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Ulises Victoria

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Everything posted by Ulises Victoria

  1. Thank you all for your responses, likes and encouragement!!! Greg: The tool is bought. You can buy it here. http://www.amazon.com/Fourmost-154-Miter-Sander/dp/B0006O5SIO/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1460112640&sr=8-1&keywords=miter+sander Here is another version. http://www.micromark.com/sand-it,9548.html
  2. Hello Sjors. I hope this is not too late and that is helpful. The way I do it is place the shrouds around the mast tops but let them hanging freely. Then the stays go over the shrouds. I tie the stays where they belong and THEN go to finish deadeyes and lanyards on the shrouds. This way you don't have the shrouds in the way when tying the end of the stays. Hope this helps.
  3. Another update. Told ya' they are coming more often I'm working on two platforms that support the capstan and two chimneys. After gluing the planks side by side I want to square the sides to a 90º. angle. This tool helps a lot with that. Only drawback is that the sandpaper wears off at the same spot all the time, so it looses it's 'bite' quite soon. This is close enough for me. I was hesitant about making those corner joints at 45º angle, as it supposed more work that just plain 90º, but I took the plunge. They were a bit more difficult than initially thought. This tool again proved an excellent choice for getting those 45º angles right. The 2 platforms already assembled. A bit of cleaning still to do but I will leave that for tomorrow once the glue is totally cured. I'm happy with the outcome.
  4. Small update. From now on, once the hull is fully planked and work on deck furniture is in progress, I may do updates more often. Here I am making a wooden door, to substitute the plastic one supplied in the kit. Wooden door placed on cabin, and cabin glued to deck. Here I am gluing some planks side by side, to make the part where the capstan is, according to the drawing below. The metal chimneys (part No. 100) in the kit are awful. Still don't know what to do with them, or how to make them myself. Don't know what's more fun: tying ratlines or assembling these gratings. Thanks for watching!!!
  5. Hmmm... I think we all were that at one time or another. Saludos from Mexico
  6. Post No. 12 in this thread explains what dry brushing is. http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/3962-how-to-make-plastic-look-like-wood
  7. I am single!!! My mom is 92. She lives with me. Part of the family issues I mentioned before were because of her health. And that is HER bed.
  8. Finally an update!!! I am finished with the hand rails. It was a long process. Building, adjusting, and painting them took longer than I thought, plus some family matters that made this update a long one. About a month and a half to complete. I also applied a coat of Boiled Linseed Oil to the decks. I am now done with Sheet 1, pages 1 and 2 of the instructions. I will move now to deck furniture, ladders, capstans etc, as well as the golden metal adornments. I love this ship. I like it so very much. It remained in my wish list for so many years until thanks to a drastic discount at Model Expo, I could afford it. I have made a few mistakes and some things are not 100% of my liking, but I am learning so much I am very happy. Thank you for watching!!! Dry fitting a hand rail Testing the hand rail with the cannons to check for correct height and placement. Hardest part was to adjust the hand rail in a way that no light could be seen between the rail and the bulwark. Finally done! A few minor details still to do, mostly on paint touch up. No big deal!
  9. Sjors... why not serve them by hand? I would never buy a serving machine when I can do that job by hand very easily. I place two alligator clips at a certain distance, put the line taut between them, and with a spool of thread in my hand start serving. It really is very simple.
  10. Sjors, what a nice rope. Like the others said, stays were served just to a point a bit further where the mouse is.
  11. Sjors... that requires courage, my friend. But believe me... the sense of satisfaction you will get will be enormous!!! Been there, done that.
  12. Beautiful. I have this kit in my "will-I-ever-build-this-kit" stash, and always had the idea of doing it and making it look like it was a wooden kit. You beat me to it. I wouldn't use a too elaborate stand for this ship which might detract the attention to the stand rather than the ship. My suggestion is use the kit's stand, and give it the same treatment you did on the hull. Just my 2 cents.
  13. If I remember correctly, they are shown curved just to avoid confusion with the rest of the drawings.
  14. Beautiful. You are doing an excellent job. Your planking looks very well done. Never mind the discolored planks. I think they give the ship more realism.
  15. When I started building sailing ships, I always took the following approach when in the rigging stages. I reached a point in which I thought: "Oh, I wish there was a tool to do this or that in this or that way"... and then went to making it. Usually needles in various sizes and old paint brush handles was all that was required to do the job. Hope this helps
  16. These large eye needles used for beading, are a great help when trying to pass a thread through an eye in a confined space. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B002KHM8AQ?redirect=true&ref_=pe_949240_168419580_em_1p_0_ti
  17. Well, these things turned out to be a very fun job to do. I am actually enjoying this process. Photos of my progress as of this morning. Cheers!!!
  18. Aaaahhh the beloved ratlines. Nothing like tying 4348 clove hitch knots. ​
  19. Colorful jig. This is to make the handrails. Instructions say to place indicated pieces of wood over the drawings, glue and when dry lift off. Hm... everything seems to be so easy in the instructions LOL. Like... ...step # 29: Now plank the hull. ...step # 30........ I'll let you know how this goes. This looks like a very delicate job. I am building the hand rails now, but will see later when during the build will install them on the ship. Best regards to all and thanks for watching. Ulises
  20. Nice "patas de cuervo" in Spanish. Crow=cuervo, feet = pies in humans, patas in animals.
  21. Mouse(s) are a small pearlike shaped things that go on the stays near the masts, and that prevent the stay from choking. Snakes are thin threads that go zigzag between the upper and lower stays. (I wish I had some photos of this, but they can be seen in Sjor's last photo above)
  22. Aren't you afraid the snakes will eat the mice??? Wonderful work, my friend.
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