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Hello Patrick

Well everything looks fine to me. You said you fitted and then removed the skins off the quarter gallery's. What is your intention to do with them or are you not sure ?. I think it is a good idea to leave them off for now as I said earlier. And if you were to fit them now and you glazed the skins, there is always a chance you could knock the glazing into the inside of the skins. Talking about caulking, filler etc, the admiral said to me " were as your ship gone to I cannot see it ? " I replied " It's behind that filler". Keep up the good work. DAVID


Thanks for the comments Rich & David.  I haven't decided exactly when I will put the quarter gallery skins on.  I will definitely be glazing them so I want to wait until at least I'm done with the major sanding tasks (second planking, deck planking) as sanding dust will inevitably work its way inside the quarter galleries and onto the inside of the glazing and will be impossible to get rid of.  I should have the second planking completed this week then will decide what to tackle next...probably gun port linings again and then decide whether to get the upper gun deck in or start with coppering.  Coppering intimidates the heck out of me, but with all the guidance from the other Victory builders here who've got through it unscathed and still reasonably sane, I have more confidence.




Hi Patrick


Nice job on the planking - well done.  I don't think you'll have any problem with the coppering - its just a bit tedious.






Hi Patrick,


Your warning regarding splitting planks came a little late my friend, during the first planking on my Aggy I thought I would cut some gunports, started on the starboard side, I made the mistake of not primeing the wood first with diluted PVA, result was some split planks around the cut area, wont do that again.


Victory is coming on a treat mate, keep it up.



All mistakes are deliberate ( me )

Current Build:- HMS Schooner Pickle


Completed Builds :-   Panart 1/16 Armed Launch / Pinnace ( Completed ),  Granado Cross Section 1/48

Harwich Bawley, Restoration,  Thames Barge Edme, Repair / Restoration,  Will Everard 1/67 Billings 

HMS Agamemnon 1781 - 1/64 Caldercraft KitHM Brig Badger,  HM Bomb Vessel Granado,
Thames Steam Launch Louise,  Thames Barge Edme,  Viking Dragon Boat

Next Build :-  


Hello Patrick disaster what disaster looks ok to me,you planking if anything is better then mine was,but as someone said to me when i started first build the (Thermopylae) that i will find out filler is my best friend and it was,The copper tiling as Yon said tedious doubt i would want to tile another build meself,but look on the bright side Patrick there is only 2600 of them :piratetongueor4: I not done much of late wating to go to opticians got a bit of double vision,prob over done sitting at the PC. DEREK :pirate41:


Hi patrick,


The silent time is over…..

Great pictures and you know I love pictures!!!!

Good to see that you are on the right track.




Woo-hoo!  Second planking is finished, well at least as far as I can go at this time.  I think it came out pretty well and I got the look I was after.  Actually I think this was the easiest second planking I've done in any of my models. It's not perfect but that's what paint and copper are for!  Here are some pics before filler and sanding.  I'm about 9 weeks into it and have built a fence in the garden and painted the sun-room during that time, so I'm happy with the progress so far.










Hello Patrick

Everything looks really good, you've done an exellent job. I think you may be doing the upper deck next, I may be wrong , but if you are make sure you have plenty of clearance around the bulkhead uprights, you don't want to jam the deck. Make sure the deck is tight down on the camber beams, or it will affect the height of the guns in relation to the ports and also the inner bulwarks need some attention to keep the gunports level on the inner bulwarks and the outer gunports. Well done DAVID


Hi Patrick,


Wow, that is planking as it should be!

Nice, smooth and clean.

Is there coming double planking?

If it is, it's almost a shame to cover this up.




Thank you David & Derek for the information on the styrene strip at the waterline, it's just what I was looking for.


Sjors, Thanks for your kind words.  This is the second planking so no more to put over it.  I just finished filling and sanding it and the filler will reveal that it's not as great a job as the pictures make it seem!  But it will all be covered up with paint and coppering.




Well, I'm at a bit of a standstill at the moment.  I've finished and sanded the second planking and have a nice smooth surface for coppering and painting.  I need to re-line the gunports before moving on to anything else though.  Since I already lined the gunports once and then had to knock them all out  I've used up all the 1mm x 16 mm walnut that came with the kit.  I've ordered some more but it hasn't arrived yet and I don't want to put in the upper gun deck before I line the middle gun deck ports. I suppose I can mark the waterline and put some primer on the coppered area of the hull and then make a start on coppering - my nemesis!  Of course, the weather is starting to get better so maybe I'll just go and stain the fence I built last month while I wait for my supplies to arrive!  Will update when I decide what to do. 




Derek- That's too bad about your channels, but at least you were able to fix it.  I did read that part of the manual that sys it's an easy mistake to make...so I will probably make it too when I get to that point!  Are you going to pin as well as glue the channels in place?  I've found that when you put the rigging up there's a lot of pressure on the channels, so having them pinned into the hull as well as glued is good insurance.


David - I'm going to apply primer to the hull and mark out the coppering lines as others have done, then start from the waterline and work down several bands before starting to work upwards from the keel.  I'm going to use contact cement as that seems to have worked well for others and you don't get CA glue on the plates or your fingers!  I went to the hobby shop today and got some 1mm x .5 mm styrene strips for the waterline as Derek did.  Of course I left the shop with a bunch of other neat stuff too...some brushes, paints, mitre box and saw, X-acto keyhole saw blades.  Most of the paint work will be Admiralty paints but I bought a couple of Testors matt black which I think will work better for gun barrels.



