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Posted (edited)

Well it looks like I discovered my first mistake. Putting the bow extensions of the bulwarks on, I noticed that the grating was not going to fit. I doublenplanked them to match the rest of the bulwark but I didn’t even look at the directions, it looks like it is only planked with .5mm...so now their is too much material internally and the laser cut grating borders will not fit. Any suggestions? Not exactly sure how to correct this one. 


Considering just filing the border of the grating so it will move will move forward a little more. This is probably the route I’ll take, short of undercutting the bottom of the bulwark extension (is there a correct terminology?) I don’t see any other solution.





Edited by Warnerade

Well I was able to file down the two sides of the grating, the angled side and the side facing the middle. I didn’t think I’d be able to shave enough off to get them to fit and line up adequately but it ended up working out. And once it goes in the display case no one will be able to get close enough to see the different width borders of the grates. F7329137-94A9-4372-BA2B-AE9CEE2BAE69.thumb.jpeg.f23a5a338401e1193568e743871252bf.jpegB9B017DE-826D-4019-BF39-CAD55D924AD3.thumb.jpeg.ccf81ec4d4cf9c900130a75e62330811.jpeg7EEB57E9-EE40-4182-A362-578133BCB4DD.thumb.jpeg.bfb8b71367234b0a52dfa3a00d5942b5.jpeg


I'm glad you managed to fix the gratings, they look fine to me. We have all make mistakes like these before - I did something similar with my bow gratings and had to play around with them a bit to get them to fit.

First Completed Build: San Francisco (Original Version)

Current build: Victory Models HMS Pegasus

Cross Stitch Project (Finished): Battle Of Agamemnon and Ca Ira

Cross Stitch Project : Victory & Temeraire


The kit itself came with laser cut pieces for the deck railing along the balconies of the ship, but they were very flimsy and weren’t even size appropriately for the deck. On top of that the supplied plywood did not look the same at the outer railings once it was varnished so I decided to make my own. They turned out very nice I think 









Hi again Warnerade.

 I've finally managed to drop in on your build. She is coming along very nicely. There are a lot of differences between your kit and my version. Especially not having the gratings cut out in the deck. However, there seem to be a lot of things that don't match up either. These, combined with mistakes I made on top, have led me to much research as well as hair pulling. Good luck with your build and I will look in from time to time.  


Welcome newbee, 


After painting one of the floors black under the grating, I definitely wish I had taken the time to plan and cut out the floor first. I still considered it, but voted against it given that I am already so far along and figured I would probably mess things up with my dremel and I would regret it. Next build though I am planning on that. Leaving the floors painted black and gluing the grates over leaves a lot to be desired in my opinion.


My goal is to finish this by the end of May before I start up a new residency. I am moving right along now so I think that should be doable. 


Just starting to poece the deck together, like the railings, anything that is glued to the deck and will have rigging tied to it/under tension will be getting reinforced with a small brass nail and extra glue. 








I decided to apply the same reinforcing technique to the channels for the dead eyes, I have 3 brass pins inserted in each one. I forgot which log I got that idea from (one of the many San Francisco’s I’ve browsed) but if you’re reading this, thank you. 


The holder for the belaying pins came with a laser cut piece, but as with the railings it was rather flimsy and didn’t hold varnish at all so I made my own using a small dremel bit. 


It is really coming along, I cannot wait to start rigging.








Got to work on the gun ports. The directions say to leave the pre-cut brass pieces as is and paint small black dots to mimic a nail or bolt holding the brackets on but I decided to go the other route. I think they turned out really good. 


The plank cutting job i made made made this process so simple. For anyone reading, I highly recommend some sort of device like this. 


  • 3 weeks later...

And the deck is essentially done! I remade a few more of the laser cut pieces supplied with the cut. They were shaped fine, just didn’t hold varnish and I prefer the wood look to paint (I painted a lot of things early on while waiting for glue to dry with planking...before I got too far in planning)


so other than that not much customization has gone into it. The directions are pretty much spot on with plenty of detailed pictures. 


Time to start working on the masts and putting the dead eyes on the channels. 













The deck is fully assembled and I am now working on the masts. With my first build I just used super glue and square knots, this time I am at least attempting to tie the proper knots, started off strong with whipping on the main mast. 


I also recently made a live edge table, it will not be part of the final display of the ship but I am planning on making a display case for it and I would like to implement a live edge component similar to this. Considered even making a recess in the “river” for the ship to sit in, like it is actually floating down a river. Who knows 












  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Progress has been slow lately, and is currently on hold. I am currently in the process of moving to Michigan. I was hoping to have all of the shrouds and ratlines completed before the move but i didn’t quite make it. A lot of the dead eyes that came in the kit are very poor quality, I used what good ones I could find and am currently waiting for a shipment of more before I get back to work. 548E6AF7-4BD1-41D8-9F12-79A80637465A.thumb.jpeg.b748329744c7477a37aefb0a56664ded.jpeg

I used this brass black due to change the colors of the deadeye chains from brass to black, I think it looks 10x better. It’s simple. Just clean the surface and let soak until desired color. Rinse. Dry. 




