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Beef Wellington

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  1. Like
    Beef Wellington got a reaction from egkb in HMS Jason by Beef Wellington - Caldercraft - 1:64 - Artois-class frigate modified from HMS Diana 1794   
    Work continues slowly, but not really anything that would be noticeable in a photo update.  In a shameless attempt to cover this up, sharing some contemporary print images that I've been trying to get my hands on for quite some time now.   (The 3rd print below first appeared in my second post in this log back in 2014...ahem...I'm including here for completeness).  Three of the four are by Robert Dodd, and the other is by John Fairburn, and correlating with NMM records, were contemporaneously created between 1798 and 1801.  Its hard to corroborate the details between artists because the Robert Dodd prints are of a much higher quality - a comment on Dodd reflects that he is likely a reasonably reliable source "Although technically accurate and meticulous, his artistic talents were somewhat eclipsed by the greatest of his peers, and it is his contribution to the historical record that is his greatest legacy".  Considering that the representations were 'inscribed to' the ship's captains, one might think that they would be accurate on key points.
    Full details below, but a couple of things jump out, nothing here will change the approach being taken on this build, but may be of value to others.  I'm really hoping I can get my hands on building contracts now.
    Shock and horror! - there 'aint a figurehead!  Jason is clearly shown with a fiddlehead stem! - this is contradictory to available plans and seems unlikely to be an artistic creation.  Especially as other ships represented show quite detailed figureheads. Jason is shown with 14 quarterdeck 'guns' - impossible to tell whether these are carronades or cannons.  In any event, these exceeds the number described in AOTS Diana and seems to exceed Admiralty regulations.  Perhaps Capt. Sterling pulled in some favours to obtain additional ordinance...It's hard to draw any conclusions on the bow armament because its just not clear enough. The Mizzen channel is also clearly shown at its original lower location together with a backstay stool (4th picture below).  This reflects the earlier (original as designed/built?) configuration, and contradicts the single channel configuration located higher up the hull that is shown in AOTS and (possible subsequent alterations) on NMM plans.  Interestingly, the same configuration is shown in second picture below, but the mizzen backstay stool is missing. Try as I might, I just can't resolve much in the way of clues to the stern decoration.  Maybe wishful thinking, but the central figure on the stern in second picture below could be a golden fleece (as would possibly be expected!), and what I'm noodling over for 'my' Jason.  The outboard supporting figures also look 'male' to my eye...but not sure.  There are a number of details here that suggest a different representation here (e.g. ar those columns between the lights?).  Wish I'd managed to get my hands on this years ago.  Unfortunately, the representation by John Fairburn is of much lower artistic and technical and just seems to show smudges. Sequel to the action between L'Hercule and Mars (April 21, 1798): Artist: Robert Dodd ca.1798
    Inscription “Sequel to the Action of L’HERCULE and MARS, on the Night of April 24th 1798.  Representing the MARS bringing her PRIZE out of the Passage Du Raz, the JASON FRIGATE having come up some time after the ENEMY had STRUCK, assisting in shifting the Prisoners.” 

    Capture of La Seine: Artist: Robert Dodd
    Inscription “CAPTURE of LA SEINE most respectfully Inscribed to the Captains STERLING & MILNE.  This Action commenced in a running fight between LA PIQUE and LA SEINE the former was disabled by the loss of her Main Topmast and the JASON coming up between & received the fire of the Enemy Her Action continued when the [unreadable] Ships grounded on the French Coast near Midnight LA SEINE still making a most exemplary defense, and did not surrender until totally dismasted with the loss of 170 Men killed & 100 badly wounded” 

    A REPRESENTATION of the JASON 38 guns capturing LA SEINE:  Artist: John Fairburn, 1 Oct 1798
    Inscription “A REPRESENTATION of the JASON 38 guns capturing LA SEINE, a FRENCH FRIGATE of 42 Guns near PENMARK ROCK, June 30th 1798  The La Pique Frigate had engaged the La Seine for a considerable time, before the Jason came up, but did unfortunately run aground in the action & bilged & was afterwards burn'd by her own crew"

    Situation of Jason and La Pique the morning after the engagement: Artist: Robert Dodd
    Description taken from NMM:  A depiction of the British frigates Jason and La Pique on moderate seas, flying the British ensign, with their prize, La Seine, on 29 June 1798; troops can be seen on land in the distance. The Jason is shown in the foreground in port-broadside view, behind her is La Seine with her masts cut off; La Pique (port quarter view) is on the right in the process of sinking, shown with her crew climbing down on to a rowing boat. Several other rowing boats can be seen in the foreground. The sails of the Jason and La Pique show extensive damage from cannon fire.
    Inscription “SITUATION of the JASON and LA PIQUE with their Prize on the Morning after the Action.  Representing the Jason as just having hove off the ground.  La Pique being unfortunately bilged was cleared of her Stores and destroyed by her own Crew, the wounded Men of the Enemy were put on Shore and given in charge to a division of their [unreadable] ARMY of ENGLAND who appeared in numbers on the Beach unable to molest(?) the British Ships or prevent their captured Frigate from being brought off.”

