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Old Collingwood

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Everything posted by Old Collingwood

  1. Thank you Craig, I think that is a rather generous compliment - but thank you. OC.
  2. The guy firing from the table is this guy - https://projecthougoumont.com/rifleman-friedrich-lindau-2nd-light-battalion-kgl/ OC.
  3. Thanks Mark, yes if you think they help Craig - have a look (I know you do anyway). Best tip's are to to use washes to bring out the detail in the faces and hands - lots of purpose made acrylic washes out there, and with the uniforms again use a wash for the shadows and dry brush for the highlights (but very lightly) Its all about practice as most of our hobby is mate. OC.
  4. Evening all, so where were we? ah yes adding some details around the pond - the KGL lads were desperate for firing platforms, so they raided the kitchen and found a couple of tables and benches "perfect job" these were positioned inside the wall between the brick holes. First though mr giant had to assemble and paint/weather them then glue them in place. Ok good start but needs some figures - so I got my completed box out and chose a few 2nd KGL to start with, first job was to carefuly remove the plastic bases they are moulded to - had to be careful not to cut into thier feet, then a little CA underneath and they were glued down. So its a start and much easier with room to move them around. OC.
  5. Wouldn't supprise me if the put it underneath one of the Two front seats in a box like construction, can't find any reference to its actual location on the net. OC.
  6. Good day all, bit of an early post - next stage with this I think I will be playing with some tables and placing some KGL around the pond firing from the walls, I think it will be easier to do it that way than trying to see what I am doing when its all constructed. OC.
  7. I have to say - I also love your audio equipment I used to also have some nice gear when I was into it - Celestion/Q-Deck/Rotel/Denon. Nice work by the way. OC.
  8. Evening all, more work around the pond - I cleaned up the slabs around the pond then put down a few layers of stone, then I did the same to the base around the pond, and after some washes and dust, and finished with a couple of coats of flat. OC.
  9. Wow mate that is so much detail - aside form giving your eyes a break - pat yourself on the back - praise well deserved Alan. OC.
  10. Goo - gul is like a pesky neighbour want to know all you have done - then keep tabs of it.😁 OC.
  11. Great work with the hull - those brass tiles will so thank you when they age - she will so look the part. OC.
  12. Indeed I think most of us have seen the movie - also lots of other great Nelson reference to films either by @mtaylor or myself with a friends up and coming movie about Nelson and Trafalgar. OC.
  13. Found you buddy - got all my equipment and food stuffs ready and a seriously comfy chair - ready for the ride. OC.
  14. Thank you kinldy Mark, Indeed - both sides of the wall, I might even mess around making some random rain puddles using my gel - seeing as it was so wet the night before with pooring rain the whole ground was sturated. OC.
  15. Thank you kindly Alan, we have those fabric things with weat inside taht oyu heat up in the microwave - she uses those to help the pain, she can't stand anything cold/freezing on the area though. OC.
  16. Also as Alan said - you can also work the plastic parts to thin them down (if they need it) as the plastic will be less prone to brake. OC.
  17. Thank you Alan, It taught me a lesson to not play with it after pooring in the gel - the second layer was poored than put away in the cabinet to harden on its own - not with a hairdryer. OC.
  18. Thank you kindly Craig, no fish in there - I think the KGL had then (if there were any) the night before. OC.
  19. That engine and transmission looks Superb Craig really looking realistic. OC.
  20. Evening all, more work on the base courtyard area - this needed a lot of fiddling to get the pieces to fit to gether - some choping here adding pieces there and adjusting the pond area base. Oh I have also re worked the pond by adding some bricks that had fell in after the KGL hacked then out to make firing holes, I then added another layer of gel and let it set over night (I did not touch it and still needs more time to fully set) OC.
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