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Good morning, Glen...Thank you very much for checking in with my log.  I wish you the best in your adventure with HMS Victory.  I would never be as far as I am in the construction of my model if it weren't for the kind people who make up the MSW web site.  Please let me know if, as you progress, if I can be of any assistance.  The end of next  month will mark my first complete year on this venture and if all goes well, I hope to begin the rigging at that time.  Again, I wish you the best and hope you'll start a log so we can watch your progress.  Take care,



Hi Jerry

I do have a build log, please see:




I had an initial set back with the incorrect numbering of the 5mm ply sheets but resolved this with JoTika. Just at stage of fitting battens to gun port strips 270, 271 and 272 to aid installation of the linings prior to fitting the gun port strips to hull assembly



Glenn (UK)

Posted (edited)

Hi Glenn...

Please pardon my stupidity.  Yes, you do have a log and I just spent some time reading and enjoying it.  So now I know where you are and will happily follow your progress.  I see that some of the best builders have been helping you and that's a very good thing.  Please keep your visits coming as I shall be doing with your log.  Best regards,


Edited by Jerry
Posted (edited)

Hello Everybody.


Just a short post regarding the construction of the mast tops (Platforms).  Like everything else connected to the build of this marvelous kit, HMS Victory, I soon learned that Rome wasn't built in a day.  What I expected would take me a couple of days, I have now learned will probably take me close to a couple of weeks.  I have just completed, except for a railing, the Foremast Platform with all of its deadeyes and blocks.  The top of the platform has 12 deadeyes and three blocks.  There are 12 blocks on the underside of the platform with 2 more blocks on the aft edge.  My pictures will show my progress which included several applications of black paint as the construction proceeded.  In order to break the monotony I plan to complete the lower foremast before going on to the Main platform.  The first photo is the bottom  followed by the top..............    Please stay tuned.........Jerry



Edited by Jerry
Posted (edited)

Oops....Sharpeyed David caught my big mistake...8 of the blocks on the underside of the Platform should have been 2-hole blocks and I used 1-hole blocks throughout.  Well, the new attached photo shows the corrections.  Have a happy day everyone.  Jerry


Edited by Jerry

Hey Lawrene...The pleasure was all mine. Thanks for visit[ the chat was enjoyable.. Take care,



Hello Jerry

Nice work on the platforms. Dave is very good at spotting potential problems and offering sound advice. Glad you were able to correct without to many headaches.


Glenn (UK)


Hi Glenn,


i appreiate your visit to my log and for your compliment. You're absolutely orrect. David has been invaluable to progress I have made to this point.  He is totally generous with his time and help.  I have probably asked him 50 to 100 questions which he answered promptly with pictures, diagrams, etc.  Thanks again for the look in.



Hi Jerry. You are really working away on your ship. It is coming along so fast. I sure seem to be plodding along. Any idea how much time you spend in the shipyard? Appreciate all your comments and those of fellow builders. It sure helps to have those discussions flushed out. Thanks for all the time you spend posting your log. Really appreciate your effort! Keep up the great looking build.

Rob in Calgary


Hello Robipod...It was nice of you to visit my log and make the much appreciated comments that you did.  I have to admit that I probably spend at least as much or maybe even more time building than most.  I have been retired for many years and am very thankful to be able to work on my Victory most of the day.  Unlike most people who are still working to make a living, and find the weekends a good time to get a lot of work done, I usually stay out of the shipyard most weekend.  Depending upon the time of year and since I'm also a sports nut, I like to watch football, hockey and baseball on the weekends.  My typical weekday usually has me start building at about 9am and I work, taking a few breaks along the way to play online poker, until about 5 or 6pm.  So you can see that I spend lots of time building and therefore seem to make quick progress.  But let me say that none of this would have been possible without the help and guidance of the wonderful friends and fellow model builders I have met on this site.  I wish you the best,


Posted (edited)

Good Evening Everyone.. A bit more progress from the Jerry shop....I finished the lower fore mast today and was delighted when I tried placing the boarding pikes in their mast rack and happily they fit.  I haven't replaced them yet since they need to be painted black first.  I'll do that after all the lower masts are completed.  Here are some photos of where I'm at.  Happy weekend to everyone,








Edited by Jerry

Thanks for the remarks, Glenn.    I'm sure you'll be doing what i am before you know it.  I really am excited for you and your build.  Take care,



Greetings Jerry

Well done Jerry, I reckon you are enjoying this. Yep this work is looking good and you will soon be into assembling the masts. Keep up the excellent work, and just continue to enjoy yourself . Regards DAVID


Hello David..  While you are sleeping I wanted to thank you for your very appreciated thoughts.  You are so right; I am really enjoying this stage of the game.  I feel I really know what I'm doing.  I spent a lot of time figuring the correct order of construction and when I tried it ...it worked out well.  Little things like remembering to put the pike racks in place before attaching the "iron" rings.  Or painting the part of the masts that were in and around the cheeks before attaching the cheeks and their banding.  Since the other two lower masts are virtually the same as the foremast, these two should be a breeze.  Have yourself a fantastic Sunday friend David,  Best to you,



Hello MikeC.....Must be nice and warm in New Zealand these days.   Thanks so much for your visit to my log and for your compliment.  I really am enjoying this phase of the build.  Have a great day,  Jerry


Hi Lawrence..