  2. Like
    Beef Wellington got a reaction from JpR62 in HMS Jason by Beef Wellington - Caldercraft - 1:64 - Artois-class frigate modified from HMS Diana 1794   
    Work continues slowly, but not really anything that would be noticeable in a photo update.  In a shameless attempt to cover this up, sharing some contemporary print images that I've been trying to get my hands on for quite some time now.   (The 3rd print below first appeared in my second post in this log back in 2014...ahem...I'm including here for completeness).  Three of the four are by Robert Dodd, and the other is by John Fairburn, and correlating with NMM records, were contemporaneously created between 1798 and 1801.  Its hard to corroborate the details between artists because the Robert Dodd prints are of a much higher quality - a comment on Dodd reflects that he is likely a reasonably reliable source "Although technically accurate and meticulous, his artistic talents were somewhat eclipsed by the greatest of his peers, and it is his contribution to the historical record that is his greatest legacy".  Considering that the representations were 'inscribed to' the ship's captains, one might think that they would be accurate on key points.
    Full details below, but a couple of things jump out, nothing here will change the approach being taken on this build, but may be of value to others.  I'm really hoping I can get my hands on building contracts now.
    Shock and horror! - there 'aint a figurehead!  Jason is clearly shown with a fiddlehead stem! - this is contradictory to available plans and seems unlikely to be an artistic creation.  Especially as other ships represented show quite detailed figureheads. Jason is shown with 14 quarterdeck 'guns' - impossible to tell whether these are carronades or cannons.  In any event, these exceeds the number described in AOTS Diana and seems to exceed Admiralty regulations.  Perhaps Capt. Sterling pulled in some favours to obtain additional ordinance...It's hard to draw any conclusions on the bow armament because its just not clear enough. The Mizzen channel is also clearly shown at its original lower location together with a backstay stool (4th picture below).  This reflects the earlier (original as designed/built?) configuration, and contradicts the single channel configuration located higher up the hull that is shown in AOTS and (possible subsequent alterations) on NMM plans.  Interestingly, the same configuration is shown in second picture below, but the mizzen backstay stool is missing. Try as I might, I just can't resolve much in the way of clues to the stern decoration.  Maybe wishful thinking, but the central figure on the stern in second picture below could be a golden fleece (as would possibly be expected!), and what I'm noodling over for 'my' Jason.  The outboard supporting figures also look 'male' to my eye...but not sure.  There are a number of details here that suggest a different representation here (e.g. ar those columns between the lights?).  Wish I'd managed to get my hands on this years ago.  Unfortunately, the representation by John Fairburn is of much lower artistic and technical and just seems to show smudges. Sequel to the action between L'Hercule and Mars (April 21, 1798): Artist: Robert Dodd ca.1798
    Inscription “Sequel to the Action of L’HERCULE and MARS, on the Night of April 24th 1798.  Representing the MARS bringing her PRIZE out of the Passage Du Raz, the JASON FRIGATE having come up some time after the ENEMY had STRUCK, assisting in shifting the Prisoners.” 

    Capture of La Seine: Artist: Robert Dodd
    Inscription “CAPTURE of LA SEINE most respectfully Inscribed to the Captains STERLING & MILNE.  This Action commenced in a running fight between LA PIQUE and LA SEINE the former was disabled by the loss of her Main Topmast and the JASON coming up between & received the fire of the Enemy Her Action continued when the [unreadable] Ships grounded on the French Coast near Midnight LA SEINE still making a most exemplary defense, and did not surrender until totally dismasted with the loss of 170 Men killed & 100 badly wounded” 

    A REPRESENTATION of the JASON 38 guns capturing LA SEINE:  Artist: John Fairburn, 1 Oct 1798
    Inscription “A REPRESENTATION of the JASON 38 guns capturing LA SEINE, a FRENCH FRIGATE of 42 Guns near PENMARK ROCK, June 30th 1798  The La Pique Frigate had engaged the La Seine for a considerable time, before the Jason came up, but did unfortunately run aground in the action & bilged & was afterwards burn'd by her own crew"

    Situation of Jason and La Pique the morning after the engagement: Artist: Robert Dodd
    Description taken from NMM:  A depiction of the British frigates Jason and La Pique on moderate seas, flying the British ensign, with their prize, La Seine, on 29 June 1798; troops can be seen on land in the distance. The Jason is shown in the foreground in port-broadside view, behind her is La Seine with her masts cut off; La Pique (port quarter view) is on the right in the process of sinking, shown with her crew climbing down on to a rowing boat. Several other rowing boats can be seen in the foreground. The sails of the Jason and La Pique show extensive damage from cannon fire.
    Inscription “SITUATION of the JASON and LA PIQUE with their Prize on the Morning after the Action.  Representing the Jason as just having hove off the ground.  La Pique being unfortunately bilged was cleared of her Stores and destroyed by her own Crew, the wounded Men of the Enemy were put on Shore and given in charge to a division of their [unreadable] ARMY of ENGLAND who appeared in numbers on the Beach unable to molest(?) the British Ships or prevent their captured Frigate from being brought off.”

  3. Like
    Beef Wellington reacted to robdurant in Barque Stefano by robdurant - MarisStella - 1:63   
    As promised, albeit slightly off-topic - here are a couple of photos of the Bireme I've just completed...

    I'm really pleased with the results. Not perfect, but pleasing, nonetheless, and not too bad for a first attempt at a rowed vessel. Happy building to you all
  4. Like
    Beef Wellington got a reaction from JesseLee in HMS Jason by Beef Wellington - Caldercraft - 1:64 - Artois-class frigate modified from HMS Diana 1794   
    Work continues slowly, but not really anything that would be noticeable in a photo update.  In a shameless attempt to cover this up, sharing some contemporary print images that I've been trying to get my hands on for quite some time now.   (The 3rd print below first appeared in my second post in this log back in 2014...ahem...I'm including here for completeness).  Three of the four are by Robert Dodd, and the other is by John Fairburn, and correlating with NMM records, were contemporaneously created between 1798 and 1801.  Its hard to corroborate the details between artists because the Robert Dodd prints are of a much higher quality - a comment on Dodd reflects that he is likely a reasonably reliable source "Although technically accurate and meticulous, his artistic talents were somewhat eclipsed by the greatest of his peers, and it is his contribution to the historical record that is his greatest legacy".  Considering that the representations were 'inscribed to' the ship's captains, one might think that they would be accurate on key points.
    Full details below, but a couple of things jump out, nothing here will change the approach being taken on this build, but may be of value to others.  I'm really hoping I can get my hands on building contracts now.
    Shock and horror! - there 'aint a figurehead!  Jason is clearly shown with a fiddlehead stem! - this is contradictory to available plans and seems unlikely to be an artistic creation.  Especially as other ships represented show quite detailed figureheads. Jason is shown with 14 quarterdeck 'guns' - impossible to tell whether these are carronades or cannons.  In any event, these exceeds the number described in AOTS Diana and seems to exceed Admiralty regulations.  Perhaps Capt. Sterling pulled in some favours to obtain additional ordinance...It's hard to draw any conclusions on the bow armament because its just not clear enough. The Mizzen channel is also clearly shown at its original lower location together with a backstay stool (4th picture below).  This reflects the earlier (original as designed/built?) configuration, and contradicts the single channel configuration located higher up the hull that is shown in AOTS and (possible subsequent alterations) on NMM plans.  Interestingly, the same configuration is shown in second picture below, but the mizzen backstay stool is missing. Try as I might, I just can't resolve much in the way of clues to the stern decoration.  Maybe wishful thinking, but the central figure on the stern in second picture below could be a golden fleece (as would possibly be expected!), and what I'm noodling over for 'my' Jason.  The outboard supporting figures also look 'male' to my eye...but not sure.  There are a number of details here that suggest a different representation here (e.g. ar those columns between the lights?).  Wish I'd managed to get my hands on this years ago.  Unfortunately, the representation by John Fairburn is of much lower artistic and technical and just seems to show smudges. Sequel to the action between L'Hercule and Mars (April 21, 1798): Artist: Robert Dodd ca.1798
    Inscription “Sequel to the Action of L’HERCULE and MARS, on the Night of April 24th 1798.  Representing the MARS bringing her PRIZE out of the Passage Du Raz, the JASON FRIGATE having come up some time after the ENEMY had STRUCK, assisting in shifting the Prisoners.” 

