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Old Collingwood

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Everything posted by Old Collingwood

  1. Just thought I would show this - think its kind of cool - Herky Bird under the moon shot by me a couple of months back. OC.
  2. Looking splendid now - all that fine detail work you are doing is really paying off. OC.
  3. Thank you Alan, its slow progress due to eye strain after a couple of hours - also noticed if I do them for too long I get a headache from the magnification I need. OC.
  4. As everyone has said warm wishes to you brother - fingers and toes crossed for a happy healthy outcome. The Silver finish is really looking super - still showing that detail. OC.
  5. Ratlines the thing that drives a good man to drink - or sailors to Rum. keep up your great work on her mate - she is bute. OC.
  6. Thank you for the link Andy, bet there are many things buried on the field after the battle. OC.
  7. Loving those shades coming through from the modulations, with the barrel could you not apply some gentle heat to bend it straight? OC.
  8. Looking Great brother - those surfaces with that detail looks superb. OC.
  9. Thought I would explain my paint system with my French figures that suites me - After priming I paint the faces and hands first, then comes the straps, I then paint the Off White Habi Vests and turn backs, then because of me mixing up a shade of Off White - I paint their trousers, I then mix some different shades of Off White, Buff or even Brown for their trousers, I then paint their jackets in the Dark Blue, this is followed by thier facings then Brass buttons, Shako details, Back Pack, Sword and details, I then paint their socks and shoe details. After leaving to dry I follow up with a Dark Earth wash for the face and hands, and a Dark Wash all over the torso/legs (removing in areas I want clean), I then add some Dark Earth wash around the ankles and finish off with a dry brush Dust around the ankles. OC.
  10. The bulk of them at the back are my 54/55th French Ligne, and those in front are a mix of - a few injured French and 5th line KGL, the rest of my 2nd KGL and Lunburg regiment have been primed but no colour on them yet. OC.
  11. Evening folks right trousers lightened and the rest of the details painted, then a slight wash and some light dry brush dust. OC.
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