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Bill Hime

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About Bill Hime

  • Birthday 01/18/1961

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  • Location
    Woodland Park, Colorado
  • Interests
    Tall Ships, Military Ships of WW2, Military Aircraft, Armored Vehicles, Woodworking, Writing, Science

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  1. Fantastic Ulises! I'll be following for sure! This one's on my bench waiting on me to finish the Endurance by Occre!
  2. Holy Smokes Dave!!! That "Progress Update" wore me out just reading it! LOL, that describes my ongoing journeys around the house. Always multi-tasking, to my own chagrin I'm learning a lot here. looking forward to the cross beams and stanchions! Bill
  3. Hello Gaetan, Just finished reading through your log start to finish. What a wonderful endeavor! I'm following closely, so much to learn here. This will be invaluable to my future build of the Constitution in 1:24 scale. Sincere Regards, Bill
  4. The "chain stoppers" are an interesting detail that almost begs to be modeled out of brass Bill
  5. Ha! And after you get to Jim Byrnes' place, the real indoctrination begins....and you'll hear a voice say, "shhh, just let it happen".... Bill
  6. Steve and Dave, Thanks! Mark, You're right! And it's a beautiful thing to do something you're compelled to do because it's "greater than you" Bill
  7. Hey Graham, Very nice start! I might have missed it, but did you say what scale you are working in? Bill
  8. Great to hear from you Grant! Hope all well Down Under! Thank you, it means so much to come some place where even after a long absence you feel like you're just returning from a long voyage. This is a safe harbor with good friends, and you are definitely one of them! Bill
  9. Wow!! I've missed so much! I wouldn't know where to start remarking on what I'm seeing here, so I'll just continue to follow and enjoy! Bill
  10. Doris, It was actually one of your models that I first saw on Youtube all lit up that inspired me to want to pursue model ship building. It's wonderful and a privilege to watch you work. Bill
  11. Matiz, This is beautiful work! Very accurate milling and hand work from what I see. Bill
  12. Beautiful work! See you're fussing over details as always ;). Just got back myself. Looks like you're recovering nicely Bill
  13. Wow....seems like every time I step back in here to continue what I've started, another year has passed since my last post. Well I guess it's not a year yet, just 284 days, 7 hours, and 37 minutes, give or take. A lot has happened in that time, life is like that. we can't stand still enough for "life" not to happen. long story short, I've closed the cabinet/furniture shop. Turns out, I'm not a very good businessman. I'm even worse at meeting deadlines. So I'm back working in ICU at the VA. I love being back and love my job. So I have this big beautiful wood shop that is finally going to become the official shipyard. I've got a lot of cleaning and some rearranging to do. I do have my resized plans for the POB II and a good deal of material to work with. I guess I pick up where I left off...Hello everyone! I've missed being here terribly, hope everyone's well Bill
  14. Thanks Bill! Better late than never...




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