    Capture of La Seine: Artist: Robert Dodd
    Inscription “CAPTURE of LA SEINE most respectfully Inscribed to the Captains STERLING & MILNE.  This Action commenced in a running fight between LA PIQUE and LA SEINE the former was disabled by the loss of her Main Topmast and the JASON coming up between & received the fire of the Enemy Her Action continued when the [unreadable] Ships grounded on the French Coast near Midnight LA SEINE still making a most exemplary defense, and did not surrender until totally dismasted with the loss of 170 Men killed & 100 badly wounded” 

    A REPRESENTATION of the JASON 38 guns capturing LA SEINE:  Artist: John Fairburn, 1 Oct 1798
    Inscription “A REPRESENTATION of the JASON 38 guns capturing LA SEINE, a FRENCH FRIGATE of 42 Guns near PENMARK ROCK, June 30th 1798  The La Pique Frigate had engaged the La Seine for a considerable time, before the Jason came up, but did unfortunately run aground in the action & bilged & was afterwards burn'd by her own crew"

    Situation of Jason and La Pique the morning after the engagement: Artist: Robert Dodd
    Description taken from NMM:  A depiction of the British frigates Jason and La Pique on moderate seas, flying the British ensign, with their prize, La Seine, on 29 June 1798; troops can be seen on land in the distance. The Jason is shown in the foreground in port-broadside view, behind her is La Seine with her masts cut off; La Pique (port quarter view) is on the right in the process of sinking, shown with her crew climbing down on to a rowing boat. Several other rowing boats can be seen in the foreground. The sails of the Jason and La Pique show extensive damage from cannon fire.
    Inscription “SITUATION of the JASON and LA PIQUE with their Prize on the Morning after the Action.  Representing the Jason as just having hove off the ground.  La Pique being unfortunately bilged was cleared of her Stores and destroyed by her own Crew, the wounded Men of the Enemy were put on Shore and given in charge to a division of their [unreadable] ARMY of ENGLAND who appeared in numbers on the Beach unable to molest(?) the British Ships or prevent their captured Frigate from being brought off.”

  5. Like
    Beef Wellington got a reaction from scrubbyj427 in HMS Jason by Beef Wellington - Caldercraft - 1:64 - Artois-class frigate modified from HMS Diana 1794   
    Work continues slowly, but not really anything that would be noticeable in a photo update.  In a shameless attempt to cover this up, sharing some contemporary print images that I've been trying to get my hands on for quite some time now.   (The 3rd print below first appeared in my second post in this log back in 2014...ahem...I'm including here for completeness).  Three of the four are by Robert Dodd, and the other is by John Fairburn, and correlating with NMM records, were contemporaneously created between 1798 and 1801.  Its hard to corroborate the details between artists because the Robert Dodd prints are of a much higher quality - a comment on Dodd reflects that he is likely a reasonably reliable source "Although technically accurate and meticulous, his artistic talents were somewhat eclipsed by the greatest of his peers, and it is his contribution to the historical record that is his greatest legacy".  Considering that the representations were 'inscribed to' the ship's captains, one might think that they would be accurate on key points.
    Full details below, but a couple of things jump out, nothing here will change the approach being taken on this build, but may be of value to others.  I'm really hoping I can get my hands on building contracts now.
    Shock and horror! - there 'aint a figurehead!  Jason is clearly shown with a fiddlehead stem! - this is contradictory to available plans and seems unlikely to be an artistic creation.  Especially as other ships represented show quite detailed figureheads. Jason is shown with 14 quarterdeck 'guns' - impossible to tell whether these are carronades or cannons.  In any event, these exceeds the number described in AOTS Diana and seems to exceed Admiralty regulations.  Perhaps Capt. Sterling pulled in some favours to obtain additional ordinance...It's hard to draw any conclusions on the bow armament because its just not clear enough. The Mizzen channel is also clearly shown at its original lower location together with a backstay stool (4th picture below).  This reflects the earlier (original as designed/built?) configuration, and contradicts the single channel configuration located higher up the hull that is shown in AOTS and (possible subsequent alterations) on NMM plans.  Interestingly, the same configuration is shown in second picture below, but the mizzen backstay stool is missing. Try as I might, I just can't resolve much in the way of clues to the stern decoration.  Maybe wishful thinking, but the central figure on the stern in second picture below could be a golden fleece (as would possibly be expected!), and what I'm noodling over for 'my' Jason.  The outboard supporting figures also look 'male' to my eye...but not sure.  There are a number of details here that suggest a different representation here (e.g. ar those columns between the lights?).  Wish I'd managed to get my hands on this years ago.  Unfortunately, the representation by John Fairburn is of much lower artistic and technical and just seems to show smudges. Sequel to the action between L'Hercule and Mars (April 21, 1798): Artist: Robert Dodd ca.1798
    Inscription “Sequel to the Action of L’HERCULE and MARS, on the Night of April 24th 1798.  Representing the MARS bringing her PRIZE out of the Passage Du Raz, the JASON FRIGATE having come up some time after the ENEMY had STRUCK, assisting in shifting the Prisoners.” 

