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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Funny you say that, Keith! I was just thinking the same thing. Great minds think alike😊 Cheers Patrick
  2. Thanks Piet! She should go even faster once the red racing stripes go on😆! Thanks Patrick
  3. Hi Josh I always hold my breath when I hear that a SIB is being placed in the bottle. A million things can/could go wrong, but despite that, it’s always an amazing achievement once it’s done. Congratulations. Annie looks great. Cheers. Patrick
  4. Hi folks Thanks for all of your Likes and comments! I’ve put a halt to all building works in order to concentrate on the painting of the hull and superstructure. I’ve opted for full gloss paints for the hull and superstructure; which, I feel is entirely appropriate, especially given that the full-sized boat is full gloss (well, that’s my excuse, anyway). Now, without further ado, can someone pls tell Luke Skywalker that his spaceship is almost ready to be picked up from the maintenance shop? I hope you enjoy these photos. Thanks Patrick
  5. My condolences, as well, Pat. Like yourself and many others, I too, have loved Karl’s work and books. Karl will be missed. Patrick
  6. Hi Josh All of a sudden, Annie’s looking oh, so grown up with her masts and sails. Nice! Cheers. Patrick
  7. Hi Jos I love that last photo because it shows just how tiny your ship is. Great job, so far. Cheers. Patrick
  8. Hi Frank It’s great that you’re back on deck and able to get some work done on Kathryn. Superb work, as always. All the best. Cheers Patrick
  9. Hi Marcus I’m loving the colours and overall look and feel of this boat of yours. I’m not quite sure what it is about this particular design of boat, but I reckon it looks pretty darn special. Lots of charm and loads of character; all of which you’re capturing really well. You’re definitely on a winner, there. Pls keep the updates coming. Cheers Patrick
  10. Suitably gobsmacked, Pat. That’s mighty fine work! Cheers Patrick
  11. Hi Keith Your prop - now, that’s an absolutely magnificent piece of metal workmanship. It definitely sets the standard for the rest of the build. I’m glad That you’re able to start making sawdust now, too. Cheers Patrick
  12. Hi Josh Great job on the hull and decking so far. I reckon she’s going to shape up to be a little beauty. Good luck with the rest of the build. I’ll be watching and enjoying the journey. Cheers Patrick
  13. Thanks Carl! Enjoy the rest of the weekend. Cheers Patrick
  14. Hey Denis She’s looking mighty spiffy. Nice job! Cheers patrick
  15. Hi folks. Just a quick update on the progress of Genesis’ RIB tender. Almost finished, apart from some finessing and sanding. I hope you enjoy the following photos. Thanks Patrick
  16. Hi Dave Ahem....cough cough....all the electronics are a closely guarded secret...cough... Have a great weekend! Cheers. Patrick
  17. Thanks Pat! Have a great Australia Day Long weekend! Cheers. Patrick
  18. Hey Frank Thanks and I hope all is well with you and your family. Cheers Patrick
  19. Thanks Keith Mmm, let’s just say that my eyesight ain’t the best...! Have a great weekend. Cheers Patrick
  20. Hi folks Thanks for all of your Likes and comments. Appreciated, as always. I decided to have a go at doing Genesis’ RIB tender. The photos are pretty self-explanatory, but suffice to say, there’s a fair way to go, before I can call this tender ‘finished’. It’s a start, though. Have a great night. Cheers. Patrick
  21. Hi Leo Great to hear from you again! I’ve missed the updates on your miniature models. I hope you’re going well. Cheers. Patrick
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