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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Hi Michael Many thanks - You may be right about the ‘coke bottle’ glasses, because this is a design that challenges one’s perception of what is considered normal, or beautiful. But, therein lies the charm for me. As soon as I saw her photos, I just knew that I had to build her! Have a great week. Cheers Patrick
  2. Thanks Keith - I think you’re right. These space cruisers are definitely out of my comfort zone. There was a time when I used to only build wooden yachts, eg HMS Victory, Lennox, Pandora, etc..... Thanks Pat - I hope so. I reckon the quality of the painting and finishing is getting close to what i’m Aiming for (damn those close up photos under harsh lighting -they show up every imperfection and speck of dust). Note to self - For all future models - Finish the painting BEFORE adding the details. Much easier😏! Have a great week. Cheers Patrick
  3. Hi folks. Well...Genesis’ owner has ordered her back to the paint-shop on numerous occasions over the past few weeks. The result is that her hull and superstructure has been sanded, patched and painted umpteen times. Her internal cabins has had Matt varnish applied to protect the appropriate areas inside. Still lots of touching up to go, before her owner will be happy, though. Cheers Patrick
  4. Wow, Vaddoc! Your metal work and soldering skills have certainly improved, big time. You've gotta be pretty chuffed. Nice job on the wooden cleats, as well. Cheers Patrick
  5. Hi Josh An interesting comment you’ve made in reference to the pendants - ”they look ragged and misshapen..”. Your comment got me thinking. In my mind, the beauty of SIB’s is that it’s not all about historical accuracy or strict adherence to realism. It’s about capturing the viewer’s imagination, leaving them to wonder how on earth they got it into the bottle in the first place. Additionally, it’s the overall effect that’s more important. Having said that, the pendants, when viewed as part of the whole model, look just right to me. So too do the ‘chunky lifeboats’. Nice job, overall! Cheers Patrick
  6. Sounds like a plan, Dave. And, a good one at that. I’ll be in. Cheers. Patrick
  7. Hi Josh She’s looking very shipshape, now. I especially like the pendants. They really ‘pop’ and add another visual point of interest. Nicely done. Cheers Patrick
  8. Hi Ben Nicely put! The act of giving is one of the purest joys imaginable; especially when it's given with love to a child. What's more, the memories that that'll impart in the years to come will be priceless. A quick anecdote - My two kids are adults now. One's married and the other is engaged. We had them all over this morning for a cooked breakfast in the back garden. Without any prompting, both of my kids starting talking about their childhood memories. My son said "Dad, I remember we had a big plum tree over there and brick path that led to the back fence". Then my daughter said to her husband - "see that patch of garden over there, that's where Mum and Dad built my sand-pit and we had a cubby-house to play in, as well." Hearing their childhood memories warmed our hearts. My point being, that you too, will be able to enjoy the same feelings when as a future adult, your daughter says to you, "Dad remember that boat you built for us. I played with it all day long..." Have a great week. Enjoy. Cheers Patrick
  9. Hi Ben Another quick question - With all of the work and detail that you’re putting into this boat, is it still your intention that it be given to your daughter as a “doll boat” to play with? Cheers Patrick
  10. Hi Ben Nice - you seem flushed with success...Ahem...sorry, I’ll let myself out! Seriously, though, nice job on the toilet. It may not be luxurious, but at least it should be ‘fit for purpose‘. Cheers Patrick
  11. Dang! What a beautiful model!!!! Talk about great workmanship. Cheers Patrick
  12. Hi Mark Life sure has a way of throwing curveballs at us. Whatever you need to do, Mark, just do it. MSW and Licorn can always wait. Just take care of yourself and before you know it, you’ll be back on deck sooner than you think. Wishing you all the very best! Cheers Patrick
  13. Hi Dave Congratulations! What a masterful job you’ve done. If you aren’t sitting back with a big smile on your face, then you should be! Well done. Cheers. Patrick
  14. Hi John She looks so shipshape that she’s almost ready to go to sea. Nice! Cheers Patrick
  15. Hi Josh That was a nifty idea to use the beads as ‘pass throughs’. I’m glad to see that everything’s starting to come together now. Not long now, I’d imagine. Thanks Patrick
  16. Hi Marcus I hope your wife’s surgery goes well and her recovery is quick. Your new projects sound challenging, but lots of fun; especially the large boat. I look forward to seeing the Logs. Cheers Patrick
  17. Hi Keith I agree entirely. In fact, that was one of the reasons why I gave up RC yachts, in favour of my miniature models. Many years ago, I had spent two years just building a fully detailed RC sailing model of Bruce King's yacht "Whitefin". It had a fully detailed interior, right down to the brass fireplace in the main saloon. One fateful day, I went to the local river, put her into the water and away she went to windward, straight as an arrow, beautifully heeled over, just as the real yacht would. All was going well until I tried to get her to come back. To my horror, she failed to come about. Off she went and I never ever saw her again. Two year's worth of work. About $500 worth of sail winch, batteries, RC gear, etc, all gone! Never to be seen again. I went home totally heartbroken. It didn't take long for me to retire my other RC yachts. So, yer, I understand entirely where you're coming from. Cheers Patrick
  18. Thanks Keith - I kinda guessed that, but...it's such a large and beautiful hull, that I'd be so tempted to make it a working boat (I guess that harks back to my RC days). Nonetheless, man, what a top job you're doing!
  19. Hi Rob Many thanks for the compliments! Much appreciated. Cheers Patrick
  20. Hi Ben I'm really enjoying seeing the progress you've made; especially with the deck planking. This is turning out to be a super-detailed yacht; custom designed and built by a Naval Architect, no less! Keep the updates flowing. Cheers Patrick
  21. Hi Keith Okay. Let me get this straight. I miss out following along for a couple of days and in that time, you’ve just about framed the whole boat??? Mighty fine and quick work! A quick question-what sort of RC gear are you going to use? ‘Cheers. Patrick
  22. Hi Phil I think one of the things that I admire the most about your approach to building, is that you just get in there and do it! No fuss. No problems. Most refreshing in many respects. Well done and I can’t wait to see the cannons on deck and rigged. Cheers Patrick
  23. Hi Michael I think that one of your greatest gifts is your ability to make incredibly difficult items, look incredibly easy. I mean, a mere mortal like me would just scratch my head and give up....but, then I can see from your photos that with a logical and methodical approach, anything is possible! Was/is your nickname ‘Mr Inspirational‘ per chance? If not, it should be😃 Cheers Patrick
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