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Old Collingwood

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Everything posted by Old Collingwood

  1. I used to drive my mum nuts - soldiers all over the carpet - can here her now " can't you play upstairs in your bedroom with your soldiers ......ouch ouch" as she treads on them..... OC.
  2. Thank you kindly Edward - so nice of you to say, it takes me back to the seventies painting those 1/72 Airfix soft plastic Napoleoinc soldiers from the farm set - and this little boxes of additional figures, just this time they are slightly better. OC.
  3. Deffinatley Craig, It is so nice to use even under full pressures it puts on such a fine layer, getting the hang now of how to back off abit if I need to - I compared it to hand priming a lst figure and you can see the difference. OC.
  4. Thank you for sorting that out Craig, I didn't get as far as to fully understand what it was all about. OC.
  5. Here is the other link that gives the other link (if you get me) its a forum by the look of it talking about them - I agree its not very clear yet who the kit maker is etc. OC. https://forum.largescaleplanes.com/index.php?/topic/90466-new-132-f-4-phantom-family-coming-in-2022/
  6. I did a Google search mate put in "F4 Phantom 11 new models" and a site popped up with that link. OC.
  7. Anyone seen this - OC. https://www.sbmpics.com/sbmimages6/F-4Announcement.mov
  8. Evening all, bit more work done - I completed putting together my group of 2nd KGL - including one chap who was shot and is falling back and another dead fellow who will be lying on his front with his rifle undeneath him. OC.
  9. Hi Mark, yep - they will be on the outside of the farm attacking and retreating on the Left side of my Dio. OC.
  10. So plan for tomorrow - carry on making as many 2nd KGL as I have (think there will be about 50-60 in total) then start on the rest of my 5th KGL (think there will be about 40-50 of these in total) then I will prime then with my airbrush then start painting them in batches of about Six at a time. Then it will be time to fix the Building down to the base and start work creating the scenery around it - that in itself is a project. OC.
  11. That is looking so nice Mark - the detail and build of it is really inspiring - you can see its going to be a Great build. OC.
  12. Evening all - some more work done this evening - some more 2nd KGL made including one who was shot and will be falling back. OC.
  13. Thank you kindly Ken, yep - got to get more figures made and placed in the middle of the courtyard and more added to the "door rush" working on the system of - from the inside out before I have to glue the Farm down to the base and start work on the scenery. OC.
  14. Thank you Ken - I have a nother batch of about 40 more 2nd KGL to finish making/painting - then more 5th KGL. OC.
  15. Would have said there was another update folks - I had intended, but I have had the day from hell - seriously want to do a bit more though to keep me sane. Hopefully more pics later when I do a bit. OC.
  16. Sorry to see that Alan - I am sure you will fix it - couldn't you strenthen the joins on the inside with some plastic strips over lapping both sections on the joins? OC.
  17. Think this is pushing it about as far as possible - almost like it requires robots to assemble these things - or humans with incredible skill and rock solid surgeons hands. OC.
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