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Everything posted by archjofo

  1. @Dowmer Hello, thank you very much for your positive comment. Also for the many LIKES I would like to thank you all very much. Four years have passed again !
  2. @Jorge Dias O Fhank you very much for your positive remark. The opening for the rope ladder is already visible.
  3. At the moment I am dealing with the ratlines of the foremast. The first picture shows a section of the shrouds of the main mast.
  4. The ratelines for the futtock shrouds of the mizzen mast are completed. Furthermore I mounted a single block next to each trestle tree. These are used for the topping lifts of the mizzen boom. Soon I will continue with the ratlines of the foremast.
  5. The futtock shrouds were meanwhile attached to the shrouds of the mizzen mast. I have already started with the fixing of the ratlines.
  6. In the meantime, not much has happened to the model. But in this autumnal weather you spend more time inside again. The futtock shrouds for the mizzen mast have already been prepared. The catharpins are now fixed. The rear futtock shrouds have been fixed provisionally for the binding.
  7. @Jorge Diaz O Thanks ! Also thanks to you all for the LIKES. The ratlines for the mizzen mast are ready. The preparations for the futtock shrouds are in progress.
  8. @Keith Black Thanks for nice comment. Also many thanks for the LIKES. Another small stage of the standing rigg of La Créole has been completed: the ratlines of the mizzen mast are finished. The integration of the shrouded ladders and the signpost blocks is still missing. In the meantime, a small detail needs to be clarified once again. The side davits for the "Petit Canoes" of the corvette were made of iron and were lifted with a topping lift. These were shorn by single blocks on the mizzen mast. How these single blocks were attached to the eyes of the ring fitting on the mizzen mast still needs further clarification. Unfortunately, I do not have any pictures of the original model of the relevant area, where one can see more details. In the documents available to me I could not find anything meaningful about this either. In this respect a question to the experts here in the forum: How could the fixing of the single block/lead block and the continuation have looked like, e.g. as shown below? I would be very pleased if I could get answers or hints and suggestions. - I would be very grateful if you could send me your comments. See you soon ...
  9. With the autumnal weather, the motivation to do less popular work comes back, even if they are supposed to have a meditative character, at least that's the opinion of some of my fellow modellers ...😁
  10. @KORTES This is a beautiful showcase for a fantastic model ship. Congratulations for the completion.
  11. @garyshipwright Hello, I thank you for the recognition. Of course I also thank you for the many LIKES. Both motivate and give me confidence to continue. Moques de conduits: Mizzenmast I almost forgot about them, the signposts blocks for the mizzen masts:
  12. Continuation: Ratlines - Enfléchures With the lashing of the shroud ladder, the mizzen mast shrouds of the French corvette on the port side, including ratlines, could be completed. Now we continue with the ratlines for the starboard mizzen mast shrouds. See you soon ...
  13. @Vladimir_Wairoa Hello, thank you very much for the kind words and thanks to all the others for the many LIKES. Continuation: Ratlines - Enfléchures It's been quite a while since I finished the ratlines for the main mast shrouds. Especially with monotonous work, it is good for motivation to deal with other details, such as the signpost blocks, in between and thus provide variety. Meanwhile I am again dealing with the ratlines, namely those of the mizzen mast shrouds, as you can see on the following pictures. The binding of the eye splice at the first and last shroud I have already described in detail in previous reports.
  14. Today I once again felt the need to create a scene in the style of a historical postcard on the battery deck of the French corvette. The "Second Maitre" is from the book "La Marine" from 1843 after an illustration by Morel-Fatio.
  15. @Dziadeczek Thanks for your appreciation. I have already thought about that. No matter how cleanly you handle the glue, there is always a residue and you might see that. My philosophy in model making is, only as much glue as absolutely necessary.
  16. Hello, the first of these blocks was attached to the main shrouds. As an aid I used a wooden strip which was covered with a double-sided adhesive tape. Nevertheless it is a very difficult job to tie up these tiny pieces with Japanese silk yarn.
  17. @Dowmer Sorry, I will use the correct expression in the future. Many thanks for the hint.
  18. Hello, in the meantime I have made the 1 and 2-disc blocks, the special kind. So now a total of 30 pieces of this special block type are finished. As a reminder: it is a kind of guiding block which was fixed in the shrouds. In French these blocks are called "Moques de conduits". A kind of fairleads, but with discs.
  19. Hi, Gary, thank you for your interest in my work. Unfortunately, I cannot tell you if the Atlas du Génie Maritime has been published as a book.
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