Yep that's what I used, evo stick instant contact adhesive. I tried ca but it sets to fast. Once you get going its pretty easy, one thing to remember is to clean the contamination from the glue off the top face of the tile as you go, and put all the small pieces in as you come to them, DAVID and don't get complacent do it all the time. Derek got some kind of cleaner he used all the way through he's coppering, I will ask him to tell you what it is. Use a fan all the time. Give me a bell anytime about the glueing DAVID


Hi  Patrick ok two ways to keep those tiles nice and clean,1 i bought some evo stick adhesive cleaner its good but  you need a window open plus it is highly inflammable,the other way get a wooden toothpick and twirl it round and surplus contact glue it wil eventually form a blob on the tooth pick,well that blow can be used to pick up and surplus glue that seeps out just roll it over gently it really does work. DEREK :pirate41:


Hi Patrick,


I have always used contact cement when I have applied copper plates. It is easy to apply to the plate and hull, gives one time to adjust the plate and peels off easily if any gets on the plate.   



Current Build - Caldercraft Victory


Completed - Artesiana Latina Swift, Harvey, MGS Prince de Neufchatel, Imai USS Susquehanna, Mamoli Constitution, Rattlesnake per Hunt Practium, Caldercraft Snake, Diana, Kammerlander Duke William 


Waiting to be Launched -  Bluejacket Constitution



Proud member of The New Jersey Ship Model Society


Very nice work so far Patrick. Looking forward to seeing the coppering!


Actually, I'm on a brief hiatus while I do some more painting in the house.  I've marked the waterline and am waiting for the Evo-Stick to be delivered.  Still haven't got my darn 1mm x 16mm walnut to re-do the gunports, so coppering will start soon




Well, do i feel like a dolt!  I've been waiting for some new 1mm x 16mm walnut so I can re-do the gunports and happened to re-read the instructions and realized that the middle and lower deck ports are lined with 1mm x 6mm, not the 1mm x 16mm I used first time around!  I have plenty of 1mm x 6mm.  Must. Read. Directions.


Actually, I've realized I was rushing around trying to do too many things too quickly...gun ports, copper, etc. So I've slowed down and gone back to following the build sequence in the manual.  I put a coat of matte finish on the middle gun deck and will be installing the mast boots (when I've made them out of styrene..they split as soon as I removed them from the sheet) and then will install the upper gun deck and plank it, before moving on to the wales, etc.  It's a good reality check and hopefully I'll be posting more pictures soon.






Hello Patrick

Snap !!!!! just about every body broke them, even Gil the jig!!! I believe he also used styrene. Anyway you appear to been doing well. Yes it is easy to mistakes by not following the manual which I have just found, by installing gunport lids before the channels

Luckily I got a warning but still broke off two lids. It's good to have some one watching you. Enjoy you build DAVID


Haven't posted in a while, but I've been making progress.  Having to replace the flourescent light units in the garage ceiling and over the workbench (the entire units, not just the bulbs), stain my new fence, lime and ferilize the lawn, and spend 4 days in Pennsylvania for mother-in-laws 85th birthday got in the way a bit, but things are back on track now.  I finished up the middle gun deck and put in the upper gun deck sheet which was a pain to do.  I started planking the deck and have installed the inner bulwarks which went in fine after a bit of sanding.  At first I started to blacken one edge of each plank to simulate caulking and tried to like the look, really tried.  But I just don't like it at all and, to me, it looks too overwhelming at this scale. Fortunately I only did the simulated caulking toward the stern, so it won't show when covered by the quarter deck.  I have managed to get a good 4-butt shift going with the planking, so I'm pleased with that.  I don't like the Tanganyika wood much, it's too uneven at the edges a lot of the time, but I'm stockpiling Tanganyika sanding dust to mix with wood glue to fill in any gaps.  Here's some pics, the deck looks like the dog's breakfast at the moment but I'm confident it will look fine when I've finished and sanded.









Hello Patrick

You are really doing well, and I agree with you on the planking it can look really over the top sometimes, overwhelming as you say with simulation. All I do is simply fit them plank to plank just touching, not tight up to each other. So keep up the good work and enjoy your build . Keep sending your photos. DAVID


Looks very nice

Its all part of Kev's journey, bit like going to the dark side, but with the lights on

All the best

Kevin :omg:



On the build table

HMS Indefatigable 1794 by Kevin - Vanguard Models - 1:64 - Feb 2023


On hold

MHS Britannic by Kevin 

SD 14  - Marcle Models - 1/70 - March 2022 -  Bluebell - Flower Class - Revel - 1/72   

U552 German U Boat - Trumpeter -

1/48  Amerigo Vespucci     1/84 - Panart-   

HMS Enterprise  -CAF -  1/48     


Belle Poule 1834 by Kevin - OcCre - 1/90 - French frigate - started June 2024 - - 

Hercules by Kevin - OcCre - 1/50 - Tugboat - Finished - May 2024

Nectan-Mountfleet-models-steam-trawler-1/32 - Completed June 2020

HMS Victory - Caldercraft/Jotika - 1/72 - Finished 

 Dorade renamed Dora by Kevin - Amati - 1/20 - Completed March 2021 

Stage Coach 1848 - Artesania Latina - 1/10 -Finished 

Lady Eleanor by Kevin - FINISHED - Vanguard Models - 1/64 - Fifie fishing boat

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