel # 3, wich I now know I should have waited ( it's still to cold outside ) and made a mess out of it . I then sanded the Cockpit / Cabin Coamings ( I will do this again using 1/16" thick material ), I like the look . Here are the results
  5. Thank you Keith , I have been I like to junp in both feet at once. I did make the tumblehome more dramatic on Keel # 3 ( post # 100 ) It was somthing I thought to try since I was going to paint it anyway,( it was alot of work , Fairing and filler ) It did give the transom a nice line. I did make a new Portside Coaming for # 5 . I started using alcohol for bending when a freind of mine that was building model airplanes, said that because it was alcohol it would dry faster. You could have the piece ready to install more quickly.( wich has worked for me ) You should build your kit they are fun to build, they have become a sort of addiction for me. Best Regards, Pete
  6. Thank you David, Keel # 5 is going together fast and I am trying out a few things . Best Regards, Pete
  7. With the weather here still raining, I started cutting out the rest of the parts for Keel # 5 . The Cockpit/Cabin Coamings wich I used 1/16 thick material . I soaked the Coamings in rubbing alcohol for 45 minutes and still broke the first one, ( you can see it in the photos ) I then leaving the other Coaming in the alcohol, cut out the cutwater, the rudder, cabin top and the hatches. I sanded and dry fit the Cutwater so its ready for instalation. I then pulled the other Coaming out of the alcohol now its been soaking for an hour and a half . I did manage to get the Cabin side of the coaming bent, I like the thicker look that the cockpit will have , so I will take my time with the port side coaming I will cut out a new Port side Cabin / Cockpit Coaming first. I did complete more of the fairing and should be ready for primer soon. Here are the results
  8. Hi Ben, intresting build you have here the frames look fantastic. Great job Best Regards, Pete
  9. Hi Michael, looks like you did your homework. and the drawing looks goog its great to have those photos as well. Best Regards, Pete
  10. Great Job Tom, She looks fantastic you did an amazing job on this one , your copy looks as good as the original Best Regards, Pete
  11. Thank you Russ, I am happy with the results of the sheer line, it follows more closely to the Midwest version of the boat. I am using the plans that came with the midwest kit I previously built to build Keel # 5 ( for the most part ) I am doing it as a no frills version, just very simple. its been a fun build thus far. Best Regards, Pete
  12. The day started with rain, so any chance of getting Keel # 3 painted today was out of the question. I did do some fairing and filled in some slight low spots ( I used Titebond as a filler ) I then turned my attention to Keel # 5 , I first faired in the sheer line so that the top plank lines up with the top of the frames, I then did some rough fairing installed the deck did more fairing and got close to a final fairing. Here are the results
  13. Thank you Russ, I was pleased with how the planking turned out. I enjoy building Lobster Smacks, they have such beautiful lines that I am just hooked Best Regards, Pete
  14. Today I got Keel # 3 in primer, then lost the good weather I had . I then decided to plank Keel # 5 and spent the rest of the day getting it finished. I was pleased with the way it turned out. Next she will be ready for Fairing. Here are the results
  15. Awesome Matti, Fantastic job on the authenticity of this fine Ship. I llike all the details that you have done Best Regards, Pete
  16. Beautiful job, Sherry the detail work is amazing . Fantastic Best Regards, Pete
  17. Thank you Michael, They do have somthing special about them. and they are fun to build Best Regards, Pete
  18. Fantastic amazing the detail on sutch a small scale Hat's off Best Regards, pete
  19. Today I worked on Keel # 3 , I really liked how the paint turned out on Keel # 4 , so I decided to sand the finish off and re Fair the Hull. This way I could Fair in the Tumblehome. She is just about ready for paint. Here are the results
  20. Thank you Russ, I was happy with Paint job on this one Best Regards, Pete
  21. I could not wait any longer and unmasked Keel # 4, I did remove the center board before painting. I am pleased with the results and here they are
  22. Another beautiful sunny day here, so I finished wet sanding Keel # 4 masked it again and sprayed 3 coats of gloss white, I am Happy with the way the Transom turned out on this one. Inbetween coats I cut out the deck and cockpit floor for Keel # 5 Here are the results
  23. Thank you Bob ( Hexnut) Unfortunatly the plans to build the boat are in the same box as the Herreshoff ( I try and keep everything together). Thank you Cap'n'Bob, I hope I does not take that long to find everything. I figured if I forget about it ( The Herreshoff ) it will show up Best Regards, Pete
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