    Capture of La Seine: Artist: Robert Dodd
    Inscription “CAPTURE of LA SEINE most respectfully Inscribed to the Captains STERLING & MILNE.  This Action commenced in a running fight between LA PIQUE and LA SEINE the former was disabled by the loss of her Main Topmast and the JASON coming up between & received the fire of the Enemy Her Action continued when the [unreadable] Ships grounded on the French Coast near Midnight LA SEINE still making a most exemplary defense, and did not surrender until totally dismasted with the loss of 170 Men killed & 100 badly wounded” 

    A REPRESENTATION of the JASON 38 guns capturing LA SEINE:  Artist: John Fairburn, 1 Oct 1798
    Inscription “A REPRESENTATION of the JASON 38 guns capturing LA SEINE, a FRENCH FRIGATE of 42 Guns near PENMARK ROCK, June 30th 1798  The La Pique Frigate had engaged the La Seine for a considerable time, before the Jason came up, but did unfortunately run aground in the action & bilged & was afterwards burn'd by her own crew"

    Situation of Jason and La Pique the morning after the engagement: Artist: Robert Dodd
    Description taken from NMM:  A depiction of the British frigates Jason and La Pique on moderate seas, flying the British ensign, with their prize, La Seine, on 29 June 1798; troops can be seen on land in the distance. The Jason is shown in the foreground in port-broadside view, behind her is La Seine with her masts cut off; La Pique (port quarter view) is on the right in the process of sinking, shown with her crew climbing down on to a rowing boat. Several other rowing boats can be seen in the foreground. The sails of the Jason and La Pique show extensive damage from cannon fire.
    Inscription “SITUATION of the JASON and LA PIQUE with their Prize on the Morning after the Action.  Representing the Jason as just having hove off the ground.  La Pique being unfortunately bilged was cleared of her Stores and destroyed by her own Crew, the wounded Men of the Enemy were put on Shore and given in charge to a division of their [unreadable] ARMY of ENGLAND who appeared in numbers on the Beach unable to molest(?) the British Ships or prevent their captured Frigate from being brought off.”

  6. Like
    Beef Wellington got a reaction from Gahm in HMS Jason by Beef Wellington - Caldercraft - 1:64 - Artois-class frigate modified from HMS Diana 1794   
    Work continues slowly, but not really anything that would be noticeable in a photo update.  In a shameless attempt to cover this up, sharing some contemporary print images that I've been trying to get my hands on for quite some time now.   (The 3rd print below first appeared in my second post in this log back in 2014...ahem...I'm including here for completeness).  Three of the four are by Robert Dodd, and the other is by John Fairburn, and correlating with NMM records, were contemporaneously created between 1798 and 1801.  Its hard to corroborate the details between artists because the Robert Dodd prints are of a much higher quality - a comment on Dodd reflects that he is likely a reasonably reliable source "Although technically accurate and meticulous, his artistic talents were somewhat eclipsed by the greatest of his peers, and it is his contribution to the historical record that is his greatest legacy".  Considering that the representations were 'inscribed to' the ship's captains, one might think that they would be accurate on key points.
    Full details below, but a couple of things jump out, nothing here will change the approach being taken on this build, but may be of value to others.  I'm really hoping I can get my hands on building contracts now.
    Shock and horror! - there 'aint a figurehead!  Jason is clearly shown with a fiddlehead stem! - this is contradictory to available plans and seems unlikely to be an artistic creation.  Especially as other ships represented show quite detailed figureheads. Jason is shown with 14 quarterdeck 'guns' - impossible to tell whether these are carronades or cannons.  In any event, these exceeds the number described in AOTS Diana and seems to exceed Admiralty regulations.  Perhaps Capt. Sterling pulled in some favours to obtain additional ordinance...It's hard to draw any conclusions on the bow armament because its just not clear enough. The Mizzen channel is also clearly shown at its original lower location together with a backstay stool (4th picture below).  This reflects the earlier (original as designed/built?) configuration, and contradicts the single channel configuration located higher up the hull that is shown in AOTS and (possible subsequent alterations) on NMM plans.  Interestingly, the same configuration is shown in second picture below, but the mizzen backstay stool is missing. Try as I might, I just can't resolve much in the way of clues to the stern decoration.  Maybe wishful thinking, but the central figure on the stern in second picture below could be a golden fleece (as would possibly be expected!), and what I'm noodling over for 'my' Jason.  The outboard supporting figures also look 'male' to my eye...but not sure.  There are a number of details here that suggest a different representation here (e.g. ar those columns between the lights?).  Wish I'd managed to get my hands on this years ago.  Unfortunately, the representation by John Fairburn is of much lower artistic and technical and just seems to show smudges. Sequel to the action between L'Hercule and Mars (April 21, 1798): Artist: Robert Dodd ca.1798
    Inscription “Sequel to the Action of L’HERCULE and MARS, on the Night of April 24th 1798.  Representing the MARS bringing her PRIZE out of the Passage Du Raz, the JASON FRIGATE having come up some time after the ENEMY had STRUCK, assisting in shifting the Prisoners.” 

    Capture of La Seine: Artist: Robert Dodd
    Inscription “CAPTURE of LA SEINE most respectfully Inscribed to the Captains STERLING & MILNE.  This Action commenced in a running fight between LA PIQUE and LA SEINE the former was disabled by the loss of her Main Topmast and the JASON coming up between & received the fire of the Enemy Her Action continued when the [unreadable] Ships grounded on the French Coast near Midnight LA SEINE still making a most exemplary defense, and did not surrender until totally dismasted with the loss of 170 Men killed & 100 badly wounded” 

    A REPRESENTATION of the JASON 38 guns capturing LA SEINE:  Artist: John Fairburn, 1 Oct 1798
    Inscription “A REPRESENTATION of the JASON 38 guns capturing LA SEINE, a FRENCH FRIGATE of 42 Guns near PENMARK ROCK, June 30th 1798  The La Pique Frigate had engaged the La Seine for a considerable time, before the Jason came up, but did unfortunately run aground in the action & bilged & was afterwards burn'd by her own crew"

    Situation of Jason and La Pique the morning after the engagement: Artist: Robert Dodd
    Description taken from NMM:  A depiction of the British frigates Jason and La Pique on moderate seas, flying the British ensign, with their prize, La Seine, on 29 June 1798; troops can be seen on land in the distance. The Jason is shown in the foreground in port-broadside view, behind her is La Seine with her masts cut off; La Pique (port quarter view) is on the right in the process of sinking, shown with her crew climbing down on to a rowing boat. Several other rowing boats can be seen in the foreground. The sails of the Jason and La Pique show extensive damage from cannon fire.
    Inscription “SITUATION of the JASON and LA PIQUE with their Prize on the Morning after the Action.  Representing the Jason as just having hove off the ground.  La Pique being unfortunately bilged was cleared of her Stores and destroyed by her own Crew, the wounded Men of the Enemy were put on Shore and given in charge to a division of their [unreadable] ARMY of ENGLAND who appeared in numbers on the Beach unable to molest(?) the British Ships or prevent their captured Frigate from being brought off.”

