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Everything posted by pete48

  1. Hi David, You should definitly think about building one, It is great therapy It gets your mind off of things. I wish you the best of luck. Chicago is a great city I have been there a few times Best Regards, Pete
  2. Today I finally got the final coats of paint on Keel # 3 for a total of 9 including 2 coats of primer, I got that fiberglass gloss that I was hoping for, I then shaped the rudder and sprayed 2 coats of primer. I then turned my attention to Keel # 4 I first installed the winow glass . ( I use the plastic from X-Acto blade refill packages ) I then made the cabin top, the hatch rails ( I found a unique knot in the wood that I used for the inside face of the inside hatch rail ) and installed them I then took some Birch ply for the cabin face then installed some Mahogany for the drop board rails . Here are the results
  3. Thank you Steve , This has been a fun build, I desired to have one of these since my teens Thank you David , I originally was going to build the 12 1/2 kit from Blue Jacket . I have had the plans for the Buzzards Bay 14 for at least 20 years . The Herreshoff books are fantastic as well I like the sensible cruising designs book and have had that just as long. Thank you Rick , A Beauty you had there, Amazing boats when I lived in Seattle I was able to sail a 12 1/2 a few times on lake union, Fantastic handling boat. Cap'n'Bob, we have talked about this one a few times, I may still make my ( end of ) Spring launching Thank you for all the likes Best Regards, Pete
  4. Thank you Nils, I am happy with how this boat is going together , It has been a challenging build but enjoyable, here are a few more pics Best Regards, Pete
  5. Thank you Russ, I know what your talking about, The transom seams are good so far . I do plan on using a west system epoxy resin to seal up the Hull, This one will go in the water for a Sail Best Regards, Pete
  6. Yesterday I installed the Transom and started fairing. Today, I finished fairing the Frames to get it ready for planking, I then soaked 1/4" X 1/16" X 24" strips in alcohol . After the fairing was complete, I then was able to get 4 rows of planking installed . Here are the results
  7. Hi Randy, Thank you for posting this , I have been trying to figure this out myself for my Herreshoff Buzzards Bay . Best Regards, Pete
  8. Cant wait to see it Bob, I am sure it will be amazing Best Regards, Pete
  9. Thank you Russ and Michael, on Keel # 3, I spent alot of time fairing the hull to obtain the tumblehome, wich gave me this transom shape. I am pleased with the way this boat is turning out. I would like to end up with a high gloss finish that gives it a fiberglass look. ( I should get that look after 2 more coats ) Best Regards, Pete
  10. Thank you Russ, I am pleased with the results Best Regards, Pete
  11. This morning I awoke and started wet sanding Keel # 3, in that process, I dropped the boat and broke off the bow of the cutwater, I decided to just round it off .once I fixed it so that it would look halfway decent, I spayed 2 coats of gloss white. next I will wet sand again and sprat 2 more coats. ( I wanted to capture the tumblehome and the transom in 2 of the photos )Here are the results
  12. Thank you Bob, I was happy as well. Today I installed the Ribbands making sure to keep everything Square. ( so far so good ) Next will be to install the Transom, and start fairing the frames. Hopefully I will start planking soon. Here are the results
  13. Hi Jack, I just discovered your build log . Fantastic Viking ship you are building . I like the carvings beautiful job Best Regards, Pete
  14. Today I started by squaring up the frames in the Cockpit section. I then decided to cut in 2 Cockpit Floor Stringers, ( 3/ 32 " square stock )I figured I would square and plumb this section of the boat first. ( this would be from stations 6'- 0" to 13' - 6" ) after that section was glued , I then installed the rest of the frames working from the cockpit to the Bow. By working this way has kept the Boat square and plumb ( I am very pleased ) Next will be to install the rib bands the Transom and fair the frames. Here are the results
  15. Awesome work, great build log I just stumbled onto it today Looks great Best Regards, Pete
  16. Hi Michael, The cleats look good , That is close to the same way I have been making them. I saw Keith's log as well I like how he made them . Your cutter sure is comming together nicely. Amazing work as usual. I have learned alot from your build logs Fantastic craftsmanship Best Regards, Pete
  17. Well it happened, I found the box containing the Buzzards Bay , I was begining to think that I would never see the box again . I unpacked all the frames and the keel and dry fit all the frames, There are 3 frames that I will replace with new ones and square everything up and start building. Here are the results
  18. Thank you Richard, I am Happy with the way Keel # 4 is turning out. How is the Endeavour comming along ? Best Regards, Pete
  19. Hi Sherry, The carvings are beautiful, You are doing an amazing job ( are you sure this is your first scratch build ) I am blown away by this build Best Regards, Pete
  20. Today, I worked on Keel # 4 . I first layed out the deck, and then the Cabin / Cockpit coamings ( I went with the same size as Keel # 5 1/16" thick ) I then cut out the deck and coamings , I then put the Coamings in alcohol ( I knew that I would need to soak them for a while ) I then turned my attention to fitting and installing the deck , I then installed the Coamings . Here are the results
  21. Excellent work Matti, The mast look great, cant wait to see this wonderful ship rigged Best Regards, Pete
  22. Today, I thought to take a break from the painting and sanding ( Keel # 3 & 5 ) and work on Keel # 4 . First I stained 1/16" material( I let it dry for 2 hours ) then soaked them in alcohol so that I could bend them into ribs between the frames. ( I just eyeballed the spacing ) I then cut out a nice piece of birch plywood for the front of the cockpit in front of the fish well deck, and installed it. I then made floor boards for the inside of the cabin ( stained them ) , I will leave them loose so that the bilge can be easily accessed. Here are the results
  23. Hi Dan, Looks Great , Nice detail work very impressive Best Regards, Pete
  24. Quite the Build you have here Nigel, I just discovered this build log , you have done a beautiful job hats off Best Regards, Pete
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