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Everything posted by archjofo

  1. @Bluto 1790 Hello, Jim, the keel aying of the original La Créole was done in 1827. In 1829 she was equipped and put into service in 1830. I hope that the information in J. Boudriot's monograph on La Créole, in conjunction with my research, led to mostly correct details. Thanks for the commendation. @Gahm Hello Thomas, I also want to thank you for your compliment.
  2. @victory78 @md1400cs Thanks for the nice words and for the many LIKES. A quick update: Today I could finish the starboard futtock shrouds.
  3. @Jorge Diaz O @aviaamator thank you both, and all the others for the many LIKES. The futtock shrouds on the main mast were completed on port side with the ratlines. See you soon ...
  4. As can be seen in the Parisian model of La Créole, Petrejus' "The Model of the Brig Irene" shows that the futtock shrouds, coming from above, run upwards around the lower shrouds and downwards again in front of the futtock shrouds. In La Créole, the ends of the futtock shrouds run over three ratlines and are fastened with three tapes. It is also interesting that the ratlines in this area are under the futtock shrouds. Source: E.W. Petrejus "The Model of Brig Irene" p. 192 At first sight one could assume a mistake of the model maker. However, after extensive research I can state for myself that obviously both types of design must have existed here, at least continental. Therefore I orientate myself also with this detail at the Paris model. In connection with the catharpins, the futtock shrouds were placed alternately on both sides and only attached as an aid to make corrections.
  5. @Louie da fly Thanks for the kind words. That motivates again and again. Thanks to the others for the LIKES. I am currently preparing the futtock shrouds. The front futtock shrouds were served. The others only in the area of the splices. Source: Atlas du Génie Maritime
  6. Hello, in the meantime I also fixed the guiding blocks for the bunt lines at the bottom of the maintop.
  7. @giampieroricci Thanks for your kind words. In the meantime I was able to attach the guide blocks for the braces.
  8. Hi, Carl, thanks for your positive feedback and the others for all those LIKES. Before I can attach the futtock shrouds, I have to attach several guide blocks to the maintop.
  9. Today I came across this building report by chance. Since I myself am very interested in French shipbuilding, I am very pleased to see such a beautifully built hull from the Le Cerf. In the meantime I have also looked at several of your models and admire your skills. Therefore I am sure that the Le Cerf will be a wonderful model.
  10. Hello, the catharpins for the mainmast shrouds are completed. The catharpins with the futtock shrouds get the final tension.
  11. Hello, with pictures I have tried to explain the steps to make the catharpins. I hope that it will become clear so far.
  12. Hello, the catharpins for the main shrouds I make from a rope with a diameter of 0.63 mm, which I serve with my rope serving machine. Here is the first try for fitting.
  13. Hello, today again only small steps forward. The ratlines of the main shrouds are finished by now. My rope serving machine has been converted to be able to serve the catharpins
  14. No, it's this color here LINK YLI Seidengarn #100/2, 200 m, Fb. 234 dunkelbraun / dark brown
  15. This is model building on the highest level. I can learn a lot from you. Thanks for sharing.
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