  7. Like
    Beef Wellington got a reaction from dunnock in HMS Jason by Beef Wellington - Caldercraft - 1:64 - Artois-class frigate modified from HMS Diana 1794   
    Work continues slowly, but not really anything that would be noticeable in a photo update.  In a shameless attempt to cover this up, sharing some contemporary print images that I've been trying to get my hands on for quite some time now.   (The 3rd print below first appeared in my second post in this log back in 2014...ahem...I'm including here for completeness).  Three of the four are by Robert Dodd, and the other is by John Fairburn, and correlating with NMM records, were contemporaneously created between 1798 and 1801.  Its hard to corroborate the details between artists because the Robert Dodd prints are of a much higher quality - a comment on Dodd reflects that he is likely a reasonably reliable source "Although technically accurate and meticulous, his artistic talents were somewhat eclipsed by the greatest of his peers, and it is his contribution to the historical record that is his greatest legacy".  Considering that the representations were 'inscribed to' the ship's captains, one might think that they would be accurate on key points.
    Full details below, but a couple of things jump out, nothing here will change the approach being taken on this build, but may be of value to others.  I'm really hoping I can get my hands on building contracts now.
    Shock and horror! - there 'aint a figurehead!  Jason is clearly shown with a fiddlehead stem! - this is contradictory to available plans and seems unlikely to be an artistic creation.  Especially as other ships represented show quite detailed figureheads. Jason is shown with 14 quarterdeck 'guns' - impossible to tell whether these are carronades or cannons.  In any event, these exceeds the number described in AOTS Diana and seems to exceed Admiralty regulations.  Perhaps Capt. Sterling pulled in some favours to obtain additional ordinance...It's hard to draw any conclusions on the bow armament because its just not clear enough. The Mizzen channel is also clearly shown at its original lower location together with a backstay stool (4th picture below).  This reflects the earlier (original as designed/built?) configuration, and contradicts the single channel configuration located higher up the hull that is shown in AOTS and (possible subsequent alterations) on NMM plans.  Interestingly, the same configuration is shown in second picture below, but the mizzen backstay stool is missing. Try as I might, I just can't resolve much in the way of clues to the stern decoration.  Maybe wishful thinking, but the central figure on the stern in second picture below could be a golden fleece (as would possibly be expected!), and what I'm noodling over for 'my' Jason.  The outboard supporting figures also look 'male' to my eye...but not sure.  There are a number of details here that suggest a different representation here (e.g. ar those columns between the lights?).  Wish I'd managed to get my hands on this years ago.  Unfortunately, the representation by John Fairburn is of much lower artistic and technical and just seems to show smudges. Sequel to the action between L'Hercule and Mars (April 21, 1798): Artist: Robert Dodd ca.1798
    Inscription “Sequel to the Action of L’HERCULE and MARS, on the Night of April 24th 1798.  Representing the MARS bringing her PRIZE out of the Passage Du Raz, the JASON FRIGATE having come up some time after the ENEMY had STRUCK, assisting in shifting the Prisoners.” 

    Capture of La Seine: Artist: Robert Dodd
    Inscription “CAPTURE of LA SEINE most respectfully Inscribed to the Captains STERLING & MILNE.  This Action commenced in a running fight between LA PIQUE and LA SEINE the former was disabled by the loss of her Main Topmast and the JASON coming up between & received the fire of the Enemy Her Action continued when the [unreadable] Ships grounded on the French Coast near Midnight LA SEINE still making a most exemplary defense, and did not surrender until totally dismasted with the loss of 170 Men killed & 100 badly wounded” 

    A REPRESENTATION of the JASON 38 guns capturing LA SEINE:  Artist: John Fairburn, 1 Oct 1798
    Inscription “A REPRESENTATION of the JASON 38 guns capturing LA SEINE, a FRENCH FRIGATE of 42 Guns near PENMARK ROCK, June 30th 1798  The La Pique Frigate had engaged the La Seine for a considerable time, before the Jason came up, but did unfortunately run aground in the action & bilged & was afterwards burn'd by her own crew"

    Situation of Jason and La Pique the morning after the engagement: Artist: Robert Dodd
    Description taken from NMM:  A depiction of the British frigates Jason and La Pique on moderate seas, flying the British ensign, with their prize, La Seine, on 29 June 1798; troops can be seen on land in the distance. The Jason is shown in the foreground in port-broadside view, behind her is La Seine with her masts cut off; La Pique (port quarter view) is on the right in the process of sinking, shown with her crew climbing down on to a rowing boat. Several other rowing boats can be seen in the foreground. The sails of the Jason and La Pique show extensive damage from cannon fire.
    Inscription “SITUATION of the JASON and LA PIQUE with their Prize on the Morning after the Action.  Representing the Jason as just having hove off the ground.  La Pique being unfortunately bilged was cleared of her Stores and destroyed by her own Crew, the wounded Men of the Enemy were put on Shore and given in charge to a division of their [unreadable] ARMY of ENGLAND who appeared in numbers on the Beach unable to molest(?) the British Ships or prevent their captured Frigate from being brought off.”

