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Everything posted by Kevin

  1. October 3 1778 HMS Mary (3) lost in Plymouth sound 1796 HMS Narcissus (20), Cptn. Percy Fraser, wrecked off New Providence. 1799 HMS Speedy (14), Jahleel Brenton, chased Spanish coasters on shore in a bay to the east of Cape Trafalgar. 1808 HMS Carnation (18), Cptn. Charles Mars Gregory (Killed in Action), captured by La Palinure (16), off Martinique.
  2. hi Andy, just caught up with you being home and now away again, lovely work, have a safe trip, ill be following, and hopefully getting some work on my build as well
  3. October 2 1758 HMS Lizard (28) took Duc d'Hanovre off Brest. 1776 HMS Cruizer (8), Cdr. Francis Parry, was burnt off the coast of South Carolina. 1786 Augustus Keppel died 1804 Devonshire, Cdr. Joseph Edmuns of HMS Fury, used as explosion vessel employed against French shipping in the Boulogne Roads. HMS Providence fireship was also used. 1805 HMS Barracouta Schooner (4), Lt. J. Orchard, ran on shore on Jordan Key on the south side of Cuba 1806 Boats of HMS Minerva (32), Cptn. George Ralph Collier, at Ons Island, took Spanish gunboat No. 2 commanded by Lt. Don Jesse Lopez. 1817 HMS Julia Brig (16), Jenkin Jones, wrecked off Tristan d'Acunha, coast of Africa. 1840 Removal of gunpowder from Beyrout by parties from HMS Hastings (72), Cptn. John Lawrence, and HMSEdinburgh (74)
  4. October 1 01 October 1746 HMS Exeter (58) and consorts captured and burnt Ardent. 1748 Battle of Havana. British Caribbean squadron under Charles Knowles engaged a Spanish squadron Don Andres Reggio near Havana. After a number of aborted attacks, the British succeeded in driving the Spanish back to their harbour after capturing the Conquistador and running the vice-admiral's ship Africa on shore where she was blown up by her own crew after being totally dismasted and made helpless. Both commanders were reprimanded by their respective commands for their conduct during the engagement. 1800 U.S. Schooner Experiment captures French Schooner Diana. 1808 HMS Cruizer (18), Lt. (act. Cdr.) Thomas Well, captured a Danish gun brig (10). 1811 A fire broke out in Greenwich Hospital, which consumed the infirmary, but no lives were lost. 02 October 1758 HMS Lizard (28) took Duc d'Hanovre off Brest. 1776 HMS Cruizer (8), Cdr. Francis Parry, was burnt off the coast of South Carolina. 1786 Augustus Keppel died 1804 Devonshire, Cdr. Joseph Edmuns of HMS Fury, used as explosion vessel employed against French shipping in the Boulogne Roads. HMS Providence fireship was also used. 1805 HMS Barracouta Schooner (4), Lt. J. Orchard, ran on shore on Jordan Key on the south side of Cuba 1806 Boats of HMS Minerva (32), Cptn. George Ralph Collier, at Ons Island, took Spanish gunboat No. 2 commanded by Lt. Don Jesse Lopez. 1817 HMS Julia Brig (16), Jenkin Jones, wrecked off Tristan d'Acunha, coast of Africa. 1840 Removal of gunpowder from Beyrout by parties from HMS Hastings (72), Cptn. John Lawrence, and HMSEdinburgh (74)
  5. thank you for your comments i use tamiya tape, as it does not bleed, and most of the hull has had at least 4 coats of watered down Admiralty paints, and i am always touching up in places as i go along, black banding is Mattt black Car spray, and for any touch up required there i spray a little into a plastic container and brush it on whilst still wet,
  6. i may have made it to short , the bands are in the right place according to the plans, but when compared to others builds they seam to near to the mariners walk supports, i have had to adapt it (well made in shorter as i am unable to push it all the way into the recess, so the ,easurments i have are from the end of the dowel, its no big deal if i have to remake - , it has to be right so if the bands are out so will the stops for the gammoning
  7. Welcome back home, i was waiting for that to say a big thank you for the netting,
  8. Good afternoon everyone After a few days away, im back, work on the bow area continues, although, im still unsure if the bowspit looks right, time will tell, its the 1st coat of paint, so quite a lot more sanding and repaints required
  9. lol - i just read the online instructions to see if they had updated them - NO they have not http://www.aeromarine-uk.com/Manuals/Victory_Rig.pdf
  10. 1780 HMS Pearl (32), Cptn George Montagu, took French frigate Esperance (28) off Bermuda. 1800 U.S. concludes treaty of peace with France, ending Quasi War with France. 1814 HMS Crane Sloop (18), Robert Standly, foundered in the West Indies with the loss of all hands. 1822 HMS Eliza tender (1) engaged two pirates off Guajaba and took one Firme Union (5).
