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Everything posted by Kevin

  1. good evening everyone thank you for comments and likes, very much appreciated day 133 i have decided to start working aft to fwd on the outside of the hull so the galleries are getting some attention,
  2. the tiles were not treated in any way, straight off the roll, but with a week interval, one side is more tarnished than the other, i have now listened to @James H and have now rubbed with fine wire wool, and coated with a water based varnish, the shineyness has gone
  3. im not sure what would be worse,, fixed steps with ropes, or full rope ladders, in a heave swell they would all have been treacherous to use you have made a real nice job of fitting them
  4. good evening everyone thank you for comments and likes day 129-3 copper plating done well that was an enjoyable couple of weeks,
  5. im going to let it do its own thing for now, and see what its like later on in the build, it is tarnishing much quicker than plates do
  6. lol the praise goes to @chris watton with the time and effort he put into the designing
  7. Thank you, I am going to let her tone down for a while, bit to bright for me
  8. google translates this to Your best friend with four paws and a short tail seems to really like your ship. He is proud of them!😜
  9. good evening everyone thank you for comments and likes day 123-3 port side coppering complete thats another 5 hours of coppering done, im quite happy with how it turned out well im happier with it than England's performance in the Ashes test
  10. thank you for your question, the after cabins were all opened up when the ship was closed up at battle station's i was looking for a video, but at present this is the best i can find for now ,Bing Videos
  11. im grateful for anyone to watch my shoddy building, i will certainly look at yr fly log
  12. good evening everyone Day 122-3 still coppering im sure most of you would have completed both sides by now, i have lots going on, in RL but daily progress is being made
  13. yes something like that, i think im starting to learn that detail like rivet heads is wasted on this scale vessel i have yet to see any that are realistic, unless done by scratch, IMHO
  14. good afternoon everyone thank you for comments and likes day 119-3 each row, to cut and place into position is taking me about 45 to 60 mins, but i have other non boat building jobs on the go presently like gardening
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