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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Merry Christmas folks! Thanks for your comments and Likes. Up amidships on Genesis’ Sky Deck, sits another helm station (for want of a better term), consisting of a large all-weather instrument console and two comfy chairs for the skipper and another crew member. I had a go at doing these last night. As with everything, the up-close photos really magnify each and every mistake. I swear, everything looks fine if you stand a couple of metres away.... Bear with me, I’ll get around to cleaning them up one day😊. Any how, have a great Xmas and a happy 2019. Cheers Patrick
  2. Hi Carl You’re absolutely right about learning and gaining knowledge from everyone’s builds here. As my Dad used to say, ‘we never stop learning until the day we die’. Keep the updates coming! Cheers. Patrick
  3. Hi Denis An interesting dilemma you’ve got there. I guess the final decision will be determined by what, in your mind, looks best and makes the most sense. I’m sure that whatever decision you make, it’ll look just right. Go with your instincts. Cheers. Patrick
  4. Hi Denis What a difference a bit of sandpaper can make, hey? The hull is really looking good now. It won’t be long before you’ll have her fully planked and sanded, sitting proudly upright on the stand. Nicely done. Gave a great Xmas. Cheers Patrick
  5. Hi Paul Haha. Yeah, I know that the furniture is really ‘way-out’, but I really wanted to push myself out of my comfort zone as far as the decor and furnishings go with this boat. Having said that, I can honestly say that my model is pretty tame compared to the real boat, Khlalilah. If ever you get a chance to google the real boat, you’ll know what I mean...😉. Nothing in that boat is for the faint hearted, I can assure you. All the best Patrick
  6. Thanks Marcus I’m glad you’re enjoying Genesis’ progress as much as I am. The colours certainly make the model ‘pop’ really nicely. Have a great Xmas! Cheers. Patrick
  7. Hi Pat Why, oh why, have I not noticed your Build Log before??? I’m kicking myself. Ok, from now on, I’m stepping aboard. I hope there’s enough room onboard? Have a great Xmas and New Year. Cheers. Patrick
  8. Hi Phil Very nice progress. You’re getting one step closer to planking the hull...and then you’ll see your hard work paying off. Thanks. Patrick
  9. Thanks Pat. If truth be told, I think I’m having too much fun with this model...so much so, that I’m getting all arty-farty with the style and colour combinations, the eclectic mix of furniture and the artwork. Maybe I need counselling to curb my overly-creative tendencies😉😀😉😀😉😀 Cheers. Patrick
  10. Hi Angarfather What’s life without some enjoyment, hey? Swimming, barbecuing, friends and family...all food for the soul. Enjoy! The dockyard can always wait. Cheers Patrick
  11. Haha! Thanks, Carl. Please don’t expand the photos too much as you’ll really see the rough edges and mistakes! Seriously, why does magnifying things have to be soooo cruel! I see what you mean about the Lower Deck having the ‘necessities only’...well, where else are the hired help going to live??? You don’t want to spoil them...! Have a great week. Cheers Patrick
  12. Hi Phil Talk about a ‘challenge’...this has it in spades! No doubt you’re up to it; especially with the very promising start you’ve made already. I’ll be following along for support and encouragement. Have a great Christmas and New Year! Cheers. Patrick
  13. Hi Michael I can just imagine the sort of magic that you’ll be able to conjure up that new addition to your workshop. Enjoy! Cheers Patrick
  14. Hi folks Just another quick update on Genesis’ interior accommodation. I know it’s only a small part, but a couple of days ago, I did the crews mess up forward on the Lower Deck. I also did the companionway ladder leading from the aft of the Main Deck to the Upper Deck. And...as the furniture layout in the Sky Lounge was really bugging me, I rearranged things a bit and came up with a better look, I think. Still more work to go, folks. Have a great Christmas! Cheers. Patrick
  15. Hey Denis ...and you’re off and running on another beauty!!! As usual, I’m struggling to catch up🙂. Nonetheless, Progress looks like she’s shaping up to be a whole lot of fun. Are you going to add your special touches to it, (as you’ve done with your Andrea Gail), or will it pretty stock standard? Either way, it’ll still be great. Cheers. Patrick
  16. Many thanks, Denis. Genesis is an amazing model to build and I’m thoroughly captivated by it. I’m glad you’re enjoying the journey as well. Have a grest Xmas and 2019. Cheers. Patrick
  17. Hey Ben Great to hear from you! I wish you, your wife and kids a great Xmas and a very happy 2019! Cheers Patrick
  18. Hi Michael Your response made me smile from ear to ear! At least you made it as a 'back up for the soccer team". I, on the other hand, was always the LAST to be picked for any sporting team☹️. And, to make it worse, I was never allowed to sing out loud when we had to sing hymns at school because my voice was flat. I was told that I had to mime the words, instead!!!!! I still haven't gotten over the humiliation.... Oh well. Cheers Patrick
  19. Hey Denis I've finally caught up! Welcome to the land of the living (I say, to myself). As expected, you're doing a masterful job with your Tumbling Dice. The decking looks superb, as do the staircases. Mighty fine! You know, I've always loved these style of boats. There's something about them that's just, let's say, magical, charming, captivating, a throwback to simpler days, when life was less chaotic. Keep up the great work! Cheers Patrick
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