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Everything posted by Javlin

  1. I have not I have one or two of Tchaikovsky works none that famous though it's hard top find classical on records these days you say Duke and I think Chuck and "Johnny be Goode" so many renditions of that one out there. Well the tracks are painted and on with the skirts applied tonight.I was working on the forward MG and was held by a spring tweezers the curved piece moved and "Ping" so I am making a new piece out of two-part epoxy ........why? when it gets all covered up?just will not feel complete to me.
  2. Ever listen to Robert Cray a black guitarist from late 70's/80's has a touch of rock/jazz I have my brothers album(deceased) called Strong Persuader I drop it on from time to time.I like just about any music except alot of the modern every now and then something will catch the ear.I can listen to classical,big band ,Rock and Choir sometimes.I for some reason always enjoyed this rendition of Beethoven's #9 and remember that great Christmas Movie "Die Hard"
  3. That got me hooked on the album since my youth but "Bargain" is my new like when you really listen to it.
  4. Thanks OC it's a bit more than I care for I did a Panzer IV also. Yeah I have three more Tigers coming from Takom and Andy's Hobbies on a promo deal Early ,Mid and Late for $99 need to finish this one. A little bit intimidating Craig but weathering is morso the burners on the stove are just about all going.I have the Sharnhorst,Tiger and GB KI-21-Sally ICM 1/48 starting next week over at LSM.
  5. I am back on this build for a little bit of a go while/which parts have arrived for the Sharnhorst still have the bug for something else so here I am.I finished up the wheels and have started on the tracks now I see the comment 5 parts per track that almost 500 for each side I am getting more efficient though organization,preparation and good lighting along with a plan.The glue I am using for the nails is a mixture roughly 50/50 of Tamy Thick/thin I had to many nails coming out with the thin and tracks trying to weld this glues the head for the most part.I lay the 19 tracks in the guide and that 1/4" tamy tape gets applied down the center I can now pic up the track and drive the nails home while in hand.I then from the patch of green tape apply that CA that's activated by light and apply the teeth to the tracks every other track again holding in hand and the teeth with my fingers I leave a stub attached under good lighting.It is taking me about 30/40 minutes to finish a 19 track segment ATTM. Tracks are finished except for adding one more link out to 97 96 would pull any slack out of the top.I black gloss based and painted them MM Gun Metal looks a dark iron grey. Oh and it's mandatory to have "The Who" "Who's Next" playing Nice and loud in the background.
  6. Thanks Dan plan to get better at that,one line is out of sequence been studying how the laminate flows a little more.
  7. Thanks Phil and to think the upper wing just fell in place and with the help of CA with the fluorescent light made it even better.
  8. Thanks Alan these are fun kits I think I move back to the RyeField Tiger now while I await parts.
  9. This the Eduard 1/48 W/E kit I wanted to do the break up the Sharnhorst build waiting for other supplies to that build.This was a fun little kit to build.The rigging what is there is done with stretched sprue and incense stick to tighten it up something I learned years ago on a ship model forum,the smoke does the work.The prop I painted wood first then the paint left in the reservoir got mixed with leather to my liking.Once the prop was half way dry(impatient) I coated it with a mix of yellow/red Tamiya clear acrylic(could of probably used more) to give that slight varnish looked.I started dirtying her up some kinda chicken out still looks decent for a fun/quick build.
  10. Thanks for the likes and attention fellas I have broken away only a temporary thing.I knew it would come one day ships take time and effort with new things on order later this month I embarked on an Eduard 1/48 Fokker DVII a quick build me says.
  11. Thanks for the likes and interest fellas I continue to try and bring forth a true representation forward minus the lookout deck which I caught to late.The secondary turrets needed a bit of add-ons to the simplified Trumpter version I had to add pole supports the Flakvierling platform,rails side of the turrets,used Tamy tape for the shielding to the outside,modified the flakvierling(correct version en-route) and added a 20mm poles to the outside of the Flak station.I tried four times today to make ladders the crew used to scale the ammo boxes into the flak station to none my liking so ordered some from Poland universal.The Flakvierling that went on top of the secondary turrets were of a different nature/design hence the reason some new ones are en-route.I am really trying with not letting finances get to much in the way to make here as accurate as possible.
  12. I had one day out of my Holiday I could/felt like working in the shop.The three main turrets are just about complete really worked on the color to match the book and it does the flash lightens the color a few shades.The search light was a finicky little piece to build I say about 15/20 pieces maybe from Veteran Models.I built up some of their 3.7cm guns what a PITA they were have some on order from Bunker Studios should be here next week the two you see are VM's. A turret has already gotten another coat of paint
  13. Harry a Beautiful Rendition you have completed Sir!!
  14. The Bridge is getting close to completion maybe 2/3 more weeks as you can see I have grafted on some brass rod off the upper part of the SS seeing how much rigging will be involved.The next part I reworked was the main radar platform cutting off the molded C38's and placing the aftermarket I will rework those not smooth or flat for my liking.Pics #4/5 show the new mast again made out of telescoping hollow rods to support the vast amount of rigging I will encounter later this was a first for me.I noticed from the instructions that the box behind the radar was filled with boxes and 2X binoculars when in reality for 1943 only for post not attached to the floor with hand wheels attached??I know not what for but had some 1/72 external gunsights I used for the wheels and some plastic rod semi-rounded off.Thanks for looking.
  15. This a very Nice Rendition you have going here!!3D printing is bring the world of modeling to a new level to those willing to play in that arena.
  16. The desk is a mess but the Bridge continues to grow.The nest have been added quite easy to make rearrangement to Trumpter's idea compasses outside and three set of binoculars two lights still left to add.
  17. A little over an hours worth of effort making the grab bars and installing.This is not 100% in scale the width is roughly 16" about right the step distance is 11" I'm figuring more like 12/14"?The book shows four bars in a section I have five but they are there.I also added a hatch not represented and a portal.The tricky part if it can be pulled off is making the crows nest on the outside of level two with wire.
  18. It's been slow going mainly building the double 40's(?) from Veteran Models they are very time consuming I have more coming from Bunker Studios will pick the best out of the litter let's say.I noticed another inaccuracy the wall behind the R/double ended up in the wrong spot had to remove the ammo box build the wall to that area and fold it...it's close.Then I noticed that a box existed in front inbetween the doubles between the ammo boxes it's a ventilation chamber for the lower deck.I fabricated something to scale and added two louver vents.The range finders are just in place ATTM nice fit.
  19. Looks like you overcame and persevered Chris looking mighty good from here!!
  20. You go for it buddy "getting younger every day"I say!
  21. A slight dilemma ............a picture is worth a thousand words they say ......and a few curse words also.What you see portrayed by Trumpter is the deck of the Gneisenau!! They produced that kit first if not mistaken and just went willy nellie here I have the book from Kagero on the Gneisenau and that's her layout.The wood chip is stained now you see why she will not be stained at all.
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