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Everything posted by archjofo

  1. Hi, thank you for the positive comments and the many LIKES. After a short break I continue with the double blocks 4.5 mm long. These were fastened along the bulwark at the height of the waterway. Source: B. Spinnen, Pariser Model So far I have glued the block strops. But that does not correspond to the original. So I tried to make the block strops with a splice. Here's the first try:
  2. Hello, thank you for the nice notes and the many LIKES. Before I continue with the ratlines I have to do the following: Along the bulwark of the French corvette, a series of blocks, serving for diverting, for example, halliards and other ropes, were hung in eyebolts. These blocks had iron fittings and hooks. I made them in a proven way.
  3. Hello Phil, thank you for your interest and the nice comment. Thanks to all the others for the many LIKES. For a change, I make in between blocks with fittings for the fore topsail sheets. These blocks are 32.5 cm long; in 1:48 scale, this is 6.8 mm.
  4. @Blackey I blacken the brass parts with Brass Black from Birchwood LINK. This works even with soldered parts.
  5. @hedley Hi, Thank you for your interest and your nice words. Thanks also for the LIKES. Here I show my further attempts to the ratlines. According to the monograph on La Creole by J. Boudriot, the thickness of the ratlines is 21 mm 1:1 or 0.45 mm in 1:48 scale. At the request of a model colleague we received the follogwing Information from Gerard Delacroix. In the years 1760/80, the ratelines were actually 1.2 cm according to the specifications, but later, after 1800 and at the time of the La Creole, we find larger dimensions. Thus, the ratlines of the lower shrouds were 21mm. The topmast shrouds had therefore 19 mm and the topgallant mast shrouds 17 mm. But purely from the subjective feeling, I feel that as a bit too thick for the lower shrouds of La Creole. Therefore, I have made another attempt with 0.40 mm, which corresponds to 19 mm in the original.
  6. Hello, I continue with my report as follows. For the Ratlines, I bought japanese silk, which is very thin. On the next picture are thin ropes of this silk 2 x 3 with a diameter of approx. 0.35 mm can be seen. The thick rope is 1.15 mm thick, which corresponds to the thickness of the shrouds. Before I do the ratlines on the model, I test on a device.
  7. Hello Alex, I am always happy to see you at work and I am looking forward to further progress. My admiration for your modeling skills is certain.
  8. Hello Karl, Thomas and Nils, thank you for your nice words, also thanks for the many likes. Here ist a short update. On the pictures you can see the mizen burton tackle:
  9. @John Allen Thank you for your appreciation, and all the others for the many LIKES. Here is an update on how to make the main and fore takle. The fixing of the eye bolts on the channels was done with an iron wedge that goes through the bolt. Here is the implementation in model making. Quelle: http://jbriggers.se/projects/
  10. Hello, I continue my report with the production of the main and fore tackle with fiddle blocks. Quelle: Monograhie J. Bourdriot - La Crèole
  11. Hello, this is real goat leather, which I split again thinner, to about 0.2 mm thickness. Many rigging elements were leathered at the time, such as the collar on the bowsprit, as seen here LINK. Here I show my device for leather splitting.
  12. Hi Kudin, you are doing a fantastic job. I think your instructions are excellent. For that I would like to thank and hope that you continue to show us your work.
  13. I have to attest a fantastic precision to your work. I can still learn a lot from you.
  14. Hello, @jose_b and @Wishmaster thank you very much for your motivating comments. Thanks also to the others for the lot LIKES. Some time ago, I already reported on the production of the burton pendants. These had to be placed before attaching the shrouds. Meanwhile I made the fore tackles. These consist of heavy double blocks, for example, to lift heavy loads or to support the rigging, and other. The las Picture Shows how the fore tackle is hooked to the channel.
  15. Hello, I would like to thank you very much for liking my work. Also many thanks for the many LIKES. The report continues with the fore stay and preventer fore stay. A special feature is the attachment to the bowsprit with leather collars.
  16. Many thanks to you for the interest and the nice comments, also for the LIKES. I continued with the Main stay. Below are the corresponding pictures:
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