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I am just starting my first card model. Having planned to build Leon some

years ago, and collected materials and re-drafted the Underhill drawings,

I was ready to go. Other that my workshop has become workshop for other

projects. I have been influenced by the excellent tutorial, and build logs on MSW to have

a shot at a card model.


I have purchased the Mercury (featured in one of the build logs) but decided to

cut my teeth on a somewhat simpler model. Well the only ones that were simple

were as the name implied simple and would not be too exciting. After much

casting around I bought the Polish liner Batory. All set for a sailing ship as well! 


I liner has quite a history and a lot of information is available on the Internet as

well as a number of interesting videos on You Tube. The following is a picture of

the vessel in 1962 and is in the public domain.



I am not too sure whether this has loading the photo, however I have started the build

and hope to start documentation of the build after checking this post.


Regards to all, Nick


Current Build: M.S. Batory, Polish Transatlantic Liner  - Card.


Hello to all, I seem yet to sus the photo procedure but will persevere. However the first

photos a of the kit in the form of a booklet some of which needs gluing to card.


I have started on the hull and these are the main components mounted on 1mm card.


Again I will see how this has this post has turned out.


Regards, Nick.








Current Build: M.S. Batory, Polish Transatlantic Liner  - Card.


Hello All,


The following photographs show the hull 'dry assembly'. I

have photocopied the original kit parts and am using my copies

glued to card. My original idea was do 'dummy runs' to gain

experience and experiment. This is still my aim, but if the copy

at a stage is satisfactory, then the dummy becomes the part.


I have also decided not to become a slave to card, I will, if I feel I

can make a part using other materials or a mixture of materials and

the part is satisfactory to me then I will use it. I am in utter admiration

at the skill card modellers exhibit and I shall attempt to follow their

guidance and advice. I look at the lifeboats and wonder how anybody

can make them all out of card.


I have yet to work out how to post pictures with an interspersed commentary,

but I will get there, and also promise some better quality photographs. The

following show the dry fitting and is prior to careful fitting, strengthening, and

final assembly. I hope!


Regards, Nick.









Current Build: M.S. Batory, Polish Transatlantic Liner  - Card.


Hi Nick,


Great to see another card model appearing in the build logs.  Looking forward to following your progress.


I have also decided not to become a slave to card, I will, if I feel I

can make a part using other materials or a mixture of materials and

the part is satisfactory to me then I will use it. 


I look at the lifeboats and wonder how anybody

can make them all out of card.



I agree with your philosophy.  I usually at least attempt the part but if not happy will try alternatives.  I find additional replacement parts of photo-etch etc really sharpen up a build in some areas. Do and use whatever it takes to make you happy with it.


You will ask the same question many times as you progress through the build. "They want me to make that using this!?"  I think once you get in to it you will surprise yourself with what can be done.






HM Bark Endeavour (First Wood, On Hold)

Borodino (1:200 Card, Current Build)

Admiral Nakhimov (card 1/200)

Mazur D-350 Artillery Tractor (1:25 Card) 

F-8 Crusader (1:48 Aircraft, Plastic)


Hello to all,


Firstly thanks to Slog, many thanks for you supportive words.


Taking a couple of days off doing some

experiments with glue, strengthening the hull, and practicing fairing the bulkheads.



Thanks to other for their likes.


Regards, Nick.

Current Build: M.S. Batory, Polish Transatlantic Liner  - Card.

  • 2 weeks later...

Hello everybody,


I have some difficulty in getting the photos nicely meshed with the joined up writing,

so for the moment will put the description first and then the photos!


Well I have been busy re-cutting the bulkheads, I think there are going to be fitting problems with the skin of the hull anyway so sloppy cutting was not a positive feature. This time following the build logs I wicked a cheap CA adhesive to the edges of the bulkheads. After curing I then cleaned the edges up with a standard emery board, and found it offered slightly better performance for this job than home made silicon carbine stuck on sticks of wood.


I am now in the process of strengthening the hull using balsa stringers, no glue yet so will have to see whether this will be ok of should really use hardwood. I plan to mount the ship on pedestals so it is important the keel particularly is true.


I think the photos are all self explanatory. The hull will I am sure have to be filled and painted, and the question I would like some advice about is whether to try and simulate steel plates. The scale is a tad small but I feel it might be an attractive feature. An the next question is what would have been the size of the plates and I assume that in the 1930's these would have been riveted.


I enclose some photos that follow the description above


Regards, Nick   







Current Build: M.S. Batory, Polish Transatlantic Liner  - Card.

  • 2 weeks later...

Hello to all,


Following my last post I have decided to start the build again from scratch. I will be using the existing

first build as a 'rough and ready' test bed. I really had underestimated the learning curve as to what one

could and couldn't do.


The first picture show very sloppy cutting and the bulkheads whilst requiring some thickening do need to

be square with the bulkheads. I think I imagined being card that a bit of leeway would be available for

detailed fitting - not so!!


