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Old Collingwood

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Everything posted by Old Collingwood

  1. Those are Gorgeous pics - Thank you so much Yves, yep my late farther who used to work on them as well as others, told me they were basically two merlins with a lightweight body - the merlins in fact had a tendency to be to powerful for the frame, they had considered tweaking the engines for more horse power but there was a worry it would twist the frame, so they left it at just a spitfire eater. OC.
  2. I would have said to try some paper stuck to a board - draw some lines or shapes and like the old fill in pictures try your sprayer in the different sections to get a feel for it. OC.
  3. I just put Blackjacks UH1 in a google search then clicked to view any pictures and saw these two - there were others. OC.
  4. All the new aircraft builds in here have made me very very very eager and tempted to start my Mosi kit, but I can imagine the admirals face and words if I did 😮######etc - I'm still tempted though. OC.
  5. One year I might get round to getting one of these to build as you have inspired me. OC.
  6. Quick tip to speed up drying of Acrylics heat from a hair dryer really helps. OC.
  7. How about an RAF one? http://www.214squadron.org.uk/Aircraft_Flying_Fortress.htm OC.
  8. Aint gonna like that - but understand the meaning.😯 OC.
  9. Congrats denis - yes indeed that will build in to a bute, Revell make some superb kits and never seem to go short on detail. Are you keeping her as Memphis? OC.
  10. I remember that scene from the Arnie film Predator where there must be getting on to ten of them in a Huey. OC.
  11. Hope they are of use to Lou. real amazing piece of kit up close and so wide no wonder they could seat - what 8 - 10 in kit? OC.
  12. Lou wonder if these two pics will help shot my me, sorry about the quality not my camera, its one of the last airworthy flying Huey NAM vets gorgeous heli. OC.
  13. Cant wait for the start mark, got all my bits and pieces ready for the adventure. OC.
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