  8. Like
    Beef Wellington got a reaction from AJohnson in HMS Jason by Beef Wellington - Caldercraft - 1:64 - Artois-class frigate modified from HMS Diana 1794   
    Work continues slowly, but not really anything that would be noticeable in a photo update.  In a shameless attempt to cover this up, sharing some contemporary print images that I've been trying to get my hands on for quite some time now.   (The 3rd print below first appeared in my second post in this log back in 2014...ahem...I'm including here for completeness).  Three of the four are by Robert Dodd, and the other is by John Fairburn, and correlating with NMM records, were contemporaneously created between 1798 and 1801.  Its hard to corroborate the details between artists because the Robert Dodd prints are of a much higher quality - a comment on Dodd reflects that he is likely a reasonably reliable source "Although technically accurate and meticulous, his artistic talents were somewhat eclipsed by the greatest of his peers, and it is his contribution to the historical record that is his greatest legacy".  Considering that the representations were 'inscribed to' the ship's captains, one might think that they would be accurate on key points.
    Full details below, but a couple of things jump out, nothing here will change the approach being taken on this build, but may be of value to others.  I'm really hoping I can get my hands on building contracts now.
    Shock and horror! - there 'aint a figurehead!  Jason is clearly shown with a fiddlehead stem! - this is contradictory to available plans and seems unlikely to be an artistic creation.  Especially as other ships represented show quite detailed figureheads. Jason is shown with 14 quarterdeck 'guns' - impossible to tell whether these are carronades or cannons.  In any event, these exceeds the number described in AOTS Diana and seems to exceed Admiralty regulations.  Perhaps Capt. Sterling pulled in some favours to obtain additional ordinance...It's hard to draw any conclusions on the bow armament because its just not clear enough. The Mizzen channel is also clearly shown at its original lower location together with a backstay stool (4th picture below).  This reflects the earlier (original as designed/built?) configuration, and contradicts the single channel configuration located higher up the hull that is shown in AOTS and (possible subsequent alterations) on NMM plans.  Interestingly, the same configuration is shown in second picture below, but the mizzen backstay stool is missing. Try as I might, I just can't resolve much in the way of clues to the stern decoration.  Maybe wishful thinking, but the central figure on the stern in second picture below could be a golden fleece (as would possibly be expected!), and what I'm noodling over for 'my' Jason.  The outboard supporting figures also look 'male' to my eye...but not sure.  There are a number of details here that suggest a different representation here (e.g. ar those columns between the lights?).  Wish I'd managed to get my hands on this years ago.  Unfortunately, the representation by John Fairburn is of much lower artistic and technical and just seems to show smudges. Sequel to the action between L'Hercule and Mars (April 21, 1798): Artist: Robert Dodd ca.1798
    Inscription “Sequel to the Action of L’HERCULE and MARS, on the Night of April 24th 1798.  Representing the MARS bringing her PRIZE out of the Passage Du Raz, the JASON FRIGATE having come up some time after the ENEMY had STRUCK, assisting in shifting the Prisoners.” 

    Capture of La Seine: Artist: Robert Dodd
    Inscription “CAPTURE of LA SEINE most respectfully Inscribed to the Captains STERLING & MILNE.  This Action commenced in a running fight between LA PIQUE and LA SEINE the former was disabled by the loss of her Main Topmast and the JASON coming up between & received the fire of the Enemy Her Action continued when the [unreadable] Ships grounded on the French Coast near Midnight LA SEINE still making a most exemplary defense, and did not surrender until totally dismasted with the loss of 170 Men killed & 100 badly wounded” 

    A REPRESENTATION of the JASON 38 guns capturing LA SEINE:  Artist: John Fairburn, 1 Oct 1798
    Inscription “A REPRESENTATION of the JASON 38 guns capturing LA SEINE, a FRENCH FRIGATE of 42 Guns near PENMARK ROCK, June 30th 1798  The La Pique Frigate had engaged the La Seine for a considerable time, before the Jason came up, but did unfortunately run aground in the action & bilged & was afterwards burn'd by her own crew"

    Situation of Jason and La Pique the morning after the engagement: Artist: Robert Dodd
    Description taken from NMM:  A depiction of the British frigates Jason and La Pique on moderate seas, flying the British ensign, with their prize, La Seine, on 29 June 1798; troops can be seen on land in the distance. The Jason is shown in the foreground in port-broadside view, behind her is La Seine with her masts cut off; La Pique (port quarter view) is on the right in the process of sinking, shown with her crew climbing down on to a rowing boat. Several other rowing boats can be seen in the foreground. The sails of the Jason and La Pique show extensive damage from cannon fire.
    Inscription “SITUATION of the JASON and LA PIQUE with their Prize on the Morning after the Action.  Representing the Jason as just having hove off the ground.  La Pique being unfortunately bilged was cleared of her Stores and destroyed by her own Crew, the wounded Men of the Enemy were put on Shore and given in charge to a division of their [unreadable] ARMY of ENGLAND who appeared in numbers on the Beach unable to molest(?) the British Ships or prevent their captured Frigate from being brought off.”

  9. Like
    Beef Wellington got a reaction from Dfell in HMS Jason by Beef Wellington - Caldercraft - 1:64 - Artois-class frigate modified from HMS Diana 1794   
    @Wayne - I miss seeing progress on your Enterprise, hopefully soon (?)  That will be a beauty!
    @Mark - I aspire to be able to do what your are achieving on your excellent Le Rochefort build, would love to do a POF one one day and I need to bone up on basic woodworking techniques first.
    Quarterdeck plansheer (capping rail?):
    Work can now commence on the quarterdeck plansheer given that the upper hull profile is finalised.  This will be a rather long process given the many breaks in the smooth run of the plansheer.  Starting with the quarterdeck, a 'lego' type approach was taken to build items individually and then combine on the hull.  While more time consuming (what does that matter!), my feeling was that it would give more control over the outcome.  3 pieces will be needed, and will be referred to rather unimaginatively as pieces 1,2 and 3 becuase I have no idea how better to refer to them.  (Given that 2D plans don't seem to translate 3D, I have attempted to study as many pictures of contemporary models, plans and the many high quality builds here - all I could really glean was that there are many ways to approach this, and this approach is probably a compromise.).  This is the area I'm talking about:
    Piece #1:  from the gunwale, around the main drift volute to the terminaton of the scroll decoration (yellow) Piece #2: middle section with a scroll type detail on one end (green) Piece #3: section following the profile caused by the break of the quarterdeck drift rail to the main rail (red) Construction of Piece #1:
    Without anythig sufficient thick to hand, 4mm pear sheet wood was laminated together and ever increasing holes drilled until 6mm had been achieved (curvature of volute top).  A hand drill had to be used for this as I don't have a drill press.  Care was taken to ensure that the grain was running perpendicular to the hole which I suspect will give the strongest final result.  The hole was then very carefully reduced on the circular sander until just before the hole was opened up.  (I managed to do this on both sides which allowed 2 sections to be made from one hole).  1mm thick strips were then attached on each side, with PVA glue only being used on one side and clamped.  Once thoroughly dry, the piece was roughly shaped toward its final form of a 1mm thick curve.  The part was cut in half, releasing each curved section for final finishing using sanding sticks.  (Note:  the downside of only having a hand drill means it is very difficult to get perpendicular holes, and the top block shows a failure to allow for this).

