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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Hi Phil I’ve finally caught up with your ship. Man, you’ve done a lot of work since I last looked in. I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again...I love the way you just get in there and do it. The result is lots of detail, lots of intricate parts being fashioned and most of all, 18 really impressive carronades/cannons. Now, there’s just the masting and rigging.... Well done! Cheers. Patrick
  2. Congratulations Marcus You’ve done a marvellous job! You must be justifiably proud of what you’ve achieved. Cheers. Patrick
  3. Hi Mark -aaah. Yep, “burnout” was the term I was searching for, but I couldn’t quite remember it. It was on the tip of my tongue when I was writing the post... The actual two engines are there, but you can’t actually see them as they’re obscured by all of the pipes and what not. Thanks Patrick Hi Pat Thanks. It’s good to be back, for sure. Have a great Easter Cheers. Patrick
  4. Thanks Carl That’s greatly appreciated. Cheers. Patrick
  5. Dammit! I knew I forgot something......😉!
  6. Hi everyone! I’ve been a bit scarce on MSW over the past few weeks...I think I went into a ‘bad place’ and needed a break from the world of models and MSW. Anyho, hopefully that’s all done and dusted now. Thanks for everyone’s comments and feedback! Much appreciated, as always. Here’s a quick update. Over the last few nights, I managed to work on the Engine Room. It’s the best I could do so far; given the small size of the model. I hope you like it. Cheers Patrick
  7. Hi Keith I’m just catching up. Oh..my..Lord...! Totally gobsmacked. Your skills are just amazing. Cheers. Patrick
  8. Hi Frank! Amazing as usual! Congratulations on finishing your model. You must be justifiably proud. Well done. Cheers Patrick
  9. Hi Vaddoc Marvellous work, so far. I still can’t get over how BIG your ship is. Have you thought about a case for it, yet? If so, it’ll have to be suitably large as well. Have a good one! Cheers. Patrick
  10. Hi Josh I think you’re having too much fun with this ship! I don’t blame you, either, because it looks great. Gotta love the octopus. Cheers Patrick
  11. Hi Mark Great to see you back at things with Licorne. The ships boat looks marvellous. Mistakes? what mistakes? LOL All the best...and I’m so happy to hear that things have taken a turn for the better. Onwards and upwards! Cheers Patrick
  12. Hi Marcus It’s been a while since I’ve popped in, but dang, those sails looks marvellous! As as for the rest of the build, well, you know what I think of your boat overall. Yep, I’ve said it before..loads of character and charm. A real joy to look at. Cheers Patrick
  13. Ah hah Igor!!!! I’ve been waiting for you to get back onto this boat. What took you so long (LOL). You know me, I’ll be eagerly following on as usual. Cheers Patrick
  14. Thanks Denis! Actually...I’m pretty sure than this one will be my next challenge: https://www.yachtcharterfleet.com/luxury-charter-yacht-43054/okto-yacht-charter-printable.pdf. What do you think? Cheers Patrick
  15. Hi folks My wife and I have just returned from 10 days in Vietnam. What an amazing country (with all respect paid to the many Vietnam Vets here on MSW). As the internet access was at best, patchy, my apologies for not following everyone’s logs. I’ll catch up over the next week or so. All the best! Cheers. Patrick
  16. Thanks Gary Much appreciated! Cheers Patrick
  17. Hi Lawrence Thanjs for the compliments, which are greatly appreciated. I’m glad that my photos have been able to help you, but the ladders are just as they were positioned in the Anatomy of the Ship book, (which I slavishly followed, whether rightly or wrongly). Nonetheless, you’re doing a great job on your Oliver Cromwell. Pls keep the updates flowing. Thanks patrick
  18. Many thanks, Sea Hoss. Greatly appreciated. Cheers. Patrick
  19. Many thanks, Phil. Greatly appreciated. Cheers Patrick
  20. Hi Phil Thanks so much! I’m glad you like my little model. She was a joy to build. Have a great day. Thanks Patrick
  21. Hi Pat I’ve been a non-drinker all my 56 old years on this planet, but, man oh man, for me trying to do those rigging screws and eye bolts would be enough to drive me to drink! You sir, have the skills of a surgeon. Mighty fine work...and how many of them do you have to do? Oh my.... Amazing stuff. Cheers Patrick
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