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Old Collingwood

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Everything posted by Old Collingwood

  1. Good day all, I have decided to put the display case cover away so I can work on the base - I have placed the building plan on the base to check its positioning and room - still lots more to do. OC.
  2. Thats a good start John - dont be affraid to ask anything from the members here - we dont bite unless its food.😁 OC.
  3. Sadly no ducks - the KGL engineers killed them all and and had fire roasted Peeking Duck (but no pankcakes) meal the night before the battle. I think I made the paper situation worst by speed drying it with the hairdryer - my impatience got the better of me as I wanted to see it working, I will wait and see if it shrinks back into shape - its is touch dry at the moment just got a few wrinkles in it where it has stretched. OC.
  4. Just checked the pond again - the paper has stretchered and not flat - I guess it needs something underneath it more solid - like the base its self, might need to cut this paper out if I can not get the paper to shrink and go flat again? OC.
  5. No worries - happens to me a lot, it should look a lot better when it has more detailing. OC.
  6. Evening all, I started on the pond today - first thing was to cut a sheet of paper then glue it underneath the base covering the area of the pond, I used PVA and applied a few coats inside also, this was the fully dried using the hair dryer, after I applied a few coats of mid Green the some washes. Then the fun stage - I emptied some of the Acrylic Resin into a smaller jar and emptied it into the pond - first mistake (I had put to much in and it was over the height of the edging stones) so before it had set I removed the majority of it - and re applied but a smaller amount that just covered the bottom. I used the hairdryer to speed up the setting process - I could gradually see the resin clearing from a white liquid to a clear water - this took about an hour of dryer work. Not too bad for my first attempt. OC.
  7. I am keeping a lot of interest in this build (as I have the same kit - with the wood deck in my stash) I won't be starting mine for a good while yet - probably not till next year. OC.
  8. Evening all, some more work detailing walls - bricks/whitewash/weathering/washes/dust and a bit of highlighting, its still not glued down to the base yet as the base needs painting/pond detailing. OC.
  9. Thank you for your kind words Denis, tha admirals mobility is ok just real painfull when she sits down - over a week now and still painful, but I did read a bruise in that area can take a couple of months to recover. OC.
  10. Evening all, more work on the frontal area around the pond - the wall from the Barn to the front wall needed shortening, to make it fit the new floor plan, I then trimmed the edges of the floor base where the outside walls meet. I then dry fitted all the buildings to check they all fit and meet as they should. OC.
  11. I am going to use a piece of A4 printer paper, and cover the whole underside of section of base, then brush on a thined layer of PVA onto the paper inside the pond. Hope that works? OC.
  12. So, if you are wondering about the pond? it will have a sheet of paper underneath, then I will paint inside a light/mid green then poor over an acrylic resin clear water I brought, its supposed to be "self leveling" and takes a couple of days to set, then I will add a bit of a wash and my normal rock/stone colours around it and on the base. OC.
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