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Old Collingwood

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Everything posted by Old Collingwood

  1. Thank you kindly Alan, yep I have searched the net for about a year for reliable (inside the courtyard) pics from the time but a lot has to be guess work - there is a lot of modifications to the buildings - the roofs where re tiled in different tiles after the battle - and the tree I would guess was grown after also - same with the farmhouse - this had new doors and windows - same to the stables as I assume - they stopped being used for horses in recent times. The plan is that a lot of the floor area will be filled with my figures of both the 2nd KGL and 5th Line KGL - so it will look busy. OC.
  2. I agree with Mark - take your own time - it will take as long as it takes - rushing makes mistakes. OC.
  3. Amazing work from our own 1/350 scale master - allway a pleasure watching your builds come to life mate. OC.
  4. Evening all, Right a positive step forward "Agood one I hope" I have applied several dirty washes over the whole floor area, then when dry I used my dry brushing dust jobby in several runs over to blend in the washes - left it looking tatty and worn as it would have been. I then decided to add a few more figures - a couple more 2nd KGL around the pond - Major Baring instructing his troops to charge through the doors to chase the French, and Captain Graeme ordering the 2nd and 5th line troops through the doors by the road. OC.
  5. I see where you are coming from - and meet you, My brain box is searching many questions and ideas - but I will stop short of instaling a bar or refereshments stand - I know who would raid it ......Come on own up lol. OC.
  6. Thank you Mark, will give it a go - can always fall back on my hairy friends to touch up the more delicate areas. OC.
  7. Thank you kindly Mark - my understanding is the ground inside the farrm complex was stones/cobbles with a kind of cemented loose gravel spread ontop, my base shows the stones/cobbles in areas where the top mix has worn away, I know the over all appearnece would have been very random and and routh - so perhaps my airbrush would not be the best tool. OC.
  8. Evening/morning all, I had the day off from building on my dio - but it hasn't stopped the old grey matter from turning round in my head - thinking ahead for latter today (its 3 am here) when I lat down some dark earth washes using my pre mixed bottle - would I be better off spraying it over the whole floor surface of my dio's courtyard or brushing it - yes the airbrush would give a more even flow but would that strictly look right ground surfaces especailly after heavy rain are never even or consistant. What do you think my friends??? OC.
  9. This is Looking So Superb - but frankly you set yourself a Very high target for quality after your Amazing Sub build. OC.
  10. Excelent work Yves, I have a question for you for way down the line - are you tempted to man her with a crew? OC.
  11. Excellent work with those (hand made) lanterns Phil - its a different level when you can do stuff like that - she is coming on a treat mate. OC.
  12. Thank you kindly Mark, I am deffo going to make use of my "Magic Water gel" I love the stuff and guess after I have brushed a few layers of my wash over it (it tends to settle in gaps etc) it will start to come together. OC.
  13. Thank you kindly Denis, I also have a few more rain pools to scatter in some of the corners, possibly a drain that will cleverly hide one of the joins in the boards where I put in my putty but has sunk slightly - might look quite good? OC.
  14. Thank you Alan, yep got lots of troops to go in there yet - and outside the walls and all around at a guess over 100 possibly closer to 150 - or I might just keep adding them as I go. OC.
  15. Evening all, some good progress - the complex (apart from the garden shed) is now fitted together and the joins in the floor filled with putty and painted, I had to put a slither in a gap close to the main gate - this was then painted and dry brushed, it still needs a couple of washes over the floor and dry dusting. The grass area received some attaention also - the grass blades were coming out so I brushed over s watery PVA mix then weathered it a bit using some datk wash to simulate a dirt grass from lots of rain. I have included some arty pics to show some different views. OC.
  16. I do exactly that with my brushes and Masters - first wipe most of the paint of your brush till it looks paint free, then soak the brush in clean water (I use pre boiled thats gone cold) then rub the brush around in the masters tub lathering it up - you will probably see some paint residue come off into the lather, wipe most of the soap on the lip of the master tub the into the water again removing any soap on the brush - I tend do it a couple of times to make sure all the paint has completley gone from the hairs and ferule, then just cloth dry and put the cover over the end of the brush - thats it. OC.
  17. Thank you Alan, the whole area will have a couple of washes to darken it then some light dust dry brushing. OC.
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