The second picture just shows testing the fit of the skins to the bulkheads (my terminology)


The following two pictures are how I propose to use an old candlestick to make a pedestal, connected

via a M4 screw held in place by a wing nut with reduced wings.


So I will continue the build log and attempt to crack loading pictures via full editor, not having much success

so far! And will in effect have two builds going on at the same time may help, I hope 'get it right' first time.


I  have also found a good 1mm backing paper that cuts very much easier than the original backing I was



This should help me cut more accurate lines.


I have certainly found a new interest in card models, and it is so easy to just 'do a bit' without much fuss.

It will be some time to get to the waterline hull, but I will from now on post the build log with more detail.


Regards  Nick






Current Build: M.S. Batory, Polish Transatlantic Liner  - Card.


Hi Nick,


Good to see you are continuing with the build.


With regards to accuracy sometimes you will be butting joints on a 0.5mm former so accuracy is paramount as you have discovered. Also sometimes it makes a difference if you cut on the line or either side of it! Saying that I have a subconscious habit of cutting outside the line which adversely effects my joints sometimes.


Like you I like how easy it is to do a bit of modelling with minimum fuss, a knife and ruler most times is all you need to make some progress.


Looking forward to seeing more.






HM Bark Endeavour (First Wood, On Hold)

Borodino (1:200 Card, Current Build)

Admiral Nakhimov (card 1/200)

Mazur D-350 Artillery Tractor (1:25 Card) 

F-8 Crusader (1:48 Aircraft, Plastic)

Posted (edited)

Hi Nick,


For strengthening the hull you can use the polyurethane spray foam (low pressure variant!). But do it carefully, as it can easilly lead to "banana" hull (or even break it apart).


The examples of this method can be seen here and (more detailed) here.

Also, if you are looking for other builds of this model you can search for WAK edition. As far as I understand, this is "Maly Modelarz" rescaled to 1:200.

Edited by Mumin

Hi All,


Thank you slog for your comments on cutting, I do find I am getting a bit better at cutting both

square and just to the right side of the line. So far on the new work things are fitting better but

going a lot slower. I am trying to 'second guess' problems and I think I would be tempted if possible

not to join on a former of .5mm!  And looking at some of the very small detail work coming up I think

I will be repeating sections until I am happy. This seems the real advantage of card, one it is a challenge

to make it 'not look like card' and also to 'make it from card'.


And many thanks to Mumin for some really interesting links to build logs. I think for the moment I would

leave expanding foam, particularly on this small model as my worry is to maintain the formers at a right

angle to the 'keel', however as mentioned the build logs are a real eye opener as to what can and is being

achieved in card.


I seem to be developing a mind set of firstly building as much as the model in card. To this end I am substituting

card for  wood in all but the two bottom stringers as indicated in my earlier photos. I am underway with the working out

the layout of these card 'stringers' and hope to get some progress that is worth detailing in the log by the week



I found that GMP have some photo etch parts for this model and ....... well I couldn't resist ordering, so maybe by the

end of the week!


Regards, Nick.

Current Build: M.S. Batory, Polish Transatlantic Liner  - Card.


Hi everyone,

Whilst there has been very little visual progress, I have started on the strengthening

of the hull using in the main card. I have started making two 'decks' that slot

into the bulkheads. This idea is of course not original and is a copy of some of the kit

build logs on the forum. Accuracy is paramount here and some attention to the alignment

of the slots for no 6 bulkhead is indicated in one of the photos!!


What would be useful if someone could just tell me what I'm not doing being unable in

getting the description of the photos linked with them. Any help really appreciated, until I do

sort it I will just have to describe them here.


First two photos show cutting first slot for 'deck', and the new deck (not faired).


no 1.jpg

no 2.jpg


The next three photos are general views of the dry fitting of the deck.


no 3.jpg

no 4.jpg

no 5.jpg


The following are general view with the slot of no 6 looking a bit out, unless the camera

is lying!


no 6.jpg

no 7.jpg

no 8.jpg


Regards, Nick.

Current Build: M.S. Batory, Polish Transatlantic Liner  - Card.

Posted (edited)

Hi Nick,


Your progress is looking really solid and you should be left with a strong stiff skeleton for skinning.


With regards to to placing your photos with-in the text here is what I do.


1. I type all my text in Word first as I can type as long as I want without worrying about MSW timing out although not sure if that is an issue or not.

2. Click more reply options and then copy and paste the text from Word in to the text box. I put a couple of spaces with-in the text where I want to place my picture and type place holders such as PHOTO1, PHOTO2 etc

3. Go to below the text box and click the "Choose Files..." button under where it says attach files.

4. Select all the photos and upload them all in one hit.

5. Go back into the main body text and delete your place holder 'PHOTO1' and where the curser is flashing is where the photo will be inserted.  Go to the list of uploaded photos and click insert.  It will upload the photo.

6 Go to your next placeholder and again delete the PHOTO2 words and click insert for the next desired photo and continue on until all your uploaded photos have been inserted where you want.