You afre so right.  This part of the build is very enjoyable...It's like the calm before the storm.  That's becuase the rigging comes next.  Have a neat Sunday..Jerry


Hey Lawrence....So your all touled up and crabbed up too.  LOL....Well now you can started on the netting.  The alligator clips are a good idea aas you will find them very useful in applying the netting and, you'll find them usefull when rigging.  Have fun my friend and say hi to the Admiral.


Posted (edited)

Hello Everyone..Not too much to report but I have almost finished the three lower masts and added the boarding pikes.  I now hope to complete the other two sections of each mast, starting with the fore topmast.  Although the lower masts are not finished above the platforms (vertical battens, railing, etc.),  I will do that as I finish the upper masts.  All the octagonical potrtions look to be difficult, especially creating the different tapers and offsets, but I will give it my best try.  Hope everyone has a great day, afternoon or evening...Jerry



Edited by Jerry

Greetings Jerry

Well this is looking really good. Yep you are doing a cracking job with your vertical lathe. This is as we say a good place to be . I am fitting the main yard tonight . Its 20" long and could be in a precarious position and bound to get knocked about a bit, By the way what's that pointy thing at the front of your ship???Good luck . DAVID

Posted (edited)

Hello david.. Nice to hear from you and many thanks for your compliment.  I have no idea what "pointy thing" you are talking about.  There are a couple of boomkins and one bowsprit STUB sticking out at the bow.  Anyway, I'm very excited for you as you get to attach the main yard.  I can't imagine how thrilling it must be to get to that point.  Your ship looks so great and I'm thankful for your photos as I look at them just about every day.   Take care,


Edited by Jerry

Hi Lawrence...Thanks for your visit to my log.  I love the way you have handled the hammock netting.  It is so much neater than the way I did it.  I'm looking forward to seeing the results which I believe you'll have sometime today.  It must be your naps that do it.  Take care,



Hi Patrick,

Many thanks for stopping in and saying hello.  I have decided to finish the lower masts and then start the shrouds before I go further with the upper masts.  It has been pointed out to me by others that it will be more practical to do things this way.  So, we'll see what happens.  Nothing is set in stone so it's very possible after trying the shrouds, I might change my mind and finish all the masts first.  We'll see.  Have a great day.



The Boarding pikes look great. I might add this detail to mine, not sure how, as the scale is a lot smaller and she is already fully rigged. i am going to have a look see now….

Posted (edited)

Hello Mike and thanks for the visit to my log.  The boarding pikes are nasty little guys as they'll stick your fingers if you're not careful.  I appreciate your compliment and I do wonder how you'll be able to add the pikes after being fully rigged.  If you try, I wish you the best.  Have you added the davits to your ship yet?  I know you mentioned a while back that you intended to add them.  If you have please let me know so I can see them.  Have a great day.


Edited by Jerry
Posted (edited)

Hello everyone...


It's been well over a week since I posted anything new on this site.  It isn't because I haven't been working in the shipyard but mainly because the construction has slowed down.  We also had some health problems in the family and presently are keeping our fingers crossed that the Admiral's mother, now in the hospital, will make it through her ordeal. 


I'm very happy to say that i have reached the point where all the masts and mian parts of the Bowsprit are finished, painted and ready to be attached to the hull.  I have made the decision, however, to finish the lower mast's shrouds before permanently attaching the masts.  This will allow me put the loops in the shrouds and then slip them over the masts and not worry about threading them through the masts before constructing the loops.  I would like to serve the lines so I'll have to wait for a serving machine to arrive before I can do much of anything.  I think I'll probably build some of the accessories  (lamps, anchors, etc.)  while waiting for the machine to arrive.  I have posted some pictures of my latest progress.


In the meantime I have been very happy for some of the other builders who have made great progress and have been so nice to share their work with us with great pictures.  I am very appreciative to these people.












Edited by Jerry

Hello Jerry

Well Jerry the work you have done on these masts is truly outstanding, you must be really happy. You were concerned about reaching this phase of your build, but these masts are proving no problem for you with your horizontal lathe!!!!!!! Yes things will start to slow up now, but you are going to enjoy it. You do have one problem, or should as say you may soon have one.. The pointy thing. and I don't want to say to you, " I told over and over again what would happen" Keep up your excellent progress Jerry. Regards DAVID


Hello David..


Many thanks for the visit to my log.   The "pointy thing" is just in place temporarily and will be removed while working on the shrouds.  Anyway, thanks for your compliment; I appreciate your opinion as you well know..  Hope you have a good night.


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