  11. ? the dead space between the bulkheads abd the ships hull, would this have been used for any thing, or a requirement to be kept clear for observing of water ingress, i ask because a there is a lot of space not being used, and on a modern ship, although metal in construction would be used.
  12. no more posts from me until Monday, away for a few days
  13. September 26 1748 Cuthbert Collingwood born in Newcastle Upon Tyne 1800 HMS Hound Sloop (16), William James Turquand, wrecked near Shetland. 1805 HMS Calcutta (50), Cptn. Daniel Woodriff, whilst escorting a convoy near the Scillies drew off a French squadron of a three-decker and four ships-of-the-line with frigates and other vessels. She was captured by French ship-of-the-line Magnanime and frigate Armide (44) but all the convoy except 1 ship made their escape. 1814 Boats of HMS Plantagenet (74), Cptn. Robert Lloyd, and HMS Rota (38), Cptn. Somerville, covered by HMSCarnation (18), George Bentahm, repulsed by American privateer schooner General Armstrong, Cptn. Samuel C. Reid, at anchor in the road at Fayal in the Azores. 1840 Attack on Tortosa, Syria by boats of HMS Benbow (72), Cptn. Houston Stewart, HMS Carysfort (26), Cptn. Byam Martin, and HMS Zebra (18), Robert Stopford. The attack failed as the boats grounded on a reef and there were many casualties before they could be got off.
  14. LOL - sorry George i mean mobbsie, right comments right build, just the wrong name 2 out of three aint bad
  15. John have a look at the build by Gil Middleton http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/485-hms-victory-by-gil-middleton-jotika-172/page-15
  16. September 25 1806 Rochefort squadron, Cptn. Sir Samuel Hood acting as Commodore, of 6 ships-of-the-line and a frigate, including HMS Centaur (74), Cptn. W. H. Webley, HMS Monarch (74), and HMS Mars (74), Cptn. Lukin, and HMS Revenge (74), Capt. Robert Moorsom, engaged French squadron of five frigates, Gloire (40), Indefatigable(44), Minerve (44), Armide (44) and Themis (36) and two brigs Lynx (18) and Sylphe (18) bound for the West Indies. Gloire, Indefatigable, Minerve and Armide, all crowded with troops, were taken. 1809 HMS Carieux Sloop (18), Henry George Moysey, wrecked off Petit Terre, Island of Marigalante, West Indies.
  17. Go for it, at that price
  18. September 24 1695 HMS Winchester (60) foundered off Cape Florida 1757 HMS Southampton (32), Cptn. James Gilchrist, captured French Frigate Emenaude (26) HMS Tilbury (58), Cptn. Henry Barnsley, wrecked and HMS Ferret (14) foundered off Louisburg during a hurricane 1787 Sir John Jervis and Adam Duncan promoted to Rear-Admiral. Samuel Hood promoted Vice-Admiral of the Blue 1840 Tyre captured by HMS Castor (26), Cptn. Edward Collier, and HMS Pique (36), Cptn. Robert Boxer.
  19. lol i might seriously tempted to build that, even though i have said i will not build another 1st, 2nd, 3rd 4th rate ship again - just a cross section http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Van_de_Velde_Gouden_Leeuw_cut.jpeg <a data-ipb="nomediaparse" data-cke-saved-href="http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Dutch_ships_in_the_roadstead_of_Texel_(the_" href="http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Dutch_ships_in_the_roadstead_of_Texel_(the_" gouden_leeuw'_of_cornelis_tromp_in_the_center)(ludolf_backhuysen,_1671).jpg"="">http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Dutch_ships_in_the_roadstead_of_Texel_(the_'Gouden_Leeuw'_of_Cornelis_Tromp_in_the_center)(Ludolf_Backhuysen,_1671).jpg
  20. September 23 1705 Barcelona capitulates to British. 1739 Chester and Canterbury capture Spanish Carracca ship San Joseph 1757 Squadron under Ad. Charles Knowles bombarded the Isle of Aix. 1779 John Paul Jones in Bonhomme Richard defeats HMS Serapis (44), Cptn. Richard Pearson, and American Pallasdefeats HMS Countess of Scarborough off Flamborough Head, Yorkshire. 1796 HMS Pelican (18), Cptn. John Clarke Searle, engaged French Mé,dé e (40).
  21. Good afternoon everyone the bow continues, and boomkins are made up and pinned to the knight heads, although just pinned, i have a problem with the bowspit wrt to fact that it is offset towards port, so it all looks a little squiffy at present
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