Edited by Captain Slog



HM Bark Endeavour (First Wood, On Hold)

Borodino (1:200 Card, Current Build)

Admiral Nakhimov (card 1/200)

Mazur D-350 Artillery Tractor (1:25 Card) 

F-8 Crusader (1:48 Aircraft, Plastic)


Hello all,


Many thanks to Slog for putting me on the right track for posting photos and description.

I have to admit it was causing me extreme frustration, and I'm not too sure whether I

would have sorted that one. 


Thank you for Tadheus and NJQUACK for your likes.


I'm resting up from the build to get the garden ready for winter, it's supposed to be Autumn

in the UK but we have been enjoying Spring like temps. I will also attempt to finish the hull in

skeletal form before posting.


Regards, Nick.

Current Build: M.S. Batory, Polish Transatlantic Liner  - Card.

  • 3 weeks later...

Hi to all,

    This is  a rather brief update of the modification of the frames by incorporating

four extra cardboard 'decks'. This is only a dry assembly in order to work out the

areas where some more attention may be required.


I am a little further on from here, but have yet to take any photos, but have remade

3 of the bulkheads that were a bit out. I am also fairing both the new

decks and incorporating balsa filling at the stern and stem prior to final assembly.


The photo etch has arrived and initially felt I was cheating, but have changed my

mind considerably as it really will add to the build in areas that would just be impossible.


On this post I have left any detail as I think it is obvious what I have done to strengthen

the hull. I plan to use balsa stringers to reinforce the mounts.


I'm sorry about the quality of the photos quickly taken and hand held.


Regards, Nick










Current Build: M.S. Batory, Polish Transatlantic Liner  - Card.

  • 3 months later...

Hi everybody, it's been rather longer than I expected to make another entry in this build log due an unexpected

problem with double vision. Fortunately nothing serious, caused in all probability by wearing old and bent glasses

for certain activities. Has all been sorted by wearing a corrective lens for a couple of months.


So I do hope to resume this log in the next couple of weeks, regards, Nick.

Current Build: M.S. Batory, Polish Transatlantic Liner  - Card.


Good to hear all is good, looking forward to seeing more of your build


Hi Nick,


Good to hear you will be continuing with your build shortly, look forward to seeing more.






HM Bark Endeavour (First Wood, On Hold)

Borodino (1:200 Card, Current Build)

Admiral Nakhimov (card 1/200)

Mazur D-350 Artillery Tractor (1:25 Card) 

F-8 Crusader (1:48 Aircraft, Plastic)

  • 4 months later...

Hi Nick.


Are you still building this model? I'm looking forward to updates.


:cheers:  Danny

Cheers, Danny

Current Build :    Forced Retirement from Modelling due to Health Issues

Build Logs :   Norfolk Sloop  HMS Vulture - (TFFM)  HMS Vulture Cross-section  18 foot Cutter    Concord Stagecoach   18th Century Longboat in a BOTTLE 

CARD Model Build Logs :   Mosel   Sydney Opera House (Schreiber-Bogen)   WWII Mk. IX Spitfire (Halinski)  Rolls Royce Merlin Engine  Cape Byron Lighthouse (HMV)       Stug 40 (Halinski)    Yamaha MT-01   Yamaha YA-1  HMS Hood (Halinski)  Bismarck (GPM)  IJN Amatsukaze 1940 Destroyer (Halinski)   HMVS Cerberus   Mi24D Hind (Halinski)  Bulgar Steam Locomotive - (ModelikTanker and Beer Wagons (Modelik)  Flat Bed Wagon (Modelik)  Peterbuilt Semi Trailer  Fender Guitar  

Restorations for Others :  King of the Mississippi  HMS Victory
Gallery : Norfolk Sloop,   HMAT Supply,   HMS Bounty,   HMS Victory,   Charles W. Morgan,   18' Cutter for HMS Vulture,   HMS Vulture,  HMS Vulture Cross-section,             18th Century Longboat in a Bottle 

Other Previous Builds : Le Mirage, Norske Love, King of the Mississippi


Hi Danny, sorry I didn't notice your query very quickly. Yes I will be continuing the Batory

- I won't put a date on it but should be over the next month.


Life has a habit of throwing a few curved balls, and I seem to have had my share over the last

2 years or so. I have purely by chance met a card modeller from Poland, but unfortunately my

Polish is about as good as his English. However it seems that the Polish forums consider the

Batory difficult and some of the smaller parts virtually impossible to construct. We will see!


I am finding the three card models builds of Catopower, Capt. Slog, and yourself very useful,

and I can see myself redoing some of my build in the light of that information.


Kind regards, Nick

Current Build: M.S. Batory, Polish Transatlantic Liner  - Card.

  • 5 months later...

Hi All, I thought I had better bring this log a bit up to date. Well I am nearly, but not quite ready to resume the

build log. Having followed the other builds on this forum, I do realise I will have to improve my build standards!  So I

have started again!! I will post as soon as I have something worth showing, as really it is just a repeat of my prior posts.

So just to re-assure that I am not deserting the post! Regards, Nick.

Current Build: M.S. Batory, Polish Transatlantic Liner  - Card.

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