    Construction of Piece #2:
    The scroll detail is probably the most complicated item to deal with.  To start, sandpaper wrapped around a section of 6mm dowel and a curved profile introduced into some 4mm cherry sheet.  The section was then temporarily glued to some scrap to allow the excess material to be carefully removed on the circular sander, (a technique that is becoming very familiar!).  The two halves were detatched, and glued to a pre-shaped section of 1.5mm thick pear because the curve of the hull is a factor.  The first photo below shows this starting point from which the final form was shaped.  The second photo shows progress mid way through shaping.  To account for the scroll detail, a circular needle file was used to introduce a profile into which some pre-made 1.5mm pear dowel could be glued. 
    Construction of Piece #3:
    This was constructed in exactly the same way as piece #1,  only  difference being that 1.5mm was used for the plansheer.
    Once each step was completed, the pieces can the be individually fine tuned prior to installation, each having deliberately been made a little long.  A profile was introduced in the usual fashion using a profile cut into a safety razor blade (see final pics below):

    The curved sections proved not unexpectedly to be the most challenging to fine tune.  The aft end of piece #3 terminates in a gun port which would be relatively easy to finish when the time comes, so this was fitted fitted first.  The most worrying thing here was coping the angle of the curved portion to tie into the aft end of piece #2 to avoid a time intensive redo (65deg was found to be the solution).  Piece #2 was then very carefully shortened until it sat correctly.  Before piece #1 could be finalized, the gunwale was made up to ensure correct positioning and shaping as piece #1 will butt up against both.
    And the results...
    Everything is dryfit only for now.  Pins were used to temporarily hold the various sections in place, these can be easily filled, although efforts were made to place these where the timber heads will cover them.  With the exception of the gunwale, the plansheer sections have not yet been painted but have been coloured with artist pens to help my eye determine final proportions.  The final shot below shows how even the relatively minor curve of the hull at this point needs to be accounted for.  I have a lot of work ahead of me to finish off the other areas so will likely be a while before another update, but must confess to be being very pleased with the way this turned out. 
  10. Like
    Beef Wellington got a reaction from Dfell in HMS Jason by Beef Wellington - Caldercraft - 1:64 - Artois-class frigate modified from HMS Diana 1794   
    Work continues slowly, but not really anything that would be noticeable in a photo update.  In a shameless attempt to cover this up, sharing some contemporary print images that I've been trying to get my hands on for quite some time now.   (The 3rd print below first appeared in my second post in this log back in 2014...ahem...I'm including here for completeness).  Three of the four are by Robert Dodd, and the other is by John Fairburn, and correlating with NMM records, were contemporaneously created between 1798 and 1801.  Its hard to corroborate the details between artists because the Robert Dodd prints are of a much higher quality - a comment on Dodd reflects that he is likely a reasonably reliable source "Although technically accurate and meticulous, his artistic talents were somewhat eclipsed by the greatest of his peers, and it is his contribution to the historical record that is his greatest legacy".  Considering that the representations were 'inscribed to' the ship's captains, one might think that they would be accurate on key points.
    Full details below, but a couple of things jump out, nothing here will change the approach being taken on this build, but may be of value to others.  I'm really hoping I can get my hands on building contracts now.
    Shock and horror! - there 'aint a figurehead!  Jason is clearly shown with a fiddlehead stem! - this is contradictory to available plans and seems unlikely to be an artistic creation.  Especially as other ships represented show quite detailed figureheads. Jason is shown with 14 quarterdeck 'guns' - impossible to tell whether these are carronades or cannons.  In any event, these exceeds the number described in AOTS Diana and seems to exceed Admiralty regulations.  Perhaps Capt. Sterling pulled in some favours to obtain additional ordinance...It's hard to draw any conclusions on the bow armament because its just not clear enough. The Mizzen channel is also clearly shown at its original lower location together with a backstay stool (4th picture below).  This reflects the earlier (original as designed/built?) configuration, and contradicts the single channel configuration located higher up the hull that is shown in AOTS and (possible subsequent alterations) on NMM plans.  Interestingly, the same configuration is shown in second picture below, but the mizzen backstay stool is missing. Try as I might, I just can't resolve much in the way of clues to the stern decoration.  Maybe wishful thinking, but the central figure on the stern in second picture below could be a golden fleece (as would possibly be expected!), and what I'm noodling over for 'my' Jason.  The outboard supporting figures also look 'male' to my eye...but not sure.  There are a number of details here that suggest a different representation here (e.g. ar those columns between the lights?).  Wish I'd managed to get my hands on this years ago.  Unfortunately, the representation by John Fairburn is of much lower artistic and technical and just seems to show smudges. Sequel to the action between L'Hercule and Mars (April 21, 1798): Artist: Robert Dodd ca.1798
    Inscription “Sequel to the Action of L’HERCULE and MARS, on the Night of April 24th 1798.  Representing the MARS bringing her PRIZE out of the Passage Du Raz, the JASON FRIGATE having come up some time after the ENEMY had STRUCK, assisting in shifting the Prisoners.” 

    Capture of La Seine: Artist: Robert Dodd
    Inscription “CAPTURE of LA SEINE most respectfully Inscribed to the Captains STERLING & MILNE.  This Action commenced in a running fight between LA PIQUE and LA SEINE the former was disabled by the loss of her Main Topmast and the JASON coming up between & received the fire of the Enemy Her Action continued when the [unreadable] Ships grounded on the French Coast near Midnight LA SEINE still making a most exemplary defense, and did not surrender until totally dismasted with the loss of 170 Men killed & 100 badly wounded” 

    A REPRESENTATION of the JASON 38 guns capturing LA SEINE:  Artist: John Fairburn, 1 Oct 1798
    Inscription “A REPRESENTATION of the JASON 38 guns capturing LA SEINE, a FRENCH FRIGATE of 42 Guns near PENMARK ROCK, June 30th 1798  The La Pique Frigate had engaged the La Seine for a considerable time, before the Jason came up, but did unfortunately run aground in the action & bilged & was afterwards burn'd by her own crew"

    Situation of Jason and La Pique the morning after the engagement: Artist: Robert Dodd
    Description taken from NMM:  A depiction of the British frigates Jason and La Pique on moderate seas, flying the British ensign, with their prize, La Seine, on 29 June 1798; troops can be seen on land in the distance. The Jason is shown in the foreground in port-broadside view, behind her is La Seine with her masts cut off; La Pique (port quarter view) is on the right in the process of sinking, shown with her crew climbing down on to a rowing boat. Several other rowing boats can be seen in the foreground. The sails of the Jason and La Pique show extensive damage from cannon fire.
    Inscription “SITUATION of the JASON and LA PIQUE with their Prize on the Morning after the Action.  Representing the Jason as just having hove off the ground.  La Pique being unfortunately bilged was cleared of her Stores and destroyed by her own Crew, the wounded Men of the Enemy were put on Shore and given in charge to a division of their [unreadable] ARMY of ENGLAND who appeared in numbers on the Beach unable to molest(?) the British Ships or prevent their captured Frigate from being brought off.”