Many ways to tie ratlines, here’s the method that I used






A picture of my old work area, my new space is going to be much better.


While browsing the forums I’ve seen many people who have built shopping crates for their projects....I’ve also seen a few of those projects get unpacked with varying levels of damage. I also don’t gave easy access to a workshop at the moment so I took a different approach. I tied the ship to the stand by wrapping string around it in a few places. I then placed the ship/stand on the backseat of my vehicle i then used nylon suture (medical fall talk for needle and thread, same stuff they use to see you up in the ER) and sewed the setup to the seat in various spots. The drive gave me anxiety but It was very secure, no risk of airbag damage (back seat) and I could see it at all times so I could pull off if something happened. It worked flawlessly and it’s safely siting at my new house. Once I get settled I will post pictures of the new workspace. 







This is really coming along very nicely. Very ingenious transport method I would never thought to sew it to the seat. Great Idea. Good luck in your new digs. 


Growing up I raced motocross and there were times when I’d have numerous bikes and four wheelers on one trailer, strapping it all down was a different project each time it seemed like so I just applied those same principles. It came to me out of the blue one day. 


Thankfully I only got as far as the shrouds, if I had gotten the yards on the method probably would not have worked as well 

22 hours ago, Annmac said:


did you sell the model kit please 



Are you asking if I sold it or if I am willing to sell when it is done? No I did not sell it, I moved to a new state for work and needed to transport it in the moving process. And I doubt I would be interested in selling when it is complete. This is my first big shop project, I would however be willing to sell future projects. 


Or if you were asking where I got the lot from, a local hobby store had it in stock. If you search for “artesania latina” you will be able to purchase from their website. 

  • 3 weeks later...

Not much to update on the ship itself, I am however all settled into my new house! Spent the evening (finally) setting up the shipyard. It’s not quite done yet, but it’s quite the upgrade from my apartment setup. I have a few more house items to take care of but I will be getting back to work soon. Cheers







  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)

The 11th marked the year anniversary of this project, to celebrate I decided to sit down and finish the remainder of the shrouds and rat lines









Edited by Warnerade

Nice progress.


I really enjoyed the rigging on my San Fran. Are you going to modify any of it like I did, or just keep with the instruction?


Your transportation in the car was a brilliant idea!

First Completed Build: San Francisco (Original Version)

Current build: Victory Models HMS Pegasus

Cross Stitch Project (Finished): Battle Of Agamemnon and Ca Ira

Cross Stitch Project : Victory & Temeraire

4 hours ago, vulcanbomber said:

Nice progress.


I really enjoyed the rigging on my San Fran. Are you going to modify any of it like I did, or just keep with the instruction?


Your transportation in the car was a brilliant idea!

I have actually been tossing the idea around about how to do the sails. Would you mind posting a few pictures? I really do like the idea of furled sails as it allows you to see more of the intricate rigging

Posted (edited)
20 hours ago, Warnerade said:

I have actually been tossing the idea around about how to do the sails. Would you mind posting a few pictures? I really do like the idea of furled sails as it allows you to see more of the intricate rigging

I made my sails from a very old bedsheet. The older and thinner the better!


I show how I furled my sail starting from this post on my log (Click on the small arrow in the grey bar to go to the actual post)


To show the sail furled, I added the martnets (not in my kit plans) which helped to draw the sides of the sail to the yard. I also explain how these were made and attached in a post a bit further down the page.


Hope this helps


Edited by vulcanbomber

First Completed Build: San Francisco (Original Version)

Current build: Victory Models HMS Pegasus

Cross Stitch Project (Finished): Battle Of Agamemnon and Ca Ira

Cross Stitch Project : Victory & Temeraire

12 hours ago, vulcanbomber said:

I made my sails from a very old bedsheet. The older and thinner the better!


I show how I furled my sail starting from this post on my log (Click on the small arrow in the grey bar to go to the actual post)


To show the sail furled, I added the martnets (not in my kit plans) which helped to draw the sides of the sail to the yard. I also explain how these were made and attached in a post a bit further down the page.


Hope this helps


Thanks for your post! I do like the way the furled sails look. Another look I really like is adding a polymer to the sails called GAC400 (available are Michaels crafts) and making them look like the wind is blowing into them rather than just sagging with gravity. I remember seeing this thread a while back and it stuck with me. (Attached below is a picture of the ship from the thread)



I am not quite sure what approach I am taking yet...I feel like either way I cannot go wrong, which makes the decision even harder haha


  • 3 weeks later...

Getting the sails done as we speak. Now that I have more space for things for my next build I decided to start serving the rigging. Originally I decided against it due to time, space, and not knowing how. But last night I was taking a close up picture and realized that square knots just don’t do it justice.


the GAC 400 for the sails has been working like a charm. I just cut a hole roughly the size of the sail, pin it, and apply 3 coats of it on both sides and place a small bag of rice on it (allow it to dry in between each coat) and it’s ready to go. 





















Hey hey! Looks great. It seems you got the wind blowing in those sails, bon voyage.



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