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About sawdust

  • Birthday 04/02/1941

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  • Location
    Nanaimo, Vancouver Island , Canada
  • Interests
    Family, all things maritime, good food and wine. Self confessed tool and bookaholic.

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  1. Truly excellent Peter. You have certainly made a silk purse out of a sows ear. Sawdust
  2. John Earl Published an excellent practicum on the Bluenose 2. Here is the link http://www.modelboatyard.com/bluenose2.html It is well worth looking at. Sawdust
  3. Hello Peter, I continue to follow your build. Excellent work. I cant recall for sure but werent the Bulwarks on the Cutty Sark Steel? What does Longridges book say? Kip
  4. Thanks for sharing your progress. Pity about the shop on Fort St closing down. Sawdust
  5. Nice work. Running a pencil lead along the edge of adjoining surfaces helps to more clearly define the surfaces. Kip (aka Sawdust)
  6. Hello Caroline, Thanks for reposting your San Fran. It revived memories of your excellent first build and your determination to overcome problems and inaccuracies in the kit. Kip
  7. Hello Peter , thanks for alerting me to your build. As always you will manage to create a silk purse out of a sows ear. Thanks for sharing. Sawdust
  8. Hello Don,excellent work. When you have it on display i will pop down and see it in person. Thanks for sharing, Kip.
  9. Don,that really is a beautiful ship and your excellent work does it justice. Thanks for sharing, Kip
  10. Hello Peter, thanks for the opportunity to view Irene at close quarters. The fine details and your excellent craftsmanship make this a really pretty vessel. Billings is definitely missing the boat (no pun intended) by not marketing this kit in North America. Kip
  11. hello Peter love the model, not only pretty but also perfect. In the pasr I have purchased small sizes (61-80) from Midland tools in Nanaimo. I don't know if they still carry them. You might ask Don to check out Scotts Hobbies in Duncan. I know Cornwall Model Boats would have them. Lets meet for coffee some time. Kip
  12. I find pearl tweezers are good for holding small objects . Each jaw has a hollow indent which helps hold small objects securely. Kip
  13. Hello Mick, just in case you haven't visited this site,this should take you to Ivor Bittle's site on model sailing barges http//ivorbittle.co.uk/ It contains useful information and a good section on standing rigging. Kip
  14. Hello Mick, sadly Billings are poor regarding instructions and the drawings impart little information when it comes to rigging. A good idea is to photocopy the rigging plan so you can mark up and include additional notes such as color, size, how and were a line terminates etc.. If I can be of any assistance please contact me. Kip
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