  11. Like
    Beef Wellington got a reaction from Canute in Chris Watton and Vanguard Models news and updates   
    As has been said, a 1:64 seventy-four is huge market gap....and so many great subjects.  And of course the historic Leda class with 2 living examples...
  12. Like
    Beef Wellington got a reaction from mtaylor in Chris Watton and Vanguard Models news and updates   
    As has been said, a 1:64 seventy-four is huge market gap....and so many great subjects.  And of course the historic Leda class with 2 living examples...
  13. Like
    Beef Wellington reacted to robdurant in Barque Stefano by robdurant - MarisStella - 1:63   
    Well, life gets busy, and suddenly months have passed. I've finally finished the Greek Bireme, which I've named Ἀθηνα (Athena). It has the Owl sail, and will soon be setting sail for its new home. I haven't taken the final pictures yet, but I'll post a couple here when I do.
    Having finished the Bireme, I'm now able to pick up work on Stefano, which I'll admit I was somewhat daunted by. Today I've managed to get my head back into the things I was trying to accomplish.
    The cleats (part 70) are 2mm walnut, and I was concerned they would simply disintegrate or pull off the rail when they had rigging attached to them, so I've replaced them with some metal cleats I had left over from my Ethalion build. These have a 1mm rod on the bottom that provides for a stronger connection.
    I've also picked up the work on the lifeboats and adding the lifeboat stands to the forward deckhouse roof.

     Only a little progress, but it's good to be moving forward again.
    Happy building, to you all, and I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas!
  14. Like
    Beef Wellington reacted to ccoyle in Chris Watton and Vanguard Models news and updates   
    A 1/64 scale seventy-four would quite literally fill a huge gap -- in anyone's display space! 😬
  15. Like
    Beef Wellington reacted to chris watton in Chris Watton and Vanguard Models news and updates   
    Vanguard is 72nd, and a 2006 vintage design with dummies for the lower gun tier..
    I have Bellona earmarked for a 64th scale 74, but that's not set in stone. Depends how well the larger kits sell, as they take a long time to produce and use a lot of materials. A 74 with full 32 pounder lower gun deck would be cool, though.
  16. Like
    Beef Wellington got a reaction from thibaultron in Chris Watton and Vanguard Models news and updates   
    As has been said, a 1:64 seventy-four is huge market gap....and so many great subjects.  And of course the historic Leda class with 2 living examples...
  17. Like
    Beef Wellington reacted to No Idea in HMS Jason by Beef Wellington - Caldercraft - 1:64 - Artois-class frigate modified from HMS Diana 1794   
    Again so cleverly thought out using what you have at hand. I know I’ve said it before but your technique here is fantastic. I also like the way it wastes very little wood in the process. I think your finished result is beautiful. I also think that you don’t need to work on your woodworking skills. You’ve got them already 👍
  18. Like
    Beef Wellington got a reaction from hollowneck in Chris Watton and Vanguard Models news and updates   
    As has been said, a 1:64 seventy-four is huge market gap....and so many great subjects.  And of course the historic Leda class with 2 living examples...
  19. Like
    Beef Wellington reacted to chris watton in Chris Watton and Vanguard Models news and updates   
    I did used to dream of doing a full Trafalgar line up, but realised they'd all look more or less the same for each rate!
    Always wanted to do Spartiate, though, and the 36 gun Phoebe almost beat Indy for the 12th kit...
  20. Like
    Beef Wellington reacted to Chuck in Sloop Speedwell 1752 by Chuck - Ketch Rigged Sloop - POF - prototype build   
    Work continues on the square frames....the assembly line is in full swing.  
    Almost done with the Cad work on the carvings...I should have an update on my my frame progress soon.   

  21. Wow!
    Beef Wellington reacted to kirill4 in Vasa By 72Nova - FINISHED - Airfix - PLASTIC   
    Just Great!!! :)))
    rigging line color is too bright, looks like sintetic rope... wont to stain them ?

  22. Like
    Beef Wellington reacted to kirill4 in Vasa By 72Nova - FINISHED - Airfix - PLASTIC   
    To imitaite gravity force when rope passes trough block ,and make it not looks loosened, a small drop of CA gel could be used... wet by CA gel a piece of thread which will pass trough the block hole , pull it trough the hole a little ,and than hold tightly by fingers for a few sec in desired directions...

  23. Like
    Beef Wellington reacted to Rustyj in HMS Winchelsea 1764 by Rustyj - FINISHED - 1:48   
    I finished the last portion of the rail with the timber heads and the transom cap was worked on. It appears that I was a little negligent taking pictures. I'd like to blame it on the camera, but it was me. You can see the shaping of the curved portion of the cap rail partially completed. Chucks template was used to determine the heights of the stern frames with some minor sanding to get the heights right.

    The top rail for the sides was completed and the fairleads added. 

    Now there are eight more cannon carriages to assemble for the six pounders. 
  24. Like
    Beef Wellington reacted to ir3 in HMS Granado by ir3 - CAF - 1:48 - POF   
    Sorry to all that have been following my attempt at building this model. It is way above my building skills, and I just cannot continue building. It is not enjoyable for me anymore. I think CAF did a very good job designing this kit, but it takes a craftsman with a lot more skills than I have to build. Thanks for the encouragement and the likes. This is just not going to happen.
  25. Like
    Beef Wellington reacted to Blue Ensign in 36 Foot Admirals Barge by Blue Ensign – FINISHED - Vanguard Models – 1:64 scale   
    The position is correct Mark, as shown on these contemporary models.


    Even so , the  space on the kit version does seem a little tight to get a scale figure in, something  I doubt was intended when Chris designed the model.
    In the examples shown above the helmsman is very close to the stern bench,  I imagine great care would have to be taken not to the knock the large Tri-corn/ Bi-corn hats from the heads of their